Chapter 18 - And The Reunion

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  Sherlock, John and I rush back to Baker Street sensing that Moriarty will most likely be there and we leave the kids with Mary.

"Sherlock. What do we even do? We don't know his strategy this time. We have no idea what game he is playing, he might of started a new one or he might be continuing from last time in which case we need to think it through before we enter-" John starts to rant as we get out of the cab and enter 221B, leaving John to pay the cabbie. We wait for John to join us with the look of dissaproval before we make out way up to the flat.

"Oh if it isn't my favourite consulting detective and the gay couple" James Moriarty's Ir;sh voice states and he smirks as we enter the flat, way to blow every single thing about my job James.

"Well if it isn't the most arrogant consulting criminal I have ever met. How have you been? How is Adler?" I smirk at him back, he just let's out a low chuckle before turning to face Sherlock, John and I.

"Well it is I, I have been awfully kind and how much would you like to know? I mean on a scale of 1-10, 1 being alive and 10 being dead, I would say around 11. I see you are all alive and healthy, although Mykala last time I saw you, you looked a bit... how do I say this politely? Pregnant" Moriarty states picking up an apple, interesting. I nudge Sherlock so he can speak to cover my thought process of me figuring out his plan.

"She did. Now she's not. What do you want Moriarty? Last I saw you were dead" Sherlock states as we all walk closer, John standing there not sure what to do.

"Well I was but turns out you weren't either so... I guess we are both liars" James then starts tormenting us as I analyze him closer and before I know it Sherlock's shouted something.

"Vatican Cameo's!" I hear just before I get pulled to the floor and a bullet goes off along with an explosion. I roll over onto my back, slide my gun out of my holster under my dress and then hopping back up to shoot Moriarty in the arm and leg through the smashed window before he manages to get in his car. Crap. I turn around quickly, drawing the curtains as I do so, ringing still in my ears as I switch the lights on, Sherlock gets up and checks me over but I notice some blood. John. I rush over to my brother helping him up, my hearing still not working properly as I grab the first aid kit as Lestrade marches in with an emergency response team who take John to the hospital.

"Moriarty is going to pay" Is all I say before strutting out of baker street, Sherlock by my side as the paparazzi swarm around us.

A/N: SO! This was a filler chapter to introduce you to the new Moriarty plot which I will be ending on. Next chapter will be short but sweet I hope. Anyway, vote, comment and share this all and I will be happy :D Love you all!!

~Mority xx

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