Chapter 19 - And Not A Single Word

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A few months have passed and Moriarty has not muttered or written or even hinted at saying a single word. Not a single word. And let's just state here that, yes, I am scared. In fact I am terrified! Not a single word from your boyfriends enemie is rather scary after a while. Well to me, Sherlock has been on small cases keeping out of the light of the media as have I, along with the fact that the kids and I have moved into the flat above Sherlock just so we are nearer to him in case of an emergency. Although it is rather annoying because Sherlock, doesn't. sleep. Which disturbs the kids as they hear the violin playing, then they come and tell me and then of course I tell Sherlock to either go to his room and shut up or to come up here and shut up. Majority of the time he opts to come up to mine just to give me some company to help me ease off to sleep. We have a lot of spare time recently as well as the kids go to school everyday and then someone looks after them on the Sunday while Sherlock and I have our 'couple time' which we usually spend on cases or just me laying in 221B listening to his violin piece or sometimes John comes over to visit with his new born baby. However, today is one of those days where Sherlock is being rather annoying and bugging, trying to get me and the kids to go out for a meal with John, Mary and baby.

"Sherlock I don't want to! I want to stay in and go through this paperwork for this new stinking law they want to pass, I have an important meeting with Elizabeth and David tomorrow. Plus since when did you want Mycroft to come along to a meal out? Normally it's John, Mary, you And I accompanied with the kids but you want Mycroft to be there? Are you I'll?" I question feeling Sherlocks head as he rolls his eyes but then I sit back down and scan back over the important documents.

"Because it is important Mykala! Please?" Sherlock begs, I sigh looking up at him before I give in to him and he shouts an exclamation of happiness causing Jo and Boo to turn to face us both.

"Go get the nice outfits out, we are going for a meal with Uncle John, Uncle Mike, Auntie Mary and Baby Rosie" I smile at the 2 little kids before they scamper off towards their room. This small be a very interesting night.

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