Chapter 4: And The Wedding

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I stand up then walk into the kitchen to make myself a drink, I hear Sherlock start muttering to himself as John tells him to shut up. I carry my drink through to the living room slowly sipping on it. I sit on the sofa crossing my legs as Sherlock sits there in his mind palace and John sits there reading his newspaper. I take my drink up to my room deciding those two were boring, I chug down my drink pulling up a case on my new smart phone. I shrug on my coat and shoes then walk down the stairs stopping outside the flat.

"I am popping out for a bit, be back later don't wait up" I state then leave before John can object to me going out alone. I get into a cab then tell them to take me to Scotland Yard, once I get out of the taxi I pay the driver than head up to Greg's office.

"Good morning weirdo! Hows the other Watson?" Sally Donovan asks me, I ignore her heading straight to Greg's office making myself happy with my response.

"Mykala, hang on" Greg says as I enter his office. "I have to go" he then states down the phone slamming it back down and picking up a donut as his feet slide off the table he gestures to a seat which I accept.

"What can I do for you Mykala?" He asks leaning forward towards me, most of the men in the office had a small crush on me, it is highly amusing.

"Case, 4 women all gone missing, all have black hair & blue eyes, and all live along the Thames as well as they all left traditional Indian weddings early but their families never heard from them since. I have informed Em about it she will meet us there at the next traditional Wedding near the Thames" I state clearly to him my Australian accent coming through slightly.

"OK, I will send my best 2 men on it text me the details, they will meet you there..." Greg says, I nod then walk outside to be greeted by Rosamund Fitzgerald, my best friend from Australia holding two bags, 2 different coloured Sari's for us both.

"Hey, Come on we have a wedding to get too" She says, she links her arm through mine as we walk towards some public toilets. We get changed quickly before getting a cab to the wedding, we arrive and stand outside waiting for the 2 officers to get here. A cab pulls up, I sigh loudly as I see who exits the cab, my bloody brother and Sherlock flipping Holmes.

"Wait here Roz" I say walking to Sherlock and John, John just smiles at me as I cross my arms over my chest.

"You said this case was boring Sherlock. I offered it and you turned it down! Why on earth are you here?" I ask stubbornly, John looks behind me noticing the bar and walks off towards it.

"I heard you were going to attempt it alone, so I came... problem?" He questions smirking down at me.

"Yes problem! This is my case, you cant just turn up!" I state, he chuckles lightly making me link my arm through his as we walk up to the reception. I had contacted the bride and groom saying I was here on official mission for the government to protect the family, they believed me and accepted me to come, it also helps that the brides dad used my help to get him in the country.

"Well I think I just did turn up on the case so, shall we go to our seats?" Sherlock says, I let out a sigh then walk towards our table of 7 in a corner, I notice my other 2 friends from Australia called Luke and Mitchel, I run up to them hugging Luke. As soon as I got to Australia he welcomed me with open arms and yes, we had dated in the past before breaking up and becoming friends. I hadn't seen him since out breakup.

"Luke!" I say kissing his cheek, I step back smiling up at him as I am rather small but he is still smaller than Sherlock. Thinking about Sherlock, I look over my shoulder to see him standing rather ridged as John sits down and Roz walks around the perimeter.

"Sherlock this is Luke and Mitchel, boys this is Sherlock my brothers best friend" I say, Luke out stretches his hand for Sherlock to shake it but he ignores it and shakes Mitchels instead, Luke coughs then pulls out my chair for me.

A/N: So thank you for all the votes and reads! It means alot to me and I am glad some people are enjoying it! I dont get comments so please leave some on good points of the chapter and bad points of it, I know it is short and this is the start of a case and things so... Please read and stuff!! Keep On Swimming! ILY lots x <333 Get this to 4 votes I will update at the weekend?

-Mority xxx

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