Joker x deaf reader! Part 2

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Y/N waited for them to bring her patient in. It was the Joker, and she almost rolled her eyes when she saw his picture in her file. Of course she had to get him after that embarrassing encounter yesterday. When the guards brought him in, she noticed him chuckle. He was in a straight jacket, his hair was slicked back, and she wondered how he kept his lips so damn red. When they were alone, she glanced back at him and frowned when she saw his head tilted downwards, barely showing his lips.

"How are you today, Mr.... actually, what do you want me to address you as?" He mumbled something and she scowled at the top of his head.

"Could you repeat that?" He mumbled again and she sighed.

"Ok, you either said you want lasagna or you're having a bad day." His head slowly came up and his eyes met hers. He had a big smile on his face and she could tell he was laughing.

"I like a doc who tells jokes." She looked away from his lips and blushed.

"So how woul-" Her eyes go wide as she looked up and realized he was talking too. Shit.

"Sorry, could you repeat that?" This was terrible, she could feel her face burning.

"Doc, are you deaf?" She blinked and started slow clapping, causing him to chuckle again. She's got spunk.

"What gave it away?" She deadpanned.

"Oh, I don't know. It was either that or you must really want to kiss me." Looking down, she begins to write on her notepad. Smartass.

"Why are you the way you are?"

"Jeez, Doc. Right to the point. Is that your natural hair color?" She glared at his lips.

"Are you an a relationship?"

"Why you wanna know, Doc? You offering?"

"You seem to be particularly fond of the Batman, I was wondering if there were any intimate feelings you had about about him." His smile faded and his eyes darkened.

"Why don't you come sit in my lap? I'll show you 'intimate'." Y/N's eyes widened.

"That's very inappropriate. Why are you so obsessive towards the Batman-"

"Let's play a game, Dr. L/N. I ask a question, you ask one."

"I'm the one who-"

"I'll start. What's your first name?" Y/N thought for a moment, then decided he can't cause any harm by knowing her first name.

"Y/N" He repeated it back to her, drawing it out.

"Y/N. Very beautiful. Were you born deaf?" She furrowed her brows.

"Isn't it my turn-"

"Whoops! Now it's not, you asked a question." Y/N huffed and abruptly stood up.

"I think we're done here." She goes to press the button to let the guards know she's done. He stands up, and she's pretty sure he would be waving his arms if he didn't have the straight jacket.

"No, no, no! Sit back down. I'm sorry I offended you, Doc. I promise I'll try and be a good boy." He gives her a sweet smile and puppy dog eyes. She sighs and contemplates running past him, but she don't want to give him the satisfaction. When she sits down, he remains standing. After a few seconds, he slowly sits down.

"Fine, it's against the rules but I'll let you have your question." How noble of you.

"Do you think you're capable of getting better?" She asked this more out of curiosity than anything.

"Before I wasn't so sure, but with you" He paused, eyeing her up and down. Her eyes stayed on his lips, completely oblivious to the teasing and sarcastic tone in his voice." I feel like you could really help me, doc." She resisted the urge to start squealing and clapping her hands.

"Were you born deaf?"

"No, I lost my hearing when I was a teenager." She didn't want to go into detail, afraid of giving him too much. He waited patiently for her to continue.

"How was your relationship with your parents?" The Joker rolled his eyes.


"Fine. Can you tell me about your henchmen?" Y/N was pleased when he looked surprised.

" You should know more than anyone about confidentiality, Doc." He warned. "But I bet you can't wait to tell everyone how you 'cured' the Joker." He leaned forward.

"Guess what? You're getting nothing from me." He then turned his head down, and she knew he wasn't going to talk to her anymore. She started packing up her stuff.

" I don't have anyone to tell. And I do want to help you. I just wanted to tell you I thought the animal masks were a nice touch." She walked out, hoping her voice was steady and not breaking from holding in tears. The Joker wondered where she has seen his henchmen.

Later in his 'room', J thought about what she said. When I was a teenager. He'd have to ask Frost to check up on that. The more he thought about her, the more annoyed he got. He got up with a growl and slammed his hand on the glass, effectively scaring the guard on duty.

"I want my Doc."

When Y/N got the call in the middle of the night, a smile appeared on her face. Despite her being dead tired, having to get ready at 1:07 AM, hearing that her patient was holding a young guard hostage just to see her, despite all of those things, the smile stayed.



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