21- Research

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Mason POV

Seriously, paper work and how did she get all this research done in so little time and there are notes in her handwriting all over these. She curled up and fell asleep a well ago, though I am starting to worry do to the fact that she hasn't gotten up yet and it's been hours. I look to the clock and see that it's been ten hours that we have been here going though all this work and by the looks of it, we're going to be here for days.
"Wait, look at this!" Andrew yelled at me, I ran other to see that the data was very complex and hard to understand, but Skye's notes on the side were clear as day to read, 'Once my wolf realized that I'm pregnant I well then go into a deep sleep do to the way my body has a baby it well last a whole day if I have one baby, but if I am having more then that then I could be out for weeks even months.'
"What depending on how many pups we are having determines how long she is asleep, this is going to be the longest day of our lives and it might take longer."
I️ say as I️ start to pace. Andrew sits next to Star and pets her and with how quiet the room was you could hear her light purring, that brought a smile to both of our faces.
Hours go by as we read Skye's notes and stay near her she seemed to relax more when we were around her. The data was in at least four or five different languages and we couldn't read it, but lucky for us Skye wrote down what the data meant and what was important. I️ honestly don't know when she got it all down.
"Andrew when do you think she got all of this done, she has been doing her Luna duties, getting to know the pack, and help us with our paperwork I️ just don't understand how." I️ said looking at all the notes we still had to read, Andrew shacks his head not knowing ether.
There's a knock on the door and for some reason my wolf becomes high on guard not liking that Skye and Star can't defend themselves right now.
"This most be what the notes I just read meant, here I'll read it for you. 'Once the female wolf has fall asleep her mates become very aggressive and protective of her do to her wakened state. They will offend lash out to keep her safe.'" Andrew said, well it makes sense in a way we love her and can't live with out her.
I get up and go to the door to see that it's our beta Erick and I feel my wolf growling not liking that we are away from our mate.
"Yes Erick, what do you need?" I say as calmly as I can. Erick has always been a good friend of mine and Andrew's, I trust him with my life, but my wolf only wants to slam the door in his face and go back to Skye.
"Sorry, Mason but there are some issues with the neighboring pack's Alpha he called yelling that we have gone on his land without permission and he is in a rage saying that he will be here to talk to you in three days time and he wants to be greeted by all of the alpha family or it might mean war." Erick explained, why can't we just get along.
"Oh and another thing Alpha rouges have been seen along the southern and western borders of the pack land.
"Great first I find of Skye is pregnant which is awesome, but now I have to worry of two war breaking out are you kidding me." I rant as I try to rap my head around the issue of everything that is happening.
"Wait Luna Skye is pregnant already!?" Erick asked excitedly, will I want him to be the Godfather of the the little one so, he better be excited.
"Yeah, we found out last night honestly we were so excited that we forgot to tell anyone." I say as I realize that this is the first time he is hearing about it.
"Wow man that's great better move up the wedding, so how is she doing with all of the poking and staring doing on for her?" Erick asks, what does he mean.
"What do you mean by poking and staring?" I ask him trying to understand what he means.
"Oh, she didn't tell you guys. Ummmm, well some of the pack members have found out she used to be a beta and are questioning she about how it was possible for a female to be in the position. Some are then saying she would have to be heartless to be a beta and that she can't be the Luna. And then there are the really bad ones that say she must have been sleep with her former alpha to have the position." Erick explained to me, how could our pack think such a thing she has showed us very single moment of her life she has lift nothing hidden from Andrew and myself.
"Those are ridiculous, I have full excess to all her memories and none of that never happened and if she is heartless then that makes more then half this pack heartless." I responded angrily, how could they even think such a thing. As I was about to shift I felt Skye though our link and I see her sitting down with her arms around a small form and she has this glow about her and she is at peace and is happy and all the anger I had vanished. So Skye is with our child in a place in her mind I can't wait to meet him or her.
When Erick sees that I have calmed down he looks confused.
"Umm, why aren't you about to rip about fifty people apart?" Erick asks as he stands by the door.
"Lucky for you and me, Skye calmed me down though our link so I'm not going to rip anyone apart yet." I say, ok this is unacceptable to say something so horrible about your Luna.
"Called a pack meeting in one hour I'm going to talk to Andrew then we will meet you there." I tell Erick, I have some talking to do with part of the pack. I walk back over to Andrew and Skye.
"Andrew, some of the pack members haven't been treating Skye properly, some say she is heartless or that she was sleeping with her old alpha." I tell Andrew and we both have our wolves eyes then suddenly the link pulls us in and we are in a beautiful field that has flowers and a forest right next to it. In the field Skye is sitting down with her back to us, we look at each other then move towards her and I notice that she is holding something in her arms and I stop for a second, Andrew most have noticed to, because he does the same. We look at each other then move forward again we come around Skye to see that she is holding a pup in her arms, Andrew and I look at each other then sit down next to her and we see that she glances up at us for a second then smiles dearly at us and we both seem to completely calm down.
"You both know every detail of my life, and I know every detail of yours we have told each other everything about ourselves. So that we can trust each other, and I trust you both with my life and the future lives of our children. The pack may not understand but you do I give you two my first and you two will be my only." Skye speaks to us in a soft tone, I can tell that she doesn't want to wake the pup in her arms.
"Is this little one ours?" Andrew asked in the same soft tone that Skye spoke in. She nods her her looking down at the pup.
"Yes, this is how it works for a female with two mates, during her day long slumber she bounds with the pup in her inner mind. The way this works is a mystery to me, but I enjoy it dearly." She says to the us and then Skye looks up, but she is looking behind us. As we look to we see Star at the edge of the forest.
"Wait, isn't that Star?" I ask out of pure surprise.
"Yes, it is, in my mind we both are open to talk and run free, many people say locking up your wolf is the only way to keep control of your emotions. But I have found that the opposite is true, when she is hold down and caged up I feel on edge and stressed, but when she is like this we both feel free and calm." Skye explains and Star runs up to us and sees us she comes and lays between Andrew and myself, then starts purring.
"Skye why didn't you tell us about how the pack was treating you." I ask, feeling as if I should have known with out her telling me.
Skye just smiles at me and says....

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