5- Two years later

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Mason POV.

Andrew and I have been looking for our mate for three years, but we haven't found her. Normally people don't have the same mate, but some times in rare cases like ours they do. Andrew and I are twin brothers so we have the same mate, people always ask,' aren't you jealous that you don't have your own mate', but here's the thing me and my brother are identical twins meaning we are almost the exact same. Though we do have our own minds, we just usually agree on everything and honestly we don't care that we get to share her between us, but we are upset that we haven't found her yet. On our eighteenth birthday our father made both of us alpha meaning we share the duties which fits us perfectly, because we are both extremely smart and strong, but our pack is the largest in the world meaning a lot more paperwork then other packs.
'Alpha Mason, Alpha Andrew former Alpha Jefferey would like to see you is it ok if I let him in or should I wait for you to come out here.' Our beta Erick mind linked us, our beta Erick has been my brother's and mine best friend since we where pups we have pictures of when we all were in diapers together, there's even one where we are all very angry at the camera.
'Let him in we are really busy so we will just talk to him as we work.' Andrew mind links back to him, the thing about Erick is that he already found his mate and they are going to get married soon. His mate is human they are pretty perfect for each other.
Dad walks in though the door he is followed by our mom, now I am curious has to what they want to talk about.
"Hey mom and dad, what can we do for you?" I ask them as they sit down in the sits in front of our desks.
"We want you two to come with us to see some old friends of ours from back in of high school and college days." Mom said to us I was about to say no when dad said," And well we are all there you can renew the alliance we have with them." Now that was a good arrangement, I look over to Andrew and he nodded his head and I nodded mine.
"Ok mom and dad just let us get ready, call them to tell them, and pack our bags we can go the day after tomorrow." I said then got back to work as Andrew and our parents continued to talk I wanted to get as much work done as possible.

Andrew POV

As Mason goes back to work, but I wanted to know more about the pack we are going to go see.
"So mom, dad how do you know this pack and what pack are you talking about?" I question my parents.
"Oh the former Alpha and Beta where close friends of mine in high school, back then I had stayed there for a few years, because I was having special training by the warriors and alphas in the area it was amazing. Well anyway I become close friends with Jackson and his best friend Alex, the trouble we all got into together sure was a time I won't forget. Anyway I want for the three of us to get together again I haven't seen or talked to them since you two were born, I thought what a perfect time to get together again the alliance we have with them is old and needs to be renewed so have my sons meet two of my oldest friends." Dad told me, I was pretty excited I wonder why oh well.
"Ok dad I well call them right now." I said, then I pick up the phone came call the number dad give me.
"Hello, how may I help you the Alpha and Beta are in a meeting." A woman said though the phone.
"Yes, hello I was wondering if we could renew our alliance, our former alpha made with your pack." I ask the woman on the other said of the phone.
"That would be lovely I well tell the alpha and beta that you well be coming how many room do you need and when will you be coming?" She asks me, well that was easy.
"We'll be coming the day after tomorrow, two rooms should be fine, by the way we are the silver wolf pack." I said to her simply, I hear her gulp in surprise.
"Oh may we have an alliance with you when did that happen, may I ask?" She asked a lot more formally then before.
"Oh some thirty two years ago I believe, my brother and I think it would be a good idea to renew the alliance." I told her.
"Ok well bye the meeting is about to end so I well go tell the alpha and beta now." The woman said just before hanging up, will I think this is going to be a good trip.

Ashley POV

I just talked to one of the most feared alphas in the world and they are coming here I better tell George and Skye right away. The last two years have been pretty busy George and I got married, and now I am pregnant with our first pup, but sadly Skye is still distant from everyone I am the one who is the closest and I haven't seen any emotion in her face since the day she came back from the rouges. Though from time to time I see a hint of happiness or sadness in her eyes.
I go into the meeting knowing that they would all like to know about the silver wolf pack's alphas coming here. The meeting was between former Alpha Jackson, George the current alpha, and Skye the beta.
"Ashley dear what do you need." Former Alpha Jackson asked me.
"I just answered the phone and a pack is coming to renew an alliance that was made thirty two years ago." I said and they all looked at me waiting for me to finish." The pack that called was the silver wolf pack." I finish, surprise look was on George's face, happiness on alpha Jackson's face, and Skye's face was blank like always.
"Oh, how nice I get to see Jefferey again he was a friend from my high school days, we lost touch after his sons and you where born George." Former Alpha Jackson said to us, well that makes more sense now.
Skye gets up and walks to the door and says "Ok I will prepare for there arrival, two rooms two days." as she leaves the room we are really worried about her, the doctors say that she may be like this forever not ever trusting people because of what happened to her and Skye's wolf Star won't let anyone near her if she is near the surface.

Mason POV

Two days later

Andrew and I got most of our work done, and then packed yesterday. It's around five in the morning and we are taking a car to the airport then a plane to the closest airport near the pack. You see our pack is on one side of the country and theirs is on the other side.
"Come on boys we can't miss our plane." Mom yelled from the car, Andrew and I were just putting the luggage in the car.
"We know mom, but we also need to make sure we all have clothes for the trip." Andrew said to her," Yeah mom do you want to end up having to borrow clothes from someone in the pack." I asked.
"Actually that would be lovely the Luna and the beta female where close friends of mine they were like sisters and I was their best friend I have missed them dearly." Mom said to the both of us, well we better hurry or she might just change she mind about something.
We all get in the car and get to the airport.

Andrew POV

As we get to the airport I remember who this is that we are going to a pack that we haven't been to before so we won't know what to expect. Well I did call ahead so they should be expecting us I wonder what it will look like.
"Come on the plane is boarding then we have a four hour flight and that's if we don't have any delays." Dad said. We get on the plane so I decided to sleep though the flight it was pretty nice all in all.

When we land Mason wakes me up, which put me in a bad mood because I was dreaming about our mate and let's just say it was perfect in my head too bad we haven't found her yet I just want our mate, but that is going to have to wait.
"Ok lets get the rental car then we are off." Dad said. Well we planned to be here for two weeks so that dad and mom can catch-up with their old friends.

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