2- Beta

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Skye POV.

I wake to the sound of something beeping, my eyes try to open, but the blurriness has me blinking to clear my eyes. When I can finally see, the grey and white walls of the pack hospital greet me. This hits me like a ton of brinks, knowing that it wasn't a nightmare but reality. I start silently crying, but it soon turns to full sobs, at one point or another George came in. Sat on my bed next to me and hugged me to his shoulder, leaving his shirt covered in tears. It takes some time before the doctor comes in and checks me over, only a few...... hours of crying.
"You look to be fine after your wolf healed you , you may be able to leave tomorrow, although we would like to keep an eye on you tonight just to be on the safe side." Dr. Morgan said, he continued on, but I was just barely listening to him. I was sucked into the grief of losing all my family, Dad with his stupid facts about baseball. Mom with him wisdom of the plants that called to her, and Allen he was her best friend. A total pain in her ass, but he was gone......
He was about to be named beta.
WAIT....... Allen said that it's my job now...

But, that was always meant to be his....
I can't ....    * but the pack is our family now* her wolf whispered to her.
Skye took long moments staring at the wall as her mind worked over the words. After hours of going through her razor wire thoughts, came to an understanding, she would welcome the job as fast as she could so she couldn't do what would have made Allen and her parents proud of her.
But although she was strong of heart and mind, she would go to the pack link master. She was similar to the human therapist, but she used the links of the pack to help stabilize the members with more delicate mental balance.
So she made her mind, I'm going to talk to Alpha Jackson about becoming the beta, it was she purpose for now.
"Skye, are you alright?" George asked looking to me with sadness. No, no she really wasn't, and her wolf howled in her mind to the pack for comfort. Many answered her call, the pack was her only family. She felt the deep and dark obsession need to protect it now, not because there was an attack. The attack had just woken something that had been there waiting from the very beginning.
Looking up at George I said "No, but I will be, but it is going to take a while. And I might need to get some help, with the event still fresh.You do know now that I just watched my whole family die, and I am the last person in my family. The beta family just great I have to be the beta, my dad was going to give it to my brother at the end of the week and just before he die, he....he...."
and that's when I burst into tears once again and continued to cry until I feel asleep.

George POV.

Looking back on it now George barely believed it...
When I stepped out of the warriors and saw Skye's large bloodstained wolf snarling, I didn't think it was she to begin with. And that growl....
That growl she released it had everyone taking a step back, I nearly did. Then I realized it was Skye, she would never hurt a pack member, no she would have protected all of us. Which is what happened, and her family payed a tall price for the pack.
"Skye I know your hurt but please lay down on your right side so we can treat your wounds." I said to her, then she realized the person that stepped out was me and she starts whimpering and lays down on her side like I said.
"Oh shit, Skye are you ok?" I says then call for the pack doctor, She just stayed still letting me look over her wounds. Fucking damnit, they got to her back pretty bad.
"Someone call the damn Doc, she needs medical attention now!!" I yell at some poor sap that runs off, turning back to Skye to find her passed out. We hustle her to the pack hospital, when we get their we have to hose down Skye's wolf. Thankfully after being clean she slowly shifted back in her sleep. Her skin was red for the injury being healed by her wolf.
Hours go by, and we're told to go do our duties and that I would be call should she wake. By evening my duties are done and I head for the hospital, when I walk into her room I find her sobbing quietly. I walk over to her hospital bed and sit on the edge of the bed and pull her into a hug as she continues to cry into my shoulder. Hours go by, the sun had set long ago before Skye calms enough to notice me trying to comfort her as I am. The silence continues for some time before Doctor Morgan comes in and looks over Skye's condition. Doctor Morgan goes over what happened with the battle and asked if she needs anything, she answers with an appointment to the link master. Smart discussion, but she needs to sleep for now is late.
The doctor leaves to check on the other people in the hospital tonight, then I ask the question I didn't want to "Skye, are you alright?"
Silence hangs in the air, but then in the pack link Skye's wolf howl in pain and need of comfort. It's a sound that in so horrow with grief and the need of companionship that I wanted to protect her from what had happened so badly. Wolves answer the call in the pack bond, mine does so in a deep howling that seems to grumble toward the end. Then Skye looks up to me and answers, "No, but I will be, but it is going to take a while. And I might need to get some help, with the event still fresh.You do know now that I just watched my whole family die, and I am the last person in my family. The beta family just great I have to be the beta, my dad was going to give it to my brother at the end of the week and just before he die, he....he....."

She seemed to hold it together at first, but she bursts into tears once she starts to mention her brother. She continues to cry and sob under the pressure of her heartache. I understand why, my best friend just died.
Her big brother was to be my beta and we had been friends since we could crawl, but not only did he die. Their parents died to, all at once to loose your closest people, I can't imagine what her mind she putting her through. All the what ifs going through her mind, hoping to wake up and this all be a bad dream. But she knows better and one thing she said is completely true, if not terrifying for her, she is to be the new beta. What a horrible thing to do to her, I would try to make someone else beta if it wasn't for the fact that no one could do a better job. I just hope that the rest of the pack and I can help her out.

Skye POV.

When the sun wakes me up the next morning

When I wake up the next morning I didn't cry I just got up and left the doctors said I was good to go so I did, but I didn't go home or to the park like I usually would I just couldn't go there. So I went to the pack house I didn't show any of my emotions I was too sad and angry to let it show. I walked up to the alpha's office and knocked on the door,"Come in" Alpha Jackson called though the door. As soon as I come in the alpha gets up and hugs me, Alpha Jackson and my dad where best friends since they were pups and the Luna and my mom where basically so close they had a sister like bond. So I was pretty close to the alpha family, "Dear I know you're hurting, but you do know that you are going to be beta know right." Alpha Jackson said, he may seem cold but I could tell he was just has sad and angry as I was on the inside, "I know, I came to see when you want me to start." I said, as I hugged him back.
"How about now and I will feel you in on the job as we go, I think we could both use work to distract us from how we feel and I can tell you feel the same way I do about this. Ok down to work, uh oh ok call the Were Council and ask them to come visit so we can make you the official beta because you can't have to title handed down by the past one." Alpha Jackson said as a tear goes down his face.
"Yes alpha, I well also call the Luna in for you and give you a few hours alone." I said, then he looked up and said "Yes please and thank you."
As I walk to the front room where the Luna is, I am given sad and pitied looks. When I walk into the front room I see the Luna with George, "Sorry to disturb you Luna, but the Alpha wishes to see you for a moment." I said after a minute, she turns my way gets up from where she was sitting comes over to me and hugs me and I hug back,"I miss them so much." I say to her and she hugs me more.
"I know sweetie, I will always be here for you if you need me." She said to me," I know, but at this moment I think alpha needs you more then I do at this moment, and I need my alone time at the moment." I reply back to her she and my mom look nothing alike, but they have the same personality, so I am going to need her help later.
"Already, sweetie just link me if you need me." She said to me, nod I will. When I start heading back to the alpha's office then stop right next to the alpha's office is the beta's office, I open to door and seat in the desk. 'Will I guess it's our desk now' my wolf Star says.'I guess it is' a small sad smile cames to my face as I start thinking of all the happy times in here and a single tear drops from my eye. I close the door behind me and promise to myself I wouldn't cry out of pain or anger ever again.
Oh, I need to make that call. I call the Were Council,"Yes, may we help you?" Some one said on the phone,"May I speak to one of the Council elders, please?" I ask to the person.
"This is elder Lucas, how may I help you?" A different person said though the phone. "Yes, elder Lucas I am to ask some of the elders to came to the BlueMoon pack as soon as you can." I said to elder Lucas.
"May I ask why the BlueMoon pack needs our assistance?" Elder Lucas asked me.
"Beta Alex George Iapetus has died in a rouge attack before handing down his title to his son regretfully his son has also died leaving the title to go to the only member of the beta family left alive his daughter, Skye Moon Iapetus to be beta." I said with little to no emotion.
"Oh my, may I ask how she is doing." Elder Lucas asked,"I am not doing well, just yesterday I lose my entire family on my birthday to rouges." I reply to Elder Lucas.
"My word I thought I was walking to some one else not the girl herself. Well my dear we will be there at the end of the week." Elder Lucas said, then I ask,"How many will be coming I what to make sure every thing is prepare when you get here."
"Well five elders including myself will be coming." He said,"Thank you that is all I need." I reply and sit back. I guess I need to prepare the pack for their arrival and their guards I will prepare sixty bed, I think they well arrive with less then that but I want to be on the safe side of things, the alpha will be with Luna until diner I will tell him just before that.

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