Chapter 9: And Moving Into The Holmes'

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I look up to see John standing there and no looking impressed. Oh no. Here comes all the crap about relationships. Sherlock lets go of my hand and stands up, as I just curl up into a ball which is what I do whenever I get a lecture or I think I have done something wrong.

"Mykala, sit up. You haven't done anything wrong. All I want to know is why? Why did you two not tell me" John states pulling up a chair.

"We didn't tell you because we aren't even together John. It is signs of affection to each other. We're both consider to be married to our work. Mykala and I didn't tell you because we didn't know ourselves" Sherlock says to John for me, I stifle back a yawn as John just looks between me and Sherlock.

"Okay. Okay then. But just so you know Sherlock, if you hurt her, I hurt you and I have a bloody good shot" John smirks running hand through his hair which is everywhere.

"I know, now. I will be getting off. You'll be released soon and my dearest brother and I have to see mummy and daddy. I will see you both back at the flat" Sherlock states pulling on his coat, scarf and gloves before kissing my cheek and leaving. I just roll over onto my side and squish my face into my pillow to smile. John hasn't seen me like this before, so I turn back around to face him, not being able to wipe the smile off my face.

"Why are you so giddy?" John questions after picking up a newspaper and opening it up to read the latest stories to me.

"Your best friend William Sherlock Scott Holmes, is truly, a wonderful man brother" I chuckle lightly, this causes John to smile back at me.

"I've never seen you this happy before. Just don't let any little Holmes' out and it's fine" John jokes laughing to himself, I just smile at the thought of being a mum. Well that isn't going to happen.

~3 days later~

I am officially packed to move out of Baker Street and into the Holmes residents. Scary thought I will be living with Sherlock's parents. Apparently they will protect me if need be, I don't believe Mr.Holmes will but Mrs.Holmes would. She is a little bit... how do I put this, feisty.

"Right that's the last box in the car" John says to me as he enters the flat, I look around making sure there is nothing else as I let out a sigh.

"I'm going to miss it here. The skull, the shootings of walls, the head in the fridge and the smell, the smell of experiments, tea, and city pollution. On the bright side I get flowers. No wait that is a rubbish side, why did I agree to this? Oh wait I didn't!!" I shout at my brother, I had been putting this point across to him often lately. I feel arms around me and the scent of strong cologne and experiments. I lean back into Sherlock as John smiles and leaves the room to leave me and Sherlock to say 'goodbye' little does he know we have a plan.

"You do realise you will see me in like 2 hours again. You're at your parents for Christmas again remember. John is going to Harry's so he doesn't know" I state turning around to face Sherlock, who keeps his arms around me.

"I know. Christmas, why do we do that again?" Sherlock asks me leaving a kiss on my forehead.

"Apparently, John said, it is to show emotion and affection to family, friends and significant other... I don't think so, I think it was just for presents. Which by the way, I hope your parents like wine. Should like the one I got them, because I didn't get it, Mycroft did." I let out a chuckle as does Sherlock.

"Hmm I heard about that. I will see you in two hours okay? I need to pack." Sherlock states letting me go and walking me to the door, I sigh nodding my head sadly.

"See you in 2 hours" I state to him, before I leave he grabs my arm and pulls me back to him to kiss me. This time it isn't just a small peck, it is a heated, loving one, one I didn't think Sherlock was capable of.

"Wowe, if that's what you do everything you don't see me for a few hours, I might leave more often" I laugh before pecking his lips again and leaving, but not before grabbing Sherlocks scarf and tying it around my neck. I smile up at the window which Sherlock is at playing his violin, when he sees me looking he smiles slightly. I blow a kiss to him which he pretends to catch before going back to playing, I smile slightly before getting into Mycroft's car which is leading the way to the house for the moving men, aka Mycroft's men.

"You two are just adorable, you are making me feel human Mykala. Stop it." Mycroft states before telling the driver to go, I look at Baker street one more time to see Sherlock just leave the flat. I let out a small chuckle before facing forward. Onwards to the Holmes Residents for me.

A/N: YAY I finally updated my story!! I am sorry if Sherlock and Mycroft are out of character but yeah... Hope you are enjoying it so far!! I will also be adding something else today about something important!! So please Vote for this 5 times and you can have chapter 10!!

~Mority xx

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