Chapter 6: And The After-Thought Feelings

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I enter 221b Baker Street, preparing to be shouted at by John or even Sherlock for that matter. I sit on the sofa waiting for them both to stop muttering to each other and enter the flat, obviously they were talking about me.
"Mykala?" I hear John say as he enters. I look up at my older brother, let the shouting begin.
"WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU LEAVE A WEDDING EARLY WHEN YOU KNOW YOU FIT THE DESCRIPTION?!? HOW STUPID ARE YOU? Actually, Don't answer that. You could have died Mykala! What would've mum and dad said if you had died?!? They would have come straight back from their graves to kill me!" John angrily shouts at me, here we go. Again. He forever pulls the 'what would mum and dad think?' card on me to make me feel guilty.

"I DIDN'T DIE JOHN DID I? I AM STILL ALIVE? I'M NOT A CHILD ANYMORE JOHN" I automatically shout back at him, I hated the mention of mum and dad. They hadn't cared about my feelings until I moved to Australia away from them. I hadn't turned up to their funeral either because to me, they were people who were burdened with looking after me. I wasn't even my dads child, I was the result of my mums love affair. A disgrace to them both, I was the smart person, they didn't like it that much.
"Plus, John, they were your parents not mine, Especially 'dad'. They never treated me like their child. I wouldn't care what they would think because guess what they died 6 years ago. Move on. They were twats to all of us!" I sigh at the end as Sherlock enters the room looking at both John and I, except he looks at me with a disapproving one as I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Mykala. The police want your statement, they know you were there tonight. I told them to back away until the morning." He states showing very little emotion in what he is saying.
"Thank you. Now if you don't mind. I am going to take a shower then go to bed. Goodnight" I say but as I walk out I turn to Sherlock and hug him.
"Thank you for tonight." I say as I lean up kissing his cheek and walking off after he stiffens up. After showering, I climb into bed but can't get to sleep so I walk into the kitchen to make a cup of hot chocolate. I walk into the living room to see Sherlock sitting there in his 'thinking' position, staring at me.
"You okay Sherly?" I ask sitting down opposite him with my hot chocolate. He doesn't answer but carries on staring at me without blinking.
"Yes" He suddenly states, I nod slightly then sip at my hot chocolate in silence. When I finish, I stand up but I feel Sherlock grab my wrist, crap. I calm my heart down to a slow so he doesn't know about my tiny crush on him.
"You kissed my cheek" Sherlock states, I turn around to face him, as I do so I note his proximity to me, his breath fanning onto my face.
"Yes I did kiss your cheek, is something wrong with that?" I question him cocking an eyebrow, to see whether he would show any emotion.
"No, nothing is wrong with that. Just wanted to do something" As soon as he says this, I cock my head in confusion but he swoops down connecting his lips with mine. His hand still on my wrist but his other hand on the small of my back holding me close to him as I start to kiss back he pulls away.
"What the hell was that for?" I quiz him in a hushed tone, not knowing any other way to react to him kissing me.
"Lets call it an experiment for now. Okay? Goodnight Mykala" Sherlock states then saunters off to his room his dressing gown flowing out behind him. I stand there staring down the hallway smiling. I can be such a teen age girl sometimes.

A/N: YAY I FINALLY UPDATED!! I hope you lot like this new chapter. I know their 'feelings' are quickly developed but it's Sherlock Holmes so... Yeah, vote for this chapter and I will update again!! Also leave comments... Thanks!! Check back for updates!!

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