Chapter 10 - And Craving Adventure

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I have been living with Mr and Mrs Holmes for 2 months now. 2 months and not a single small case for me to go on, I work from 'home' for Mycroft and I have seen Sherlock 3 times overall. He was called onto a case over Christmas so he didn't come down then, so it was Mr and Mrs Holmes, Mycroft and I having a very elaborate dinner for Christmas and then not muttering a single word to each other afterwards. I think it is now safe to say, I am going mad. It is quiet all the time. Both of the Holmes' parents are boring and old, and I am pretty sure that Mrs.Holmes reads my texts from Sherlock when I leave my phone unaccompanied somewhere in the house. I need to move back to Baker Street.

"You can't move back to Baker Street Kala" John says down the phone to me, I let out a long moan of displeasure before deciding to give up on asking.
"Okay, I can't move back, but can I come and at LEAST visit? I am missing my big brother" I smile, I honestly do miss seeing John frequently, I miss the body parts in the fridge and the experiments left on the kitchen side. That was just in my flat, I missed everything about 221, especially Sherlock.
"I will allow visits yes, only because you and him are a thing now. He misses you Mykala, he was thinking of getting a cat!" John says in a whisper shout down the phone, that means Sherlock is in.
"Seriously? Well I best come visit, I am going to stay tonight then go home late tomorrow, be round in 20, bye brother mine" I smile putting on my best Mycroft accent then I hang up and start packing things into a bag to take with me, I then put my laptop and paperwork in it not trusting it here where Mrs.Holmes can read it. I take my bag downstairs and slip on my coat and shoes.
"Mrs.Holmes! Mr.Holmes! I am going to William's, won't be back until late tomorrow, don't cook me dinner, bye" I shout to the couple before slipping Sherlocks scarf around my neck.
"Have a safe journey dear and give our love to Sherlock. Bye" Mrs.Holmes says then I exit the house before getting in a car Mycroft bought me and driving off to Baker Street.
Home, here I come.

A/N: Hey! So update! Haven't done it in a while due to family problems, I know it is short but it is a filler chapter so what do expect... I will probably do another like 10 chapters ish until I end this book... Might do a sequel might not... Anyway check out my other stories: You're a Lestrade- which is a Sherlock Fan fiction and my Avengers Fan fiction called The Mad Idea, I just started it so it is a bit of a jumble at the moment... Check those out! Comment, vote and anything else! Thanks love you all!
~Mority xxx

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