Chapter 15 - And Sleep

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Sherlock POV

I was asleep. Actually asleep. On someone's lap may I add. Someone... Mykala! She came round and let me fall asleep on her. This is not good. I had sworn off emotions but there is something about Mykala that makes me want to protect her. The two children at that restaurant. Were they mine? Were they someone else's? Did she move on? Where are the two children now?

I hear voices in the room, one sounded like Mykala, one was John's and one was... my mothers? Why is she here? I stretch out and the chattering stops so I open my eyes to see them staring at me.

"Oh don't stop on account of me. Go back to your mother meeting" I state waving my hand in dismissal before storming off to my bedroom and press my ear against the door.

"Mykala Watson, you tell my son about his children or so help me I will castrate you" I hear mother say, I can picture it now: teeth gritted, stern e- wait... My children? I have children? This can't be true. I open my door slowly but then march down to the living room where Mykala is stood just about to leave when I push her against the wall with my hand around her throat.

"My children? And you didn't tell me? I can't believe this. Well I can because you worked for Mycroft! How could I have been so reckless. You didn't tell me about OUR children before I 'died' and you don't tell me afterwards!" I shout at her, she tries cowering away but she can't because I am nearly choking her to death, my mother tries pulling me off her but then realises I am too strong.

"Never come back here Mykala." I state letting her go but she crumples to the floor in a heap clutching at her neck. John sends a punch into my shoulder before picking her up and rushing out of the door.

"Oh Sherlock. You are so stupid aren't you?!" I hear mummy shout at me from behind me. I turn around to face her furious stance. I gulp as I then sit down and let the tears that have been kept in since I buried my emotions.

"I am rather stupid aren't I mother" I state before curling up on her lap, she strokes my hair and comforts me until I once again fall asleep.

A/N: So I know Sherlock is a little out of character but he just found out about his kids that have been kept from him for 3 years. I would be pissed too. Anyway, vote, comment and if this can get 8 votes than I will put up a snippet of the last chapter I have already written that BTW is fast approaching... ahhhh what will happen next?

~Mority xx

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