15- Star is very protective

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Skye POV

Right now we are leaving my old pack behind, but I don't feel that sad I feel excited for the new adventure to come. We just got on the plane I am sitting in the middle of the twin, and being so close to them star purrs and I fall asleep to the beat of their hearts I only wake up then one of them moves away. I woke a few times though out the flight and each time the boys apologized for moving and I went back to sleep. I was shaken awake when we landed, "Come on time to meet the pack, you ready?" Andrew said well mason got my bag, to meet a pack, that was the easy part to be luna, now that was the hard part.
" I can do anything, with you two there for me." I said to them nodding, the Luna is the mother of the pack and alpha female, meaning that she is the protector along with her mate.
I can do the second part of being luna in stride, but I don't know how to be motherly or very kind.
As we are getting off the plane Andrew and Mason stay close to me, I can tell they have something planned. We get the rest of our bags and get in a car, the boys said that they have a surprise for me. Wonder what it is.
As we pull up to the pack house, which was much larger then my old one.
The boys stay in front of me and walk though the door, " Welcome home Alphas!" The crowd yelled, and the twin say, " Thank you, but we have a surprise for you, we would like to present our mate and your Luna , Skye" as they step aside and grab one of my hands each.
The crowd goes silent, and then all at once cheers. Andrew and Mason start to introduce everyone to me when, " Rouges, Rouges coming this way." A guard yells as he runs in.
The second I hear rouges I am in wolf form, every one steps back and I run outside a growl as the rouges come into view.
"Luna, please come inside." Someone said, but at this point Star and I were not going to let these mutts anywhere close to our pack and mates. A rouge jump at the person, I tackled it and killed it before it was near the person.
Then Star and I let out a dark and dangerous growl daring them to come any closer to what we protect.
They run off, but Star and I where not moving from this spot until we are sure it is safe. As we watch them run away I feel to pairs of hand stroke my back and I start purring. Andrew and Mason, they stop and I circle them as I rub my sides against them. They seemed pleased that I wished to be near them. 'If only they knew what we think about them when we block them.' Star spoke to me, 'Yes your right, if only they knew.'
"Star, are you mad at the pack?" Andrew asked, I looked at the pack with my head tilted to one side. The whole pack look awestruck, and upset, I didn't know what happened. Star flatten our ears and whined a little, has if she was asking what's wrong.
"Star, do you know why the pack is upset?" Mason asked, we shake our head no.
"Star, Skye you are Luna and you did let the pack protect you." Andrew said then Star, open our mind to their.
'My pack, I will protect them!" Star yell angrily though the link the thought of any one here hurt had Star and I enraged. Our eyes started to grow red and the twin backed up that was a smart decision.
The pack looked at us, but instead of fear they seems to look and us with admiration. Then a rouge jump out of the trees and was about to a attack a pregnant female. I snapped his neck and throw him back in to the trees. I circled the female to make sure she was ok someone stepped closer and I growled lightly.
"What is she doing?" A male wolf asked worried, I growled lightly again. Mason and Andrew stepped closer but flicked my tail at them if they came to close.
"Don't worry it's just her instinct, if a pregnant female is in danger she becomes very protective of the female until she calms down and that might take some time she is in unfamiliar land and she doesn't know you personally yet..." Mason said to everyone.
"Terra sit down and slowly calm down " Andrew instructed the female to do as she sat down I laid down and rapped myself around her to protect her and put my head on her lap.
"See she will stay there for a little while and when she is sure that you are safe she will get up and go get dressed, but she will most likely be on high alert for some time." Andrew said the everyone.
"Ok, males go on patrol pups go play and teenagers homework. Us women well calm her down dears." former Luna Lily said to everyone and after all the males were gone I calmed down more. Luna lily sat down next to me I moved my head to her lap, and she started petting it. 'Oooh, that feels nice.' Star says to me.
"Ok dear you can change back it's just us females know." Luna Lily said, I shake my head saying no. They do not need to see the scars I have not now and if I have it my way not ever.
"Dear is it the scars?" Luna lily asked me, I nod my head telling her yes.
"They can't be that bad training comes to a few scars here and there, it's fine." Terra said, I shake my head they did not understand.
"No sweetie, Skye was taken prisoner by rouges and tortured by them when she was eighteen, lucky they didn't rape her, but she was beaten repeatedly." Luna Lily explained to them, them all looked horrified, they then looked to me, I nod my head tell them it was true.
"How terrible, is that why the second someone yell rouge she shifted?" Someone asked, I nodded my head again. I walk around the female terra to make sure she is ok I sniff her belly then whimper a little.
"Star, Skye do you want a pup?" Luna lily asked I drop my head a little and nod, I wanted a pup so badly.
"Don't worry sweetie it's ok honestly I don't think you'll have to wait long." Luna Lily said I wag my tail a little, this was my new family so I need to trust them.
I shifted back and the female all held their breathe when they saw the scars. "Oh my goddess, what did they do to you?" Terra asked in a sad small voice, I shakes my head not wanting to talk about it. Then all at once very single one of them is hugging me, and just my luck all the males come running in I shift back so fast that they don't see the scars and this has the females very angry at rouges now.
"Those filthy mutts are going to get it." The females say together, all their eyes show that of their wolves the males come in and all the females are guarded around me when the male came too close for their liking they growled.
"Uh, what happened?" Mason asked his mother, but she wasn't there only her wolf.
"It's a protective circle the women want to protect Luna Skye from any harm and they can't tell if that is us right now because they were showed something that enraged them." An elderly man said, with his wisdom on the subject he as probably seen it before.
"Skye, what has them so enraged?" Andrew asked, worried along with Mason next to him.
'Scars' I mind linked them, they both take in their breathe, "Is it really that bad mate?" Mason and Andrew said at the same time making Star and I purr in delight, but I nod my head telling them yes.
"How bad mate?" They asked, I could tell they want to see for themselves so I got up wiggled my way out of the circle and head to the bathroom, 'follow' Star mind linked to them.
"You know that this well change nothing, we will always love you." They said, I trusted them and it was time they saw and learned that happened to me that horrible day. I shifted, but kept my head down they froze and then a deep growl came from the two of them. I whimpered at them, I couldn't take rejection, but instead they hugged me, whispering calming words. I ask for some clothes Andrew took off his shirt and gave it to me and Mason picked me up.
Then carried me to our new room.

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