Chapter 8: And The Confused Brother

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Sherlock POV

I rush into the flat to see Mycroft talking to his guards while Mykala is on the floor surrounded by blood. I run over to her picking her up bridal style, I push past my brother who has just noticed her state. As I go downstairs Mrs.Hudson is standing there with an ambulance ready.

"What would I do without you Mrs.Hudson" I say kissing her cheek before walking towards the ambulance.

"Stay awake Mykala, come on stay awake" I mutter as I get into the ambulance laying her on the bed in it before it starts driving away. All I can do in the ambulance is sit there holding her limp hand as they fix up machines and oxygen tank to help her breathe.


When we finally reach the hospital, she gets rushed off as I get told to stay in the waiting area. After 5 minutes of telling John to get here, he rushes through the hospital doors, causing me to stand up immediately.

"Where is she? Sherlock, where is Mykala?" He says fast as I walk up to him, he tries pushing past me but fails.

"John she is currently in surgery, we aren't allowed to visit her yet. Calm down please" I state even though I can't calm down myself, god what has this girl done to me.

"Calm down? My sister is dying and you expect me to calm down?!? How am I meant to tell Harry. I promised I would look after Mykala properly and not just let he die! God Sherlock, this is bad. This is so very bad! What did those people want anyway?" John says, my breath hitches in my throat. If I tell him, he might end up punching me... again. I was bruised for weeks last time, well here goes nothing.

"They wanted me" I state calmly while looking down the hall expecting a doctor or nurse to come down and say we can visit her.

"You? Of course! I shouldn't have let her stay with us. No, I thought it would be good for you to bond with someone other than me, but look how that turns put. God. You need to fix this Sherlock because if you do not find out why exactly those men wanted you by the time she is out of hospital then I am sending her with Harry." I hear John say, I don't have time to take it in as I see a nurse approach us with a clipboard.

"John Watson?" She asks tapping John on the shoulder, I sit down after feeling my heart beat quicken.

"That's me. Is she fine? When can she come home? Is she stable? Can I see her?" John rushes to say to the nurse who looks happy yet also pissed off. She has to deal with patients all day and go back home to a husband who is cheating on her and her two children, twins, boy and girl, 8 years old. They both dislike her because they think it is her fault that their grandad died.

"She is fine Mr.Watson, she is resting at the moment, you can go in to see her if you really want to. Press the button if you need a nurse." She says before walking away, I turn to see John stalking off to the room where Mykala lay. When I walk in, I sigh at how peaceful she looks and sit opposite John at the bed.

"Why can't you just listen to me Sherlock. The one rule I said was to make sure Mykala doesn't get hurt, and here we are at her bed side in a flipping hospital. It doesn't matter whether you do find out I am sending her away, I can't risk her staying with us, it's too dangerous. She has been kidnapped and nearly killed within the space of 2 months." John sighs, I just sit there cancelling all emotion off my face to make sure I don't show any weakness towards Mykala.

"I'm sure that's not necessary John" I hear someone say, I turn to see Mycroft standing there with a bouquet of flowers with a single pink rose in the middle. How sweet? He has grown fond of her.

"Mycroft, it is absolutely necessary! My sister is in hospital because of your brother! Even if she is an employee of yours, it doesn't matter. She is too easy to access in London" John states, confirming what I had already thought would happen if something like this would happen.

"So she lives just outside of London then" Mycroft says, my head turns to my dear brother in shock at this statement.

"What on EARTH are you suggesting?" John questions however I already knew where brother mine wants to send her...

"Mummy and Daddy's of course" I state my hand resting on Mykala's bed as I start to get bored. I just look at John awaiting his reply and as I do I feel a petite cold hand wrap itself in mine. I smirk slightly but put on my poker face as soon as Mycroft looks at me.

"Okay, Okay. Shall we go organise this then?" John says when he notices Mycroft and I's stares. Mycroft nods then walks out of the room with John following closely behind.

"I thought they'd never leave" I hear Mykala sigh from next to me, I turn my head to her smiling sympathetically towards her. She smiles back at me before she pulls me down s our lips are touching, again I feel the weird pain in my stomach but choose to ignore it. Just before I am about to pull away I hear a cough from the doorway. We immediately break apart and look at the person standing in the doorway, John.

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