Chapter 12 - And The truth

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Mykala POV

Sherlocks dead. Dead.

That's all I have been told. John was there. It happened a while after I left as he got evolved with a man named Moriarty who also died. William Sherlock Scott Holmes is dead. The only man I have loved is dead. The father of our 1 year old twins at the time is dead. Gone. Forever.

It's been 2 year since Sherlock died. And I miss him like crazy.

I sigh rolling out of bed as I hear Joseph cry out to me as he just started having proper dreams at the moment. I drag my feet down the hallway picking up the phone to listen to the voicemail but before I reach the Joseph's room I hear my brothers voice.

"Mykala, come home. I need you. We need you. It's been two years. Come home to my new flat. I will text you the address. Just come. Hopefully see you soon." I hear Johns voice on the phone, it nearly breaks at that moment of saying it's been 2 years. I sigh again before pushing open Josephs door to see him sitting in bed playing with his Sully toy that I brought for him yesterday. I pick him up resting him on my hip as I then walk into Boo's room to see her reading her book about space. She's the more intelligent one out of then both which is surprising as I thought it would be Joseph but oh well. Should've guessed as Boo looks a lot like... him.

"We're going to see someone special today! It's mummy's brother, his name is Uncle John and he wanted us to visit to talk about one of our old friends. So, what do you want to get for breakfast this morning on the way there?" I ask the both as I sit them in the living room now fully dressed and playing with toys.

"Muffin!" Boo screeches happily, I chuckle lightly as I pull on my brown boots over the top of my black leggings. Autumn. Favourite season. I slip on my Sherlock scarf before grabbing the kids long black coats and scarf before slipping them onto them and grabbing their bags to take to Johns.

"Lets go little monkeys!" I cheer at them as we walk out the door and down to the car, I strap them into their car seats before driving to Starbucks and grabbing a coffee, 2 juices and 3 blueberry muffins. I give the kids their food before setting off to the address John had texted me earlier after I had called him back about me coming round with a surprise.

We finally reach John's block of flats, must get Mycroft to buy him a better place soon, must talk to Mycroft soon, I think to myself. I get Jo and Boo out of the car, grabbing their bags and march them up to John's door where I knock patiently. John opens the door smiling at me before eventually looking down and noticing Joseph and Boo.

"Come in. Mary! Mykala's here with her surprise" I had met Mary before as I had visited a few times just without the kids as I let Mrs.Hudson look after them for me when I needed a babysitter. Mary walks into the living room where we are stood and wraps me up in the hug before turning to John.

"What's her surprise?" She questions, I feel Boo grab onto my leg as she doesn't socialise well, defiantly his.

"Mary, John, meet my two children Joseph and Boo. Jo, Boo? Meet Uncle John and Mary" I state and John just looks at me surprised before looking down at the kids, so he bends down to their height to greet them both and they end up hugging.

"Mykala, may I talk to you in the kitchen?" John questions, I shrug leaving the kids with Mary and enter the kitchen after John.

"Are they... you know... his?" John asks me and I nod my head trying to fight back tears from streaming down my face as they almost always did when he was mentioned.

"Did he know?" I shake my head to this question, the last proper thing I said to Sherlock was that I was leaving him and I hate the fact it was that and not something else. Something I realised after he had left.
"Mykala, come here. It'll get better. You should've told me. Mary and I could have helped you and supported you" John says wrapping me up in a hug, I let the tears fall from then onwards as I cry onto his shoulder.

"I know John. Anyway, can we forget about this? Lets go for a meal, you can pop the question we can have a good time. The kids can come." I then smile after 5 minutes John nods before telling Mary and I let out a shaky sigh as I run a hand through my hair. I need to fix this myself.

A/N: DUN DUN DUN!! She had twins with Sherlock but he is dead!! BUT I think you know where this is going anyway. I am not sticking to the script because I don't want to as I am remaking it into my own story with my own characters. So... vote, comment and share everywhere!! Love y'all

~Mority xxx

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