20- The Answer

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Skye POV

'Star are we pregnant, I know you should be able to tell.'
I wait for her to answer...
'Yes we are, mates' pup or pups I can't tell how many we need to tell mates, oh and don't you dare eat anything that well hurt the pups'
'I would never hurt our pups you know that we'll protect them.' I was never going to hurt them they are my pups.
I walk out of the bathroom and start to head to the movie room again, as I get their I see Andrew and Mason arguing about what movie to watch.
"Hey, I need to talk to you two before we watch a movie." I said to them they both stop and look at me curiously, when shrugged.
"What do we need to talk about?" They both asked then Andrew asked, "Your not second guessing our proposal are you?" He looked terrified about the thought.
"No, we are getting married you two are going to be stuck with me until we all die of old age." They both seemed to relax a little, "Well when what do we need to talk about then."
"Well we are going to probably need to move the wedding back or get it done in the next two to three weeks." I told them I wanted to get it done right away though.
"Why? Are you trying to tell us something, but you are so nervous that you gave us a hint instead?" Mason asked knowing all to well that I was nervous.
I nod my head, I breath in then breath out.
"I'm ... we're ... uh ... going to have a ... uh"
I couldn't get the last word out, I suddenly feel the urge to puke I hop up from where we are sitting and run back to the bathroom and puke, Mason and Andrew pull my hair back and rub my back making Star purr on the inside and me feel a little better on the outside.
"We should take you to the pack doctor to see what's wrong with you cause after shifting we don't get sick." Mason said and Andrew was nodding his head in agreement, but I shook my head, I was going to tell them not some doctor.
"I know why...." I whispered, they stared at me for a minute letting me relax.
"I'm .... pregnant." I whispered out I knew they would hear me and they froze right were they were.
After a few minutes of reality setting in they can't seem to stop smiling, but then they had a question, "Wait who's baby because we both are men?" They asked at the same time, I purr a little then tell they what I had learned about having two mates.
"You two are silly the baby is both of your's, you see I can't have children unless it's with two identical twin males and that in the world is few in number." I tell them as I lean on them, them both looked confused so I explained more.
"Because I am mates with you both I can't have children with just one of you because I share my soul with both of you and the fact that your both alpha, means my body has changed in order to stop a fight that would have come up." I told them truthfully, then continued "So instead of your wolves fighting for the right to have me to themselves my body has made it impossible for me to have children other then yours, but this only happened after the three of us marked each other."
"So all the children you have genetically have two fathers and one mother." Andrew asked, as if to make sure he wasn't mishearing me.
"Yes, exactly." I said, I was finally starting to feel better. The both of them were generally rubbing my stomach it felt nice, and after some time I start to purr and relax, though at some point they had picked me up then carried me to the movie room, where we watching some kid movie I fell asleep before it was over.

When I woke up Mason and Andrew were huddled around me like they were trying to keep the world away from me. After a little wiggling I got out of there grip, I turn around to see them huddling together and take a picture.
'I like that picture save it as home screen.' Star said all though she was a little busy.
What the boys don't know is that I will start to have sleeping spells, because of the way my body works it needs more energy for the pregnancy, or some bad stuff can happen so my wolf will take over and make a den in a safe place.
The problem is that if there is more then one baby the spells will be much longer and my wolf will be more aggressive. I better get all my research together and tell them before the first spell happens.
After collecting all of my research I did on the subject I feel a wave come over me and Star takes over and shifts she feels better in this form so I follow her lead.
'Mates' Star whined a little, because she wanted to be near them but they were asleep and she need to find the den site.
'I know, but we will explain everything later.' I reassured her.
'Yes, pups first.' Star sounded pretty sure that it was more then one. I feel bad now if I had one pup the spell would last about a day by what the research said but if I'm having more then one it could be anywhere from now till the pups come.
My guilt soon fell to instinct, as me and Star knew the our room would be best but had to much open space, but the walk in closet was perfect and I could use the clothes as a bed.
'Food.... water....' Star growled out as if demanding it.
'We can get as much food as we need from the kitchen and water from the bathroom.' I told her she agreed that the water was fine, but we needed to store the food we were going to eat in here with us.
Do to the fact that it was the middle of the day, wolves would be all over the pack house so I had to be careful. Then I thought of something that would make bringing food here easier, I would take a blanket about a medium sized one those. Lay it on the kitchen floor then put the food I want on it take the corners in my mouth then come back up here.
'Mates will wake soon' Star said, I felt bad they won't know what is happening with me, I whimper at that fact, but I was acting on instinct though.
I slowly a quietly made my way to the kitchen with a blanket as I check to see if anyone is there, luckily no one is I spread the blanket on the floor I some how open the fridge I grabbed a lot of the frozen meat and then I open the pantry Star and I grab the cookies, we always had a weakness for chocolate chip cookies.
I heard footsteps so I grabbed the food I had gotten an wanted they were coming this way as they got closer I could see that it was beta Erick and Jordan, that reminds me, I haven't told the girls that I'm pregnant I promised that they would be the second people I tell after Andrew and Mason.
I wait and they end up passing me so I slowing make my way up the stair I get to my room and I hear footsteps again, then I hear their voices, "Let's go find Skye I have a bad feeling about her not being with us after we woke up." Mason said from down the hall, "I agree, let's find her."
As the head to our room I nestled in their clothes to calm Star and I down. As they walk in to our bedroom the smell my scent and come in here Star is hesitant to be near them, because of the pups. Her slowly comes to them and them lay down in the little nest she has made out of their clothes.
"Star, why are you doing this we don't understand?" Andrew asked and Mason looked at me trying to figure it out. Star licks our stomach for a little while.
"The pup, she just following her instincts." Mason look surprised when he figured it out.
'Your office....' I mind link them, they look at each other then start heading to their office, Star follows them because she wants to be near Mates.
As we get to their office the giant pile of research papers was there.
"What in the world is all this?" Mates said together making me purr with delight.
'Research my pups' I mind linked them, understanding flickered in Andrew's eyes
"Oh, this is Skye research on the pup, and before she could explain something happened, but the only way to understand what's happening..." Andrew was cut off by Mason saying, " Is to read all the research ourselves and figure it out, great paper work."

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