Chapter 16 - And not thinking

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Mykala POV

What was I thinking, going to Sherlock's? It was a stupid idea, an idea that was so stupid I ended up mentally and physically hurt. John helps me home and then offers to go collect the children which I let him do and by the time they get back I had fallen asleep.

"Mummy... Wake up Mummy." I hear Boo whisper while shaking me, I roll over to face her and then smile happily knowing I still have my twins.

"I'm awake, what do you want Boo?" I ask her as I pull her in for a hug, she just giggles as I kiss her cheek but then turns to look at me with her all to perfect serious look.

"A man has come round. He is in the living room with Jojo. He says he is a good friend of yours" She smiles slightly at me, I think in my head of who it could possibly be, Mycroft... no. John... no. Moriarty... highly doubt it. Sherlock? Crap. I quickly jump out of bed shoving on my best clothes before picking up Boo and popping her in her bedroom. I rush into the living room shouting Jo's name.

"Jojo!" I say as I step into the living room to see Sherlock with Jo on the sofa talking a bit. "I was so worried Jojo, why did you let a person you didn't know into the house? Remember last time? Go to your sisters room and read a book while I talk to the person here okay?" I smile after hugging him and sending him on his way to Boo's room.

"Boo? Joseph? What sort of names are those?" Sherlock says as I quickly make sure they are in Boo's room away from Sherlock.

"Get out Sherlock before I call Mycroft" I tell him but he just looks at me confused. "Please Sherlock. They can't know who you are, they would hate me. You honestly can't make them hate me. They question all the time who their dad is and to find out that I have lied to them for nearly 4 years is not fair to them or to me so please Sherlock, leave now. I am also pretty sure I can get the military here within a minute. I am above the PM in power now. Sherlock? leave. please?" I basically bed him, he just looks at me and shakes his head.

"No. I want to know what I did wrong for you to leave me Mykala. And you had a year to tell me about them so why didn't you?" Sherlock states as we stand by my front door.

"Because Sherlock, I needed to obtain my authority in the government. I needed to secure my job before anything and you were putting me in danger. I didn't tell you Sherlock because I nearly lost them because someone was trying to find you. They hurt me Sherlock, they hurt me a lot and I couldn't tell you because then your enemies would've found out and hurt them too. I couldn't have them do that, not to my 2 little angels" I cry to Sherlock, tears streaming down my face as I start feeling weak again.

"You could've told me and I would've helped protect them. I would of killed whoever hurt you. I love you Mykala." Sherlock states after wrapping me in a hug to stop me from crying.

"I-I-I love you too Sherlock" I choke out through tears, I smile up at him before connecting our lips. I missed him so much.

"I missed you Mykala" Sherlock says then kisses me again, I manage to smile up at him before Jospeh and Boo come into the living room demanding something to eat but then they stopped when they see Sherlock and I hugging.

"See I told you Joseph, he is our daddy" Boo states matter of factly and Jo looks over at Boo before turning to Sherlock and I.

"We've been found out by 4 year olds. Get them!" I smile up at Sherlock who smiles back at me before we start chasing after them both, Boo squealing while Jo just laughs at being caught by Sherlock and tickled. I guess things do work out.

A/N: Hey!! So, this isn't the last chapter but it is nearly at the end we have a few last adventures of Mykala Watson before this book ends... Shall I do a sequel on Mykala, John and Sherlock or shall I do one on a grown up Boo or Jo? Tell me what you think!! Sorry if the characters are out of character aha! Love you all!!
~mority xxx

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