Chapter 7: And Maybe Being In Distress

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When I wake, I notice it is quiet, eerily quiet, too quiet for a sociopath who is bored. I climb out of bed slipping on my light blue floral dressing gown, before opening my door as quietly as I can. I softly walk towards the living room, careful not to let the stairs creek as I reach the landing. I open the living room door expecting to find Sherlock or John but nobody is there. I sigh, they must've gone on a case, I think to myself as I walk into the well lit room. I walk straight through to the kitchen where I make my self a cup of tea, as I walk back into the living room I feel a pair of arms around my neck while another holds a knife to my lower abdomen. I quickly sum up my options but have no time in doing so as my tea smashes to the ground causing Mrs.Hudson to come up stairs muttering about how we are careless but as she walks in someone grabs her as well.

"MRS.HUDSON!" I cry out to the old woman being held captive but with a knife to her neck. I try and get out of my grasp but the man has now tied me to a chair in the kitchen while another holds the knife to my stomach.

"Now Now Ms.Watson. Don't go screaming for anyone, because if you do the old woman gets it. Now, you tell us where Sherlock Holmes is and we will let you walk free along with Grandma over there, however if you don't not only will she get it, but so will you, your brother and your sister. Maybe even dear old Mycroft will get it" I struggle against my bonds wanting to kick the shit out of these guys.

"I don't know where he is" I say through gritted teeth, I feel the knife cutting into my stomach already.

"Tell.Me.Where.Sherlock.Is." He says more sternly, I sigh rather loudly earning the knife to cut in more.

"I told you! I don't know where Sherlock is, I am not his baby sitter" I state back, stupid people not realising what they're doing. All the time they waste their time here, the longer they will suffer because I am an excellent service woman to Mycroft meaning that he will be here in around a minute thanks to his cameras.


"I. DON'T.FUCKING.KNOW!" I shout back at him, Mrs.Hudson gasps at my language before saying "Language Mykala!".

"Not now Mrs.Hudson" I mutter back to the old woman, the intruder digs the knife even further into me but doesn't do anything to Mrs.Hudson.

"Tell me" He says but before I can go to reply someone steps into the kitchen, I look up to see Mycroft with, what I can only assume, to be his body guards fighting off the intruders.

"She said she didn't know" Mycroft says as he sends a kick to the man interrogating me knocking him to the floor where Mycroft's men collect him off the ground. I pry out of the ropes but when I stand up I immediately collapse to the ground, I look down to notice a lot of blood. I feel my normally tan face turn pale at the sight of it surrounding me. I feel someone's arms wrap around me bringing my up to their chest in a bridal style carry. I tilt my head forward to notice the familiar purple shirt of Sherlock, I smile slightly but then before I can say anything everything turns black after I hear the familiar voice of Sherlock saying "Stay with me Mykala, come on stay awake".

A/N: Sooo... Mykala isn't going to die don't worry!! However I don't know what I am going to write next. I might do another persons POV... What do you guys think? Shall I do a POV from Sherlock or John... I probably will anyway!! So yeah! Happy update!!

EDIT!: After people have said about PSOS I have attached a photo of Sherlock wearing it at the top :)

-Mority xx ily all xx

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