Lynn Gunn

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"You're pairing me with a rock band?" You asked incredulously. You didn't mean to sound so harsh, but you were kind of freaking out. There was no way your music would translate to that kind of crowd, and you didn't know if your ego could take the inevitable rejection.
"They're not a rock band per say. They're a blend of dark electronic pop, with a few heavier rock elements. The singer is LGBT just like you and the whole band have a really receptive following. I think it could be a great move." You tried to believe your managers words, he'd never been wrong before. But he'd also never suggested something so risky.
"You think just because we're both gay that this is worthwhile?" You bit, feeling slightly offended.
"Not at all. You know more than anyone that I don't believe any of that stuff matters, it's always been about the music. But if you can appear as a united front, imagine all of the LGBT+ audience members you can reach. There's no shame in playing to your strengths, and one of yours is that you're a strong icon for young lesbian women. It's a fact. And so is Lyndsey, from PVRIS. And think of all the people you could reach on a tour like this, people that you'd otherwise never get the chance to perform to." You nodded, knowing you'd feel like a dick if you refused at this point. You did want to inspire people and you definitely weren't ashamed to be out in the music industry. You wanted to help people, and most of all you wanted to create art. And it seemed like this band and Lyndsey had the same vision.
You groaned jovially, smacking your managers knee as you stood. Walking to the door of your trailer, you rested your back against it.
"Fine. You convinced me. Where does the tour kick off?" You smiled enthusiastically, feeling excited about getting back on the road.
"Here. The first date is here and then we move on to Chicago. You have a few days there, maybe you could mingle with your new tour mates?" Andrew wiggled his eyebrows at you, laughing as you rolled your eyes.
"I highly doubt we'd have anything in common. They probably hate my music." You grumbled, your fear getting the better of you.
"Not at all, Lyndsey has mentioned on numerous occasions that she pulls inspiration from pop music. So shut up." You grabbed yourself a drink, ready to head off for the evening.
"Whatever. Oh yeah, when's the first date? You said it's here but when?" Andrew looked awfully sheepish for a moment, your stomach tensing when he caught your eyes.
"It might be tonight." You threw the nearest object you could find at his chest.
"What the fuck, Andrew?! You already told them I'd signed on didn't you? Piece of shit. I don't even have a set ready! What time am I on stage?" You panicked verbally under your breath, kicking stray things that lay around your trailer.
"Calm down. Sound check is in half and hour and you only have to do a half hour set. You're opening for them and we're literally already at the venue. It's a good move, Y/N. Trust me." You kicked open the door, sucking in the icy evening air.
"Trust me my ass, Andrew. I'll see you at fucking soundcheck." You slammed the door on your way out, pacing off into the car park of the venue. It wasn't like anyone was going to recognise you anyway. There was a line of kids dressed all in black that was already wrapping around the outside of the building. They just made you more nervous.
"God. Stupid Andrew. I don't even know how to do this. I should have stuck to the alternative scene. Why did I even gravitate toward pop? I can't do this. I can't fucking do this." You mumbled under your breath until a voice from behind you sliced through your rambling.
"God, Andrew is a dick, huh?" You turned around to see a tall, beautiful woman dressed all in black. She was smiling widely at you, and her voice was still floating around your ears. She spoke so softly and sweetly, her blonde her framing her face. You stopped yourself from staring at her jaw. It looked so kissable. You laughed awkwardly as you caught her green eyes.
"Yeah, he really is." You said.
"Are you okay?" The woman asked, taking a few more steps toward you. You thought maybe she was a fan of that PVRIS band, judging from all the black. She certainly had a look, it was magnetic. You could feel yourself inching closer to her with every breath.
"Yeah. Sorry, next time I'll keep my angry mumbles to minimum volume. Thanks, for checking." You said with a laugh, still unable to break your eyes away from hers.
"Nah, don't do that. It's like hearing your lyrics before you write them. Before the change from 'Andrew is a dick' to 'these doubts will be the death of me'." You felt like you were in a parallel universe. The one where the insanely attractive woman walked up to and recited your own lyrics straight to your face.

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