9- And I You

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Skye POV

"We love you, and want you to be our mate, our Luna. Please say you accept us because we love you." They both say when kiss my cheeks. After that they both stepped back, thinking I would say no.
I grab their hands and pull them close and kiss them both on the cheek," And I you." I say and then continue, "It will take time and a lot of work to sort out some things, but I accept you both and love you too. Now you two will want some of that cake trust me, come I need time to know you both and cake is perfect to go with it." They were both smiling like fools as I walked them back to the dining hall.
After we all got cake we go back to there guest room and I said," While you now I have a wall built up around me from the part of the story that George told you, but I think I am going to hold off that for when I am ready to tell someone I think I am going to tell you everything until right before that event happen is that ok?"
They both looked at me with love and then they together said," Of course mate, we will not press you to tell us until you are ready, but you must promise to one day tell us."
How did I get this lucky to have not just one understanding mate, but two.
"Thank you, my dear mates and I promise one day soon I will tell you just not tonight." I said as I grabbed one of their hands.
"When I was a little girl I was very smart I start school early and I got all honors in every class I finished 8 years of college at the same time I was doing high school I graduated top of the class. My old bother and I were in the same year of school for our whole lives, my brother looked like my mother light blind hair with my father's green eyes he was going to be an amazing beta, I got my father's brown hair and my mother's multiple colorful eyes so depending on where I am my eyes change will they did, but most of the time my eyes are usually fold like star's eyes because she is always near the surface after I was taken." I said and a few tears slide down my face, Mason and Andrew both wiped them away at the same time. A lot of people think it's weird and creepy when they do things at the same time but to me I find it incredibly sexy, but only if it is them.

~~~~~~~~~ the next day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Around four thirty in the morning I woke up in between my mates I don't remember how I got there, but it doesn't matter, because I need to finish all my work then look for a good new beta for the pack so I can go with my mates back to their pack by the end of their visit.
Not that hard because I already know who the next beta will be George's younger sister, Anna, met her mate Fred, he was a rouge, but unlike most he became a rouge because he was the last person of his pack to be alive after his pack died and he is from a beta blood line, and already has the training for the title. Now I just need to tell George and the rest of the pack that I will be going, but it is only six in the morning so I need to wait until for him to comes in. By then all my work will be done and I can go talk to the warriors and the training and talk to Fred about him getting the beta title.
After hours of work and George finally coming in for his job, I get up and talk to him.
"Alpha I need to talk to you about who will replace me, when I go with my mates so I am telling you now when I'll go talk to him when the warriors." I said to George and we talk for a good hour and a half, and he agreed about every thing I said which was nice.

Mason POV

Andrew and I woke up at about seven and the first thing that came to mind was that our mate was not with us. We had talked late into the night yesterday so we all must have felled asleep in the guest room we had been in.
"Andrew, her scent in here is old. She hasn't been here for hours hurry you show in this bathroom I well use the one down the hall. Then we go looking for her." I said worried that our mate wasn't here with us. After the shower and getting dressed we started talking," Ok, so what are some reasons that she would get up early for?" Andrew asked out loud, then it clicked.
"She is in her office, she needs to finish up her work before passing it to someone else. Then she can come back with us to our pack." I said to Andrew who seemed to relax. We get up and walk to her office and see that she has finished more work this morning when Andrew and I have in a day she was going though months of work in one day. Alpha George came up behind us and said," I see she is going though everything again. You both know that you are lucky to have her unlike many females, she only had her eyes on her mate. From the moment we all found out about mates. I was 7 at the time she was 6, but she was in the same age group because of her fast improvements in very subject." He seemed to be reliving the moment he found out about mates. We decided that we would go get food and wait there for her.
"Andrew, what do you think of our mate so far?" I asked randomly, I wanted to know and so far it has been a pretty unique trip.
"Mason, you and I both know that if she let us we both would have jump her the moment we saw her, not only is she beautiful and gorgeous, but also smart, kind, caring, and hard working just because she can be if I had it my way the three of us would be watching movies and getting to know each other, not to mention she would have been marked already." Andrew said with his hands running through his hair and over his face.
"I know how you feel bro. I am the same let's ask her on a date just the three of us all alone on a picnic in the forest." I said thinking of how amazing it would be.

Andrew POV

"Andrew, what do you think of our mate so far?" Mason asked me randomly.
"Mason, you and I both know that if she let us we both would have jump her the moment we saw her, not only is she beautiful and gorgeous, but also smart, kind, caring, and hard working just because she can be if I had it my way the three of us would be watching movies and getting to know each other, not to mention she would have been marked already." I said with my hands running through my hair and over my face.
"I know how you feel bro. I am the same let's ask her on a date just the three of us all alone on a picnic in the forest." Mason said, and just thinking about it made me happy.
"That's a great idea let's go ask her now, then if she says yes we can go set it up for tonight." I said to Mason, this is going to be amazing.
Both Mason and I go up to her office and we hear her finishing up a meeting with Alpha  George. As she walks out she spots us and walks over as we look at her, my wolf starts all the things that he wants to do to her and to say that it didn't do anything to me would be a lie. 
"Hello my mates how are you?" Skye asks Mason and I.
"We would like to go on a date with you just the three of us on a picnic and talk with each other." Mason and I spoke at the same time and for some reason Skye shivered a bit.
Skye looked like she was thinking about it the only thing that I was scared of is if she said no.
"That would be lovely can we do it later tonight?" She asked, wait..... what she said yes. My wolf was jumping around happily in my head saying stuff like 'I love mate' or 'Mate is the best' and he when on and on and on, but I can't say I disagree.
"Yes, yes we will go set it up we will come get you at 6:30, this afternoon ok." I said before Mason could.
"Ok see you then" Skye said and then she was back to work.

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