Jax Teller 1#

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In the dark you couldn't make out his face until he stepped forward. He was a Latino man with shaggy wavy hair and a gleam in his eyes. Younger than any MC member that you had seen. At least the ones with any real power...and he has a knife in his hand, not a gun. It puts you a little more at ease, but not by much.

"You Jax's girl?" the man asks. He tries to sound confident, but he looks just as scared as you are.

"Wh-what do you want?" you ask him - your voice trembling.

"I'm just gonna take the kid alright," he begins, holding the knife up at you.

"No," you say weakly. Your voice would've sounded stronger, if you weren't so afraid.

"I'm just gonna take the the kid and I'll be on my way. No one has to get hurt, alright." He adds. You don't know why he just expected you to roll over so he could take Abel. You start to take a step, but he moves with you. That clearly wasn't a good idea.

"Please," you beg. You dreaded to think of how horrible it would be if anything happened to Abel while you were supposed to be watching him. You couldn't face the MC knowing it was your fault. Gemma would hate you. Tonight, you would just have to be brave.

"Where is he?" the man asks. He takes a step closer to you.

Your heart was beating so loud in your ears, you would think it was outside your chest. You knew you had no choice. To keep Abel and yourself safe, you had to get your gun. It was upstairs in a box in your closet...in the room with Abel. Maybe you would be fast enough. If you bolted upstairs and shut the door in time, you might have enough time to grab it. If you didn't lock the door quick enough, he would be right behind you and and Abel would be exposed. He notices your small glances towards the stairs and a devious grin forms on his face. Only one thing left to do. Make it to the stairs before he does.

You take off towards the stairs. Only a second or two ahead of him, you make it on the steps before him as you are closer. "Fuck!" he shouts. Not missing a beat, he tugs hard on your shirt trying to pull you backward. Suddenly, you feel a sharp pain on the right side of your stomach. He cut you. It burns, but you don't stop running and you make it to the top of the stairs.

Luckily after letting go of you, he almost trips...almost taking you down with him, but you are too quick. You hear the man shout in agony. Without even realizing it, you must have stepped on his hand somehow. Serves him right. You feel the pain in your side. You don't have time to make a sound, no matter how much it hurt. You have to get to Abel. You have to get to that room. Maybe with the door locked, you would have enough time you could climb out onto the roof and shout for help. But if you had to shoot him, you would.

You get closer to your room door...almost there. He is seconds behind you, but you manage to shut the door behind you just in time.

"Bitch!" he yells.

You look at Abel and see that he is fast asleep on your bed.

"Open the fucking door!" the man shouts from behind the door. He starts to kick at it. You know it won't hold for long depending on how determined he is.

You go for the gun first and once you have it, you pick up Abel. You walk over to window and try to open it, but it's tough with Abel in one hand and the gun in the other. While holding the gun, you manage to bend down and get the window open a crack - enough to put you mouth through.

Then you notice a light down the street coming out of the dark. Maybe a car you can yell to if you can get the window open enough. But the engine is too loud. It's not a car. It's a Harley. Jax. You thought he was spending the night at the clubhouse.

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