1- Birthday

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Skye POV.

On a lovely morning toward the end of summer, a brother decided to wake his sister up like an idiot.
I woke to my brother jumping on top of me, like who wakes up a person like that, wait I know. A crazy person does, while that does sum my brother up pretty while.
"Allen, get off me now! What are you doing you lunatic!" I yell at my brother as I push him off of me.
"Oh, I'm a lunatic now, when I got you ice cream yesterday I was your hero, and let's be honest you know you love me." Allen says with a very smug look on his face. My brother can be very narcissistic, he is the future beta so it can be understandable, why it goes to his head at times.
" Yeah right, not even in your wildest dreams buddy, and you ate half my ice cream that I was saving for after dinner yesterday." I said back to him, "Now why did you wake me up so early in the morning I don't have school I graduated last year with you. You know, a year early."
Okay so I might think highly of myself too, but I did graduate with my brother who is a year older then me but I started school early so we where in the same year of school as each other for years and I use it to tease him all the time.
"Yeah, yeah rub it in, your a big smarty pants. Did you really forget what today is." Allen said to me as I start to list reasons he would wake me up, and try to recall what date it was. Morning brain can be such a bitch.
"Oh my gosh it's my birthday today and I totally forgot until now." I yell up at the ceiling, while the butthead starts laughing his head off.
"I knew you would forget so I came to see if you where up, you where still sleeping like a baby" Allen said as I was getting out of the bed.
"Well I will get ready for the day of shopping, partying, and celebrating that is called my birthday." I said to him while pushing him out of my room. I decide to get dressed in my favorite, blue t-shirt with some black jeans, then tie up my combat boots so I can kick some ass if need be. I head down stairs to where my parents and my brother were waiting for me.
"Sweetheart, is what Allen said true you forgot your own birthday?" My mom asked as I am walking into the front room. Of course he told them, and this is why I call him a butthead. I'll get him back soon, maybe put hair dye in his conditioner again that was funny. Though he did rock that pink hair for months to prove a point, maybe green this time.
"Yes, mom I did, but Allen reminded me so let's go out to the park and walk around, then go for a run in the woods it will be fun. And then you and dad can bet on which of your children is going to win the race." I said exactly. This is going to be an awesome day, last year we found a fossil by the river I had made into a pendent.
"Ok, Skye we'll go to the park. It's your birthday so I bet on you." Dad said,
"Shotgun!" Allen yelled as he runs ahead of us before we can head out the door.
"No way, Allen I get shotgun it's my birthday not yours." I call out, racing after him.
As he opens the door to the car I jump in the front seat, "Why thank you, dear brother of mine" I say in an over the top way to piss him off a little, serves him right for waking me up like an idiot.
Our parents walk out to find us bickering about this and that. The drive is shorter as Allen and I shot barbs back and forth between each other, with our parents jumping in when it starts to get to bad.

~~~~~~~~~~~At The Park~~~~~~~~~~~~

When we arrive at the park it was full of happy smiling faces, pups running around having fun and mothers talking to each other with one eye on their pups at all times. We walk along a long path that ends in the forest on the other side of the park, my favorite trail for peaceful days.
"So now that your eighteen are you going to go looking for your mate or are you going to want for him to show up for you." Allen said although you could tell that he was sad, Allen's mate died before he met her. Not unheard of but that doesn't happen to many people. Many females of the pack looked at him when they wanted to gain power in the pack, but he has always said that he was waiting for a second chance mate if he had one or meeting a nice woman in the same situation where their mate was gone too. I only wish for his happiness.
"I don't know what I am going to do, but I will let you know if I decide on it ok." I told him he nods his head and walks next to me as we go down to path. Passing by a group of parents watching as their pups play tag, and nibbling on the picnic they seem to be having.
"So dad, when are you making Allen the Beta, we all know Allen is the perfect man for the job, not to mention George is going to be the alpha soon." I asked dad, George is the Alpha's son and my brother's best friend. We grew up together, I know all the dumb crap my bother and George got up to in their childhood/ teenage years. Not to mention that I pulled them into so much trouble, George was the one who help me rig a movie party in every class on a Monday during freshman year in high school. SO MUCH POPCORN.
"While I thought I would give him my title at the meeting at the end of the week what do you say son" Dad said to my brother who was looking like a fish out of water in shock, did he not think it was so? My brother is so dense when it comes to his ability to do his job. I knew this was coming any day now for the last three months, I honestly thought it was going to happen at graduation, but they wanted to wait so he could have some time off before jumping in. He's been really for the last year, but no he had to start late.
"Are you serious, please tell me your joking, beta that is huge are sure I'm ready dad." Allen asked after the shock had worn off. I think he will do a great job, he might have a rough time in the beginning but he can do it. George was going to need a beta who knew how to help him get into the step of things, Allen is just the right idiot for job.
"Yes, son I think you will do an amazing job." Dad told him, dad may be a bit rough around the edges but he is gold at heart.
"I think you'll do an amazing job, honey." Mom said, ever the helper. We continue to walk and talk enjoying teasing Allen about his cluelessness about his promotion. That's when the alarms go off signaling that we are under attack. Being the beta family make it our responsibility to defend the pack when needs must.
We all get into guarded stances as rogues start coming out of the woods at the edge of the park, being the beta family we are making sure everyone gets to safety. As the mothers and pups ran to the safety of the pack house, we all shift into our wolfs, my dad's is a big dark brown wolf not as big as an alpha, but really big.
Then there is my brother he is about the same size, but he's fur is the same as our mom's blond. Mom's fur is blond it's really pretty, but I am bigger then my dad's wolf and I have black fur with a white star on my forehead. My parents think I am big because of the blood line we have most of our ancestors were high ranked, alphas, betas, thirds and some warriors. That long family line of warriors helped us now, the fright began in a savage crash of battles, some rouges teaming up on the warriors. We held strong for some time minutes probably but it felt like much more.
Then the balance of the battle broke, twice the number of rouges came from the forest again out numbering us four to one. A massive group jumped my dad all at once, for a few precious moments I felt his wolf howl to mine in my mine then he was gone, link severed.
My mother seemed to freeze the moment he was gone, then fast as she could turn toward where my dad had been. Her outrage last all of a second before that light in her burn old. Dying as her mate had, she was torn to her very soul.
Allen looks to where dad was as while, an enraged beast builds in his eyes as the go form his dark warm eyes to red fury. But that makes him a target, for the rouges anger stopped the warriors from thinking. Right as three rouges go for him and as he is about to attack them, mother jumps in front of Allen and pushes him back. Taking to attacks aiming at Allen, in the horrible moment with the smell of blood in the air her last words are 'Take care of each other' then the link to her is gone like dad's before.
My wolf whimpers to the loss of our parents, my soul feels scared from the pain of losing them. Allen still red-eyed from the rage has to start battling more rouges, one after another come for him not ending. Two smaller wolves jump his sides raking their claws down his sides blood mats his fur. I finish the rouge that I was fighting and jump in batting off the rouges on him. Tearing ones throat, and clawing the others face, we continue to battle tearing, clawing and biting our way through the rouges.


The sound was deafening, the pained noise that comes from Allen's wolf silences everything else in my head. I turn hoping I'm wrong, a wound.... Allen was...
Allen had been shot..... no no,no,no,no
His heart beat, it.. it's not There

'Sorry sis, I am going to meet my mate, and see mom and dad, but I think you should stay and have a long life and you will be a great beta and one day mother just not to soon sis love you, see you on the other side'
Allen's voice is there for but an instant before the link between the brother and sister are gone.
Just gone....
A hazy red fells other my eyes has I let loss the deepest, darkest growl that has ever come out of me.
For the briefest of moments everyone stops, then my wolf and I go savage in our rage. Kill after kill, I feel it isn't enough, I tear at every one of the rouges. Sparing none, time seems to slow as I continue. The last of the rouges seem to think that they could jump me all at once so I let them try clawing through the last rouge as the warriors get to the park. The park once a lovely area now bloody, quiet, scared from the battle and marred with the bodies of rouges. Still in my battle rage I snarl as the wolves approach, low and dark. One steps forward so I growl deep, dark, and dangerously close to losing is again. The sorrow of my soul deep pain fuels the rage, just to continue on, to rake pain on those who took my family from me.
"Skye I know your hurt but please lay down on your right side so we can treat your wounds."
That's not rouges....
That's George....
But I'm .... hurt..?..
The whimpering starts the instant I recognize George. My wolf follows his instructions to lay down, she's seen him as alpha for some time.
"Oh shit, Skye are you ok?" George says rushing over to me. After checking me over for wounds and finding many more then he originally thought he yells " Some call the damn Doc, she needs medical attention now!!!"
That's the last thing I hear as the darkness closes down on me.
I push out cold.

*new content as of (06-21-2023)
Note from Author
I have a patreon, buy me a coffee if you can.

Chapter 2 is next

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