Chapter 11 - And Home...

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The cab pulls up outside of 221B, I chuck a wad of cash at him before getting out quickly and pulling out my spare keys. I open the door to hear Mrs.Hudson bustle into the hallway, when she sees me she gasps slightly before walking up to me.

"Mykala! Good to see you again dear, would you like your usual coffee?" She asks politely as she picks up my bag and carries it upstairs to my room.

"Yes please Mrs.H" I smile at the old women as I make sure that I keep things tidy while staying here even though some of my stuff is still in my old flat. I look at the clock to notice it is nearly 3pm, I let out a light chuckle, John will be at work. I hop down the stairs 2 at a time then burst through the door of 221B to see Sherlock curled up in his chair in a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie and he appears to be asleep. I creep to his bedroom, door open wide as per usual and look around the whole place looking for drugs of some kind as I go to leave I see a floorboard lose by his bed. I step over to it before pulling it up and reaching inside. I pull out a bag of a white substance and a box filled with EMPTY needles. He is going to get it. I pull out my phone and set the drugs on his bed before phoning John home about it. I carry the stuff into the living room and dump it onto the coffee table making a soft banging sound. He must be high as a kite otherwise he would of woken up. When John gets in I greet him with a sisterly hug before pulling my gun from my waist band and shooting the wall beside the fireplace which wakes Sherlock up eventually. I chuck my gun down on the coffee table as well when Sherlock sits up and faces me.

"Mykala, you're back. Come here, I missed you" Sherlock says walking to me, he doesn't appear to be high but I stop him from hugging me so I can check his eyes and heart rate.

"You. Are a total dick head William Holmes! Why?" I ask him after slapping his cheek, John grabs my hands from slapping him again, he then tells me to sit in the kitchen while he talks to Sherlock.

After sitting there for a good 20 minutes John calls me back in saying that he is going back to work and advises me not to shout too much. Once he has left I turn to Sherlock and slap him again.

"I deserved that one" He states holding his cheek.

"You deserve anything I throw at you William. You are really prepared to throw away everything you have, just like that with a little injection and some snorting? It's pathetic Sherlock! I came back to visit to spend time with my boyfriend but I guess now my time won't be in the loving way I fucking hoped but now I have to get you sober enough so you can actually form a coherent thought! God! How could you have been so stupid Sherlock! You could have phoned either me or John, hell even Mycroft or Lestrade would of helped you. I really do despise you sometimes Sherly, I really do. Now go to bed, sleep and then I will be in my flat when you have decided to actually pay attention to everyone around you."

-A few hours later-

I sit in the living room of 221B after a client comes to visit Sherlock so I decided I might help a bit by getting the information.

"So, let me get this straight, you went on a date with a zombie? Wow okay, please leave now" I state, stupid small clients with at least a 3. Just as the client leaves Sherlock enters the room with messed up hair and his usual blue dressing gown on. I sigh and chuck the news paper down as he then enters with a small smile on his face.

"Have you come down from your high yet brother mine?" Mycroft asks him from the sofa opposite me, Sherlock looks towards me and then to Mycroft who is just looking smugly at Sherlock.

"What are you doing here Mycroft?" Sherlock asks as he undoes his suit button then sitting down in his chair and picking up a newspaper that I had previously put down.

"Your girlfriend called me, she seems to think I can help, which is stupid because we both know that I can't but yourself" Mycroft then states, I sigh then stand up and walk towards Mycroft who stands up as well.

"You can go now Mycroft, thanks for seeing if he was high or not. I will see you tomorrow, also can you make sure the movers haven't mucked up my new flat? Thank you, goodbye Mikey" I state, he just smiles down at me before walking out of the flat and outside. I make sure he is out of the building before I turn to Sherlock who is looking confused.

"Oh don't look like that Sherlock. You look like a lost puppy" I scoff before walking towards the coffee table where the drugs recently sat and I pick up my gun placing it back into the holster.

"I'm leaving you Sherlock. Don't come and find me. I moved flats while you were out and I trust you not to make a big scene of it as I will have cameras in here. John is going to be home in 20 minutes so don't do anything stupid. Goodbye Sherlock." I state turning to my bag with my back facing Sherlock, I feel tears streaming down my face, as I then pick them up, take a deep breathe and face Sherlock who looked as if he had been shot. Just as I open the door he pulls me back and pushes me against the wall, I then feel his lips on mine.

~Next morning~

I wake up the next morning to see Sherlock laying next to me, I let out a sigh before getting up and getting my clothes before leaving the flat to head 'home'. New flat. I quickly shuffle into the new place to see Mycroft sitting there with a newspaper and an agitated smile.

"You were meant to be here yesterday Mykala. I assume you said goodbye to brother mine?" He asks, I sigh nodding my head and shuffling my long coat off as I pull out my phone. 6 new messages. 5 from Sherlock. 1 from John.

"I don't see why I had to leave him Mike? He is just going to get worse" I sigh as I walk through to my modern styled kitchen and make myself a cup of tea after locating everything.

"No he won't. Anyway, you will probably bump into him. I shall be leaving now Mykala. Expect work here tomorrow. I also hope you used protection last night" After that I then here the front door close, I sigh taking my cup of tea with me as I go to look around my new home. This is going to take a while to get use to.

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