14- See you later

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Mason POV

It's our last day here, Andrew and I have become closer to Skye and we both agree that she is more important then anything. At first we thought that we would have to stay and slowly convince her then she would come hopefully, but to our surprise she gave up her title to come home with us.
She started packing everything she wanted and sent it to our pack house yesterday so it well probably get there in a week.
No one knows that we found our mate so we are going to surprise the pack with a great big party, Andrew and I hope that she likes it.
"Mason so did you find out what kind of party we should do I think we should do ether a pool party of a dinner, but I think she would really like a movie party I don't know what to do. I love her so much that I just don't know what to do." Andrew said, I totally agree we need help, but who... wait I know," Andrew why don't we ask mom and dad they can help us." I said to him and then we both rushed out the room to find our parents.
After finding them with the form Alpha and Luna, we sat done to talk to all four of them the more minds the better on this.
"So you two are Skye's mates, good luck to you both trust us the both of you well have your hands full with that one." The former Alpha said, we didn't really know what he was talking about though," What do you mean by that?" Andrew voiced my question.
" That girl is a workaholic, and trying to stop her when she decides something is like trying to not love her cake. It's impossible not to love her cake it is a piece of heaven." The former Luna said reassuring us, but at the same time worrying us about what to do when that time comes.
"Well, we are planning a party for Skye and our whole pack to introduce her, but we can't seem to decide what kind of party it is." Andrew started to say then I said," Pool, dinner or movie. Honestly we think she would love all of them but we can't seem to decide."
"Oh, that's what you two are worrying about it's ok, I think you should combine the movie and dinner in to one and do that and wait to do a pool party another time." Dad said honestly that was perfect.
"I agree plus I got word from your beta that some of the teenagers dumped tons of soda in it for a party they had well we have been gone, so the pool needs to be clean. So he called a cleaning company but they are back up for the next three weeks." Well that helps us decide good thing we asked them for the help. With that decide we planed everything and called our beta and told him what to do. When he asked why we told him, 'You will see friend, you will see.'
After we both checked everything about to party and travel plans we when to find Skye she was finishing up her good byes with everyone,
" See you later!" She yell out the window of the car as we left.
"Mason, I think I speak for both of us when I say this, this as been the best trip we have taken so far." Andrew said to me as we watch Skye wave out the window.
"That it has." I responded back to him, and we drive to the airport, get on the plane. During the whole trip Andrew and I were staring at Skye, barely believing that this whole thing was real.

Andrew POV

When we woke up this morning Skye was with us and I thought like I was on cloud nine. I just stayed there watching her sleep and then I got an idea. Though her a party to introduce her to the pack. I woke up mason and talked to him about it for a little while then when she started to wake up we stop and we took her to breakfast at the restaurant she showed us. We find out that it was her family's favorite dinner and she hadn't been there since before her parents and brother died, she ended up crying and then we took her to the woods where we talked.
"So you two what is your favorite movie?" Skye asked us, it really came out of the blue but that didn't stop her. "I don't really have a single favorite but I have many that I really like." Is what she told us.
"Honestly I don't choose favorites because then people get all butt hurt when it's not the stay one." I told her, she nodded her head like ok I understand. "While I like action movies they are pretty awesome." Mason answer the question.
"Ok, next question have you two ever kissed another girl other then me?" Skye asked almost as if she was scared of the answer. "No I haven't." Mason and I responded at the stay time and Skye purred a bit. After we learned that she likes it when we talk at the same time we have heard her purr many times and every single time I just want to mate with her more honestly I am getting sick of the cold showers.
"I never kissed anyone else ether you two were my first kiss." She said and for some reason that made it even better.
After talking some more about other stuff like books, and what we like and other random things. Skye said she had lunch with the alpha family to said goodbye, so while she was there we started plan the party. Though we had trouble and needed help, but before we could Skye came back and said she was going out with Luna Ashley. So we found our parents and finally got everything planned out.

Ashley POV

Skye is leaving today I am going to miss her so much, I'm going to need ice cream.
'Skye take me to ice cream!!!!!' I yell though the mind link, I wait for a moment and then out of no where Skye appears in front of me.
And I screamed like a little girl, after calming down from the near heart attack and George mind linking me worried that I was in danger.
" Are you kidding me Skye I almost died of a heart attack because of that!" I yelled at her, and then I start crying ,because I am going to miss her. Honestly all these hormones are going to be the death of me.
"Oh Ashley, don't worry I'll call and visit, now why don't we going get that ice cream you wanted." Skye said in return, something is bugging her I can tell. We get in a car and head to our favorite ice cream place, after getting our ice cream we sit down.
"So what is bugging you, and don't say nothing because I know you too well." I tell her looking her straight in the face.
"Ok, I'll tell you, but it's just between us got it?" She asked, oh so thing for just us girls to know yay.
"Of course, girl talk that stays just between us." I said, and Skye looked relieved that I said it.
" Ok, I want a pup, but I'm nervous that Mason and Andrew don't. I would love to ... well you know mate with them. But what if I get a pup and they don't want it I don't know what I would do." Skye said, well no wonder she was so uncomfortable and she is eating her ice cream so fast.
"Of course they want a pup they would be over the moon to have a pup with you." I tell her trying to calm down her worries on the subject.
They haven't even mated completely and she is worrying about this. Honestly I hope it's soon that she has a pup because she would make a great mother, not to mention the pups have two fathers.
"Skye your pups are going to have two fathers, that's going to be hard for your daughters when you have them." I said to her, and then a twinkle in her eyes show and I could tell she was imagining what her future would be like, the smile give it away. All that Skye needed to finish healing was her mate or in her case mates.
"So why don't we talk baby names, course lets be honest we both are going to need them soon." I said to her. We talked about baby names, and how much we are going to miss each other, and how no matter how far apart we are we are best friends forever. Let's just say that tears were shed.

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