3- Dinner and Tests

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Skye POV.

Dinner is in an hour so I go to the alpha's office I knock again,"Come, in." Alpha Jackson called, out.
"Alpha, I called the Council as you asked and they well be arriving by the end of the week. Five elders and their guards, I was about to start setting everything up is there anything, else I can do, or anything you think I might need to do that I may not know about." I said to the Alpha.
"I will let you do that tomorrow, ok" he said back to me,"Ok." I reply.
"Come along, dinner is going to be served soon" he said, as he got up and started to head to the banquet hall where we all eat together I would usually sit with family, next to the alpha family, but now it's just me. As we walk in people start whispering, " Did you hear the beta died along with his son, now his daughter has to take up the title." A women said from one table, from another I heard," I saw her fright it was like she was a shadow with a white star shape on her head and her wolf is really big and strong."
When we get to our seats the alpha pulls out the beta's seat for me and the Luna's for her. The meal starts and after some time the alpha stands up.
Everything goes quite.
"Ok, has you all most know by now of the beta family died yesterday, other then Skye the only member left, she will be given the title by the elders at the meeting at the end of the week. Does anyone have any questions?" Alpha Jackson said to the pack. One of the warriors rose his hand,"Why does the elders have to give the title? And why does she get the title she doesn't look that strong?" The warrior asked, while how about I show him. Alphas have to repress their power so do betas, so I let my power out as my wolf came to the surface as my power rose everyone in the room stepped back a few steps except the alpha a few people at tables close to the table I am at pass out.
"Skye, dear I think you proved your point." Alpha Jackson said, to me. I got up and left pushing my wolf down so I wouldn't shift in the pack house I head to my dad office, wait no it's my office now. I sit on the chair at the desk when lay my head down. I must have fallen asleep, because I was woken up by George, "Skye, wake up." He said to me, I sat up looked at the clock to see that it is six in the morning, well I should get used to it I well be doing it often.
"Good morning, good luck with your new job I will help if you need me to." George said and left I get up and go the alpha's office, where Alpha Jackson was doing mountains of paperwork.'this is going to be like school all over again how boring you where always good at that stuff' Star said in my head,'Well good thing I am good at it when this won't be as hard as everyone says' I said back to her.
"Alpha, what would you like me to do for you today." I asked him so I could get straight to work."Skye I need you to start preparing for the elders to arrive." He said to me.
"Yes, sir I will prepare rooms for them and their warriors right away. Would you also like me to make plans for the meeting like seats for them as well as alert the cooks that we well have an increase of people to feed?" I asked him, he turns and looks at me with an impressed look on his face, "Actually that is a very good idea and make sure that the doctors are informed that we have guests coming so they don't get confused if one comes in." Alpha Jackson said to me after I made a list in my head I head to the door after saying," Yes alpha." and go to do the work. As I am heading towards the kitchen to talk to the head cook so he can prepare everything for the meals, "Do you call this food, I wouldn't!" I hear him yell all the way from down the hall. I know on the door as I walk in, "Head chef Robert, I need to speak to you." I said, then look around to see a few pack members who help with the cooking, that were thankful that I showed up. 'Looks like Roddy is getting mad about the snacks the other wolves are getting again.' Star says to me, Roddy is Robert's wolf. "Oh, the little brat soon to be beta has come to take food and stuff herself." Robert said, and in less then a second I had him up against the wall, growling at him. 'Alpha, please come to the kitchen I believe you will want to hear this.' I said though the link to Alpha Jackson.
After a few short minutes the alpha shows up, "Skye, what is going on?" He asked me, "Sorry to interrupt your work, but this pack member just called me a brat, and useless, along with very one else in this kitchen. I believe he should be demoted from head chef he has lose sight of what it is to cook for others, like he used to said 'It's the smiles on people's faces that make cooking worth while.' You are not the Robert I know." I said as I let him go.
"Is this true?" Alpha Jackson asked everyone in the kitchen, and they all started nodding their head yes.
Then the most unexpected thing happened, Alpha Jackson and Robert start laughing, "Good job, Skye. You passed your test." Alpha Jackson says hugging me along with Robert. No wonder Robert was acting so weird. Normally, he has the personality of a jolly, big round guy, he's in his fifties with a mate, pups and even some grand pups.
"Yeah, I was kinda scared of her, but we have a bigger issue to deal with she isn't showing any of her emotions. She used to be a very lovely, happy girl about to meet her mate, now just a cold, hard beta is looking at us." Robert said to the alpha, they both start looking at me.
"So Alpha does he already know about the increase of people and that he is to prepare for 60 more people then usual?" I asked the two of them. "Yes, Alpha Jackson mind linked me about it." Robert said, well that leaves the rooms and chairs I better go set those up.
"Well, when I am going to take my leave of here to do my work when I'm done I will come by and grab some of those happy cookies before I go home." I said to them as I start to walk away.

After I got everything ready for the elders to arrive, and a few dozen cookies, I was done with work and was heading home for the first time since every thing happened. When I get there it seems to be quite and empty, which in a way it is. Luna said I should move in to the pack house and give this house to one of the other families in the pack that need a house, but I just don't know if I can do that. So I am going to think it over but no promises.
I walk in and I get flashbacks of times with my parents and brother, and the tears come to my eyes, but I don't let them drop because I made that promise never to cry out of pain or anger ever again. I go though the house and by the time I was up the stairs I broke my promise and the tears were running down my face.

The next day
I wake up at five fifteen in the morning to get ready for the day, by the time I'm done with getting ready it's time for me to leave I go to my office and see that the alpha isn't there yet so I don't go in to he's office I just walk in to mine, I can't do the paperwork because I'm not the beta until the elders give me the title. So I read though the paperwork and sort it out from needs to be done as soon as possible to can wait. The maters I am going to do on a daily basis well I can do this it isn't like I don't have the time and I am going to have to double check everything is ready for the elders visit. Oh I need to go check with the warriors today, better go now the sooner it's done the better. As I walk out I run into the alpha, "Oh, hi Skye glad I ran into you can you go meet with the warriors." He asked, "Of course that was actually there I was going right now, I'll be back as soon as I am done." I said as I leave.

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