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Wanting something that you know you'll never have is like wishing on a star. That star will never grant your wishes. That star is just there, listening to everything you desire. Soon that star will die, the one thing that knew all you're hopes and dreams will disappear from your life like it was never there. You'll always remember everything you wished for, all the things that you knew that were too good to be true.
That star, it was there for you. When you needed something you asked and prayed for it. Begging that star to somehow make your life not so hard. You wished for clarity, for someone to talk to. Someone tangible not just a figment of your imagination. Someone to be your shoulder to cry on. Someone to listen and actually give feedback.

That star, it could have tried but you would never know. Just as you, you've been trying to accept the things you can't change. You've been trying to make yourself okay, but no one notices. All they see is your faults. Even if you finally face your fear of heights and get over it. They will still find another thing you fear and use it against you.
"they" who are they to judge you? Who are they to do this to you? Well, sometimes it's the person you called your best friend, maybe it's the person you were hoping to spend the rest of your life with. Or maybe it's a parent, family members. Anyone "they" could be anyone and everyone. But one day you'll show them. Show them that you faced the fears. That, you did it. That star in the sky died but even in death granted you your wishes and dreams. You, will stop regretting. You will stop being afraid of the stupid things like the dark and spiders. You will be okay with being alone. Soon.

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