Sebastian Stan

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Finding an outfit for this red carpet had been a real challenge. Usually, you didn't care much about this kind of stuff but for some reason, you really wanted to look stunning that day. Of course, you knew why. He was going to be there. How couldn't he be when he was a part of the movie? But it had been almost a year since the last time you saw him. Almost a year since he stormed out of your apartment after you broke up with him.

Every time you thought about the fight you realized how stupid it had been. He had been filming so many stuff, barely having time for you and you just got sick of it. You were his girlfriend, not just someone to sleep with. But it hasn't been fair and you knew it. Your schedule wasn't the best either. Being an actress, like him, made it hard for the two of you to find time but that didn't mean you didn't love him with everything you had, just like he loved you with everyone he had.

The question was...did he still love you? Maybe you would find out at the Infinity War premier that night. Sebastian aka Bucky Barnes, was going to be there, along with the whole team who knew what had happened between you two. Awkward? Nah.

As you were getting closer to the premier you were getting nervous seeing all the crowd. Your relationship hasn't been a secret so the spotlight probably was going to be on the two of you. No pressure. Your car stopped and you took a minute to calm down before nodding to the driver so he got out of the car, walked around the car and opened the door for you, helping you out so you wouldn't crash your head against the floor which could happen easily with the heels you were using. Damn fashion.

Immediately, you were blinded by all the flashes and you started hearing your name being called. As you used to do, you took your time fixing your dress to compose yourself before looking up with a bright smile. Fame was all about smiling after all. You approached the fans that had been waiting there probably all night and started taking photos with them before you posed for the cameras. The same old thing.

"(Y/N)!" You heard your name being called by a familiar voice. When you turned around you saw Robert walking over you.

"Iron Man in the flesh!" You smiled hugging him. "How are you?" You asked him after you two pulled away. "Nervous?"

"Oh c'mon, you know I don't get nervous with these things" he laughed. "Actually, I could shit myself right now but let's keep that between us" he winked making you laugh out loud. "How have you been? It's been ages!"

"You know, here and there, working a lot" you shrugged. "Nothing new to be honest"

"Your last movie was great I must admit" he congratulated you.

"Thank you! I'm so happy about how it turned out" you said.

"(Y/N)! Robert! Please, a photo!" a paparazzi said.

"Work time" you both said laughing before you turned to pose for some pictures.

"I'll catch up with you later, alright?" Robert smiled. "Oh, by the way, he's somewhere over there" he added before walking to the fans.

And that was exactly what you needed to know. Suddenly you felt your palms sweating and your heart beating with strength. You thought you were mentally prepared for this but maybe, just maybe, you were wrong. Taking a deep breath, you ignored the nervousness and walked over the fans to keep on taking photos.

"(Y/N)! Can we have a word?" A journalist said.

"Of course" you smiled.

"First of all, let me and all our readers congratulate you for all the amazing work you've been doing lately" the woman said.

"Thank you so much, I'm so proud of it and so happy. I never thought it would turn out that fine to be honest" you smiled.

"So tell us, is it true that you've been casted for the next season of Game of Thrones?" She asked making you laugh. You had been asked about that so many times lately.

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