Chapter 3: And Both Holmes

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I wake up extra early the next morning, I walk to my kitchen and get some cereal. After breakfast, I change into my black jeans with a white blouse, I shrug on my blazer and then hop down the stairs to Johns flat. As I enter, I sense something is wrong, I pull my gun from my back pocket and turn it off safe mode. I push open the door quietly, creeping into their living room, I quickly aim the gun up high as I see a person I don't know with Sherlock sitting down. I walk up behind them, then place my gun to the back of their head. They stiffen up as Sherlock smirks up at me.

"Put your hands up and turn around slowly..." I say using the technique I was taught by my dad when I was 14.

"Ah, you must be Mykala Watson. Nice to meet you, I am Mycroft Holmes. Your employer, " the man says, turning to face me, shit, now I am in trouble.

"Please still shoot him. He is rather irritating," Sherlock says, I lower my gun, put it back into my back pocket, and Sherlock sighs.

"So are you Sherly?" I say using a name I had heard John call him before, Mycroft smirks as I hold out my hand as he shakes it.

"It is nice to meet you in person boss" I say then saluting him, Sherlocks groans as Mycroft just smirks, I am very queen and country like my brother except I didn't serve as long as he did.

"Nice to meet you too, Captain Watson." He did a pathetic salute and then turned back to Sherlock.

"I hope you don't refuse my offer, Sherlock," He says, then leaves swiftly as Sherlock starts playing his violin.

"What was that about?" I question sitting down in Johns chair as Sherlock slumped into his own.

"Case. I am not doing it." Sherlock states, steeping his hands under his chin, going to his mind palace obviously.

"Well, why the hell not? We have nothing on..." I say walking to the kitchen to make us some tea.

"Because it is My-" Sherlock starts to say, but I interrupt him.

"Mycroft Holmes, your older brother, or the British government. He is also getting very slow at his deduction skills. He is trying to lose weight but likes eating creamy cakes from down the road. You could tell by the little cake crumbs on his jacket sleeve and is now smoking 20 a day. Also you two weren't very friendly when you were younger as your fought over smartness, and you aren't particularly nice towards each other now, but Mycroft Holmes does care about his younger brother Sherlock, and on orders from your mum, he is keeping tabs on you and making sure you don't fall to your ultimate death. He is also my employer, so try not to piss him off too much because he will just talk about you constantly. Where is John? He is normally awake by now, " I say, leaving Sherlock to stand there gaping at me as I walk down the hall to Johns room. I knock on the door and then enter to see him still sleeping, for the love of Christ.

"Johnny! Wake up..." I say, shaking him gently, I sigh as he just groans, so I run to my room and come back with my violin with Sherlock next to me. I start playing the fastest thing I know, and luckily, Sherlock knows it too. We both play at the same tune as John starts groaning, and his small body stretches out. His eyes open as he sits up, but he lets out another groan.

"I forgot there are now two arrogant sods living here..." He states, I just chuckle lightly, I push him back down before walking into the living room.

"Sherlock? Sherlock? What was that song you were playing?" Mrs. Hudson says, bustling about into the room, surprised at seeing both me and Sherlock holding our violins and him smiling.

"It was stay, Mrs.H," Sherlock says, putting his violin away and then sitting down in his chair.

"Well, it was happy! You seem happy! Ooh thank you, Mykala!" She says, giving me a small hug which I return, I turn to Sherlock, whose face immediately turns to stone. Well, that was good while it lasted.

"You know, if you showed emotions more, people would like you more," I say, sitting at the desk and logging onto Johns laptop after working out the password in a minute.

I go onto my blog, then start typing up about Sherlock and John along with my new job with Mycroft.

"Would they, though? I mean, I am stubborn, a dick, arrogant sod who doesn't keep his ideas to himself, or so John puts it..." Sherlock says, I chuckle lightly and then turn around to face him.

"Maybe, but maybe not too much because people might think you are weird..." I state leaning against the back of my chair.

"People already think I am weird... except you... why don't you find me weird?" Sherlock asks curiously. It seems that he only really lets his guards down when I am around.

"Because Sherlock, i am you, and you are me... we are too alike, and I guess if someone found you weird, then it means i am weird, maybe a bit less because you keep heads in the fridge..." I start to ramble on, Sherlock starts nodding, and i know he isn't listening anymore. I thank myself as I turn back to the laptop, then start to type up my new blog post.

"Hey Kala, what you writing?" John asks, walking into the room dressed, I stop typing and then turn to face him as if he knows.

"My blog, you know, the one like yours, but it is so much better!!!" I state sticking my tongue out at him. He laughs sarcastically, then turns to Sherlock.

"You eaten yet? Or is it working a case?" John asks him, I go back to typing, as Sherlock just sits, staring at the wall behind me or me.

"Not hungry, not working a case..." Sherlock replies almost instantly, I smirk, then publish my works, then close down the laptop.

¨Sherlock you have to eat something, you cant do anything on an empty stomach especially deducing my sister¨ John says, I smirk as I knew he was staring at me, Sherlock carries on staring at me so John hits him around the head with a rolled up newspaper. This immediately causes Sherlock to turn away from me and look at John before he takes the laptop away from me.

A/N: Hey so on the last chapter I got 4 votes which I am VERY thankful for and I know I havent updated in a while but I have been busy as it was my birthday yesterday and I have been rather busy with family the past week!! I hope you all understand, and I will be updating again soon, hopefully!! If you get this to 5 votes, I will update again really soon!?! Bye for now!!! <33 xx

-Mority xx

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