11- Mine

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Skye POV

When I wake up in the morning, I find that I am cuddled in between both of my mates. Though today is my day off so I stay where I am, because I feel so safe in between my mates so everyone else can just go away today I am sleeping the day away with Andrew and Mason.
When I wake up the second time I feel hands stroking my cheeks I open my eyes to see my mates staring at me with awe and wonder in their eyes.
"You stayed with us?" Andrew asked me, but before I could answer, Mason asked, "Even though your work is important to you?"
I could tell that the boys forgot we marked each other so I showed them though the link everything I feel towards them, knowing that I could never put it in to words. I hear them gasp as I showed them clearly how I felt love, cherish, believe in them, trust, care for deeply, and my feelings went on and on. The only fear I had towards them was the fear of rejection.
"Oh Skye, we had no idea." Mason said in a small voice, I got up and pulled the two of them close in as I hug them both.
"You know we feel the same as you we love you with everything we are and have." Andrew said to me making me feel better. Then something strange happened, but I have came to learn that sudden changes can be very good or very bad. Star took over control.
'What are you doing' I ask her knowing she has a reason for this.
'I just want to talk for a little while.' She said calmly back, ok then.
Andrew and Mason must have noticed that I seemed different because that were staring.
"Skye you like?" They said together, making star purr at them.
"We are fine my mates I need to speak to you." She said towards them, them seemed to notice that it was star.
"Star is that you?" Andrew asked, with the look of surprise on his face.
"Yes, Andrew it is. I need to tell you two something very important." Star said catching their attention quite quickly.
"What is it anything for you and Skye." They said at the same time making star and I purr, then something clicked in both their heads at the same time.
"Wait, do you like it when we talk at the same time?" They asked together making me purr in approval at the sounds of their voices in sink. Them seemed to enjoy the fact that they had this effect on me.
"Mates, I don't like it I love it and when you do it in front of other people and they look creeped out it pisses us off." Star told them the truth it really did piss me and her off. As if this was the most touching thing they had heard they smile at me and peck me on my lips.
"Thank you mate." They said it together making me purr at them.
"Now what is it you need to talk to us about." Andrew asked, oh yeah that's why star came out to tell them something.
"Mates I must warn you that now Skye and I have marked you we will be very possessive towards you, much like you are to me, but because I am female and their are two of you I am likely to kill if I fill that someone is trying to take you away. I have lost much and I will not lose you two." Star said and her eyes are glowing red at the thought that someone trying to take them away. The boys noticed that and were quick to calm us down.
"We understand Star and Skye we will be careful and stay close only if you do the same." Andrew said smiling and us, and I nodded at him.
"And we understand that many have been taken from you and we promise that nothing will keep us away from you." Mason added making things more comfortable in the room.
"One last thing, and then I will be going. Mates you should know in one moon cycles time my heat will begin, but unlike other she-wolves, I will not just burn I will become so very possessive I will not let you out of my sight until the heat is over. My heat will last two weeks and will be twice as intense because there are two of you." Star said, then Andrew asked, "So by possessive what level?"
"Andrew I mean if another female looks at you I well be very jealous, and if a female hit on you she would be died before she hit the floor." Star answered. The boys look at each other real quick then say at the same time," You know you are really sexy when your possessive right."
And I purr again. Then I am back in control.
"You know this is going to be a bit hard, but I love you both so much." I say to them and they smile back at me. Then I remembered I got marked and I wanted to see it. So I hopped up and head over to the mirror I look at my marks and they where amazing one said Andrew in cursive and the other said Mason in cursive.
"Come over here I think you both need to see this." I said, they both get up and come over I show them and all of the sudden they smiled.
"So it wasn't a dreamed you let us mark you." Mason said smiling, "Then that means you marked us.." Andrew trailed off then looked in the mirror at where his shoulder and his neck meet, Mason did the same. When they saw the mark on their necks they had smirks on their faces I looked at the marks that where the same but on different sides of their necks.
"Let's get dressed and take a walk together." I said and they agreed.

After getting ready, we all head downstairs. I grab their hands and pull them out the door.
"I have the perfect place to eat breakfast." I said as I am pulling them along with me. I was taking them to my favorite family restaurant. As we are walking we start to talk about same pretty random stuff like what is the funniest thing you've ever done to someone, and then we play two lies one truth. Andrew won the first round and I won the second, but Mason won the third. As we arrive I let go of their hands much to their dismay. I walk in and look at how it hasn't changed a bit.
"Will this looks cozy." Mason says as he looks around, Andrew is nodding his head in agreement.
"You two get us a table I need to go to the bathroom be back soon." I said really needing to go.
After doing my business I walk out to see two girls setting with my mates and we are on wolf grounds so they should know better then to mess with a alpha's mate or mates. I walk up and growl at them, they looked scared for a second. Then one of them says, "What do you want can't you see we are talk with our mates?"
'OH HELL NO!' Star yells in my head.
"You are not their mates because they are mine, mine!" I yell at them and my eyes start to glow, right as I am about to shift Mason and Andrew both grab me and pull me outside and go to the forest where they hug me until I calm down. While that was the plan, but instead of that I started a make out session that last hours, they didn't complain. When we get back to the pack house the neighboring pack had come over meaning that the man whore and slut pack was here.
The neighboring pack is the amore pack, also known as the lovers pack. Every single person in that pack, as soon as they know what sex is they have to do it and if they don't they have to leave the pack. Honestly that pack is horrible. Matt and max saved mark from that pack when they were younger. Mark was 7 when he came here, and he doesn't talk much still.
I pull Mason and Andrew back into the forest.
"You remember the warning star give you two?" I asked, knowing they would.
"Yes of course, why do you ask?" Andrew asked back.
"While the amore pack is here." I said and I look at them and see that they are confused.
"What does a pack being here have to do with the warning star give us." Mason asked me trying to understand why I bought it up.
"The amore pack is full of man whores and sluts." I answer, and they both froze.
"Wait, what? The whole pack." They asked at the same time, making star purr in my head.
"Yes, every single person from about ten up." I said, I was glad I hadn't been born in that pack.
So instead of the pack house I took them to my favorite spot in the forest and we talked instead.

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