The Deeper Meaning.

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I could sit here an go on and on about how much I need you. I wont. Whats the point anymore?You never understood. I never got the chance to say goodbye. I never will say goodbye to you. Goodbye means you're gone forever, I'm not mentally prepared for all of that. Of letting you go. I thought I was. The point of that conversation was NOT to let you slip though my fingers. I had so much build up, I had to be honest. I wasn't gonna give you the false hope. Ironic. But, I just want you to be here. You can hate me for what I said, I was being honest, you always said to keep it hunnit. Right? I DID. It doesn't matter. Sorry about your luck, well no, I'm sorry about my luck. Its fine, go. Ill do it without you. 

"If there's a way for us to learn to forgive

There's nothing that I wouldn't give

There's still a space that I have buried away

It's deep in my heart, it's always your place."

- 'Better With You' x This Wild Life

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