16- Fully mated

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Mason POV

As I wake up, I realize that.... am naked.
Then last night comes back to me and I smile at the memory of it. I look over to see that Skye is snuggling into me and Andrew, as I look over Andrew opens his eye confused for a moment when there was a click in them and a smile breaks out across his face.
'Man, please tell me that wasn't a dream?' He asks though our twin link,'If it was we need to make that a reality soon.' I respond
We look at each other then at Skye every time one of us tried to move a whimper would come from her. As we rethink about what happened  last night I realize something, 'Uhhh, man do you remember using protection?' I asked Andrew hoping we did, because we don't know if she wants pups yet, it wouldn't be good if she was pregnant and she didn't want to be. But honestly I hope she does she would be a wonderful mother.
'Oh, shit man I don't think we did, what if she doesn't want a pup yet?' Andrew asked looking scared, I was to because if Skye was mad at us she might go female alpha on us.
'Well, we need to get her up the pack we'll want to talk to her and make sure she is safe. Let's wake her up so that we can introduce everyone.' Andrew said to me, as we shake Skye lightly she starts to wake up and when she is fully awake and realizes what happen she blushes ever so slightly.
"You are beautiful, you are ours, and you are Luna as we are Alpha." I said to her as I brush my fingers over her cheek, a kiss her lightly, Andrew does to same after I do.
"Well since I am sore in areas I have barely used I am going to take a bath." Skye said as she gets up and I can feel her pain, but she doesn't even wince.
"We are sorry, we didn't mean to course you any discomfort." Andrew and I said and the same time, and though the link I felt pleasure from Skye.
"Do not worry my mates I can handle this little pain, because last night was more then spectacular." Skye said in a voice that had milo my wolf purring.
'We need to tell her about not using protection last night.' Andrew linked to me. Oh yay, I have no clue how she is going to react.
"Skye before you take your bath, uh.... we need to talk about something." Andrew said nervously, "Last night, Andrew and myself we didn't use protection, so there is a chance that you well become pregnant with a pup." I finish nervous that she is going to be mad. Skye looks at us and then her hand goes to her stomach well she is in deep thought and without saying another word she is in the bathroom.
"Uhmmm, that wasn't what I was expecting her to do at all." Andrew said, but I had to agree she just can't be predicted by anyone if we can't no one will be able to.

Skye POV

I am woken up by my mates light shaking, then I start remembering what happened last night, oh my goddess.
"You are beautiful, you are ours, and you are Luna as we are Alpha." Mason says to me, then he kisses me lightly and then Andrew does the same.
"Well since I am sore in areas I have barely used I am going to take a bath." I say to them hoping that the bath will help with the pain, but to be honest I could go though worst for another night like that.
"We are sorry, we didn't mean to course you any discomfort." Andrew and Mason say at the same time, making me purring in pleasure.
"Do not worry my mates I can handle this little pain, because last night was more then spectacular." I said to them and they both seemed to purr when I us that voice.
"Skye before you take your bath, uh.... we need to talk about something." Andrew said nervously, "Last night, Andrew and myself we didn't use protection, so there is a chance that you well become pregnant with a pup." Mason finished nervously. I  look at them and then put my hand on my stomach thinking of the possible pup already. I head into the bathroom well in deep thought, honestly I hoped that I was pregnant. I have wanted a pup for a while now, and the fact that my mates are worried about me having a pup scares me do they not want one too.
"Skye why are you scared we can feel your emotions now remember so don't say your not." Mason yells though the door, oh we finished to mating process the three of us are linked forever now.
'Do you want a pup?' I asked them though the link, worried that they might say no. Honestly if I was pregnant right now I would be ecstatic.
'Yes, we do but we want to be sure you want one too. And there is also the case of marriage we want you to marry us, and when your ready have many pups with you.' The they together making me feel better.
'Good, because I have wanted a pup for a while but I waited for my mates and I honestly hope I do have a pup.' I said though the link and I start crying unable to stop the boys come in and hug me. They say comforting things to me as I sit there, after a while I calm down and they say together, " Skye, we love you and we honestly well wait if you want to or do things right away."
"I don't want to wait I love you two so much that I would happily wait for you." I said back to them honestly, now that we are mated I can see everything clearly again and honestly if they asked me to marry them right now I would except it wholeheartedly.
"Mate, we are taking you for a date tomorrow ok. So you need to go shopping for a dress at the acceptance ceremony where your become Luna, and a comfy outfit for our date that we will be having outside so make sure it is warm." Andrew said, like the two of them had a plan in motion.
"Ok, let's finish this bath together." I said to they. I wonder who will come shopping with me. I bloke out the boys so I can talk to Star alone, 'Star are we pregnant with a pup?' I asked her knowing she would be able to tell me ether today or tomorrow.
'I am not sure it takes time to tell if we are going to for a pup now I hope so.' Star said back to me.
As we get out of the bath I see their amazing bodies and in a fraction of a sec Star and I are both ready to jump them, so we did.

After we finish making love over and over again, we all fell asleep and when I wake up I see that they are still asleep so I get up and take a shower.
When I'm done with that I dress in a nice tank top that says ' If I had a British accent I'd never shut up' with my paint stained jean and combat boots.
As I walk out of the bathroom I see that Mason and Andrew are both awake and the second I came into the room they are staring at me, what do I look bad, maybe I should change.
"Skye we are staring, because you look incredibly sexy and if we had it our way. Let's just say that you would already be naked again." Andrew said, the both of them had dark eye that showed their lust for me.
"Will if I didn't need to go shopping then we would be going a couple days, now wouldn't we." I said back, because they were still naked and to say I was lustful was a total understatement. I pulled my attention away from them when there was a knock on the door, I go over to it to see who it was and what they needed and making sure that they couldn't see my mates because if they did their would be hell to pay.
"Yes who is it ?" I say as I open the door, and a man around Mason and Andrew's age, but he looked hatefully at me like I was some whore I don't think so mister.
"What is your problem?" I asked in a cold calm voice, I looked at him and I let my years anger show though a little.
"I am anger with the alphas for not telling me about the luna coming, sweetheart you are gorgeous." The man said with a serious voice at first then a happy voice.
"Oh, hey Henry." Mason yell when he heard the voice, so his name is Henry.
"Well Henry, it's nice to meet you." I said to him.

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