6- Twin Alphas

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George POV

After finding out that we had an alliance with the biggest and most powerful pack in the world I talked about it with my father, and he said that my mother, my father, the former beta and the former Alpha of the silver wolf pack were all friends back in high school it was so weird to hear about.
"Alpha, they well be here in thirty minutes would you like me to accompany you to the boarder to meet them?" Skye said to me. I worry about Skye she can't seem to trust anyone wholeheartedly anymore and I worry when her mate finally comes around he won't try to get past that wall she has up.
"Yes please that would very much comfort me to know you have my back. Let me guess you are going to go though the trees to have the best point of view." I said teasingly, but in stead of a blank face looking back at me, Skye was actually thinking it over. Oh what have I done.
"Actually that is a great idea. I'll do that they will be at the border in twenty five minutes west border meet you there." Skye said back, then she was off I better get to the border before they do. This is doing to be a long day I can tell.
"George, where are you going?" I hear the heavenly voice that comes from my mate for some reason she has been acting different the last week and I am starting to worry about her she said she's fine and that she has a surprise for me tonight at the pack dinner so I am going to wait and not to try and find out although I tried and Skye shot me done every time I tried to find out.
"Oh, my lovely Luna I am going to meet our guests at the boarder with Skye as my back up, but I said to much and now I think she is going to go all ninja on us." I said with a smile, no matter how down I am I always over the stars when I am with Ashley.
"Uh, oh. Did you try to joke around trying to get her to smile and she took it seriously." Ashley asks.
"Yep, I said,'Let me guess you are going to go though the trees to have the best point of view.' I was only joking, but of course it don't work out that way. I am starting to get really worry at this point the only person I think that could change her is her mate, but we don't know if he will come. Well anyway I got to go love you honey." I says and rush to the border they would be here any minute now.
'Car coming from the west four wolves in it.' Skye mind linked me, honestly it's crazy how accurate her calculations are sometimes.
'Wolves with rank, three alphas if I'm right.' Skye mind linked me again with more information.
'That sounds like our guests let them though.' I mind link Skye and the warriors, will time to meet three alphas all at once. The car comes up and parks four people get out an older man and woman, and two men that look to be twins.
"Hello, welcome to the blue moon pack I am Alpha George, and the woman you talked to on the phone the other day was Luna Ashley my mate. My beta is around here somewhere, follow me my father wishes to see you former Alpha Jefferey." I said to them and they follow me.
"Oh, so Jackson wants to see me, but what about Alex. Is he still mad about that prank I left him with?" Former Alpha Jefferey said and I closed my eyes and stop all of the sudden.
"Sorry, Former Alpha Jefferey, but you will not be able to see Former Beta Alex." I said hoping he would push the matter.
"And why is that?" He asked back and Skye appeared on one of the branches above me in the tree.
"Former Beta Alex died three years ago in a rouge attack along with his wife and son." She says in the coldest voice I have heard from her, and then she disappears again. I slowly let out the breathe I didn't know I was holding.
"May I ask who that was?" The Luna asked, oh they are so on Skye's bad side now.
"That would be Skye Iapetus, daughter of former Beta Alex, and current beta of this pack. There are some terrible things that have happened to her so I think I wouldn't mention her family and don't get on her bad side, though I am afraid that might be too late." I answer her. They all looked shocked.
"Wait, your telling me one of my friends is died and his daughter has taken up his title!?!" Alpha Jefferey asked, and that's not all of it.
"Yes, though there was a major event that has caused her to not trust people anymore. She used to be my best friend's little sister who would smile all day long just so you didn't feel down, but after that... she put up a wall that I doubt anyone could tear down that wall other when her mate, but he hasn't come yet. Myself and mate are her closest friends and we haven't seen her smile sense it happened and she hasn't told anyone what really happened the doctors gave us a best guess." I tell them, I think Skye is still near so she heard me, but I didn't care I just want her to be happy.
"Alpha, I know you guys care, but we better hurry or you will miss Luna's surprise and trust me you don't want to miss this one."Skye's voice rang out, of course she know already I am so tried of being the last one to find things out.
"Of course you know I bet you were the one who said let's make it a surprise, didn't you." I yell out to her, I don't expect an answer, but to my surprise," Well you would get bored if I didn't know wouldn't you." She said. She was right I love the surprises they do from me like on my birthday I was lend to believe everyone forgot but it was actually a surprise party and I got a very special present from Ashley that night.
"Alpha George can you tell us a little of what happened to her." The twin alphas ask at the same time, ok that was a little creepy, but I don't know.
" She was captured by rouges, luckily we got to her before they raped her, but not before they bet her half to death, with silver." I said to them.
" My god I can't believe she had to go though that." The Luna said." Yes, it took about three months for her to be able to be with another person in the same room." I said, that's when a question came up in my head.
"Sorry Luna, but I did not catch your name?" I ask," Oh, how silly of me it's Lily."
"As you heard my mate has a surprise for me during the pack dinner tonight, and as usual my beta is helping her so I couldn't find out about it, Skye makes sure if it's a surprise it's a surprise." I informed them, and we continued to walk to the pack house.
"So are we coming to the dinner I would like to see an alpha with a surprised face?" Alpha Jefferey asked me," and I think I know what the surprise is." Luna Lily said. How would she now. "How could you know?" I asked.
"Woman's intuition." Is her only answer.

Mason POV

When I saw the beta and heard her voice I got a strange feeling and it was really strong too.
I wonder what it was about, I will have to ask Andrew if he felt it to.

Andrew POV

The beta for some reason there was a really strong, strange feeling between us, Mason must have felt it to because we looked at each other.

Alpha Jefferey POV

As we make it to the pack house Alpha George yells up to the trees," Skye please show them to their rooms.", how does he know she is here I can't even sense her.
"Yes, Alpha." Her voice said and a girl about the age of twenty one, I believe," I have prepared two rooms one has one bed and the other has two beds they are in the guest wing of the pack house, the rooms around your rooms are empty, but mine is right down the hall from yours, there are bathrooms connected to your rooms and you well be siting right next the former Alpha Jackson under his request, please follow me to your rooms." She said with a face that has no emotion, but in her eyes you could almost see the glow of happiness in them, but then something every unexpected happened.
She looks over to my boys freeze as their gaze into her eyes and all three of them growl out,"Mate" at the same time to say I was surprised would be an understatement.

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