Bucky 2#

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You didn't want to go to this in the first place. And now, you were regretting ever giving into your best friend, Lola, and coming to this charity ball. I mean, you had no business here. Lola even had to buy you a dress that she deemed 'fitting', because not even the fanciest thing you owned was quite fancy enough for the place. Now, here you were, in a ballroom full of snobbish rich people eating weird french horderves, and sitting by yourself.

Yup, after dragging you all this way to something you had no desire to be at, Lola abandoned you at your table because she saw a hot guy.

Apparently you were not worth as much as a hot guy, to her.

So now, you sat in an uncomfortable champagne-colored gown, twirling your glass of wine in your fingers, without really touching it. This has got to be the most uncomfortable thing you've done in a long, long time. Suddenly, you felt the urge to leave the ballroom and never come back. Your eyes searched for the restroom sign, which you found, pointing out into the place's huge foyer.

You sighed, relieved, once you saw that nobody was out there, and settled on leaning against one of the huge marble pillars. Closing your eyes, you cursed the itchy dress, and wretched heels you were wearing, and wished you were home in sweats, relaxing on your couch. The new episode of The Walking Dead was on, and you had to record it, because you had to be at this stupid party.

"Hey there, sugar, what's a pretty thing like you doing out here all by yourself?" As soon as you heard the voice, you knew could also hear the accompanying smirk. Of course, as soon as you found a little peace, some cocky idiot had to follow you and try a weak attempt at flirting.

"Well, I was being alone, until you showed up and ruined it," you replied snarkily, not even bothering to turn around and look at the guy. From behind you, you heard the indignant snort of a laugh come out of the guy.

"Oh, honey, that's no way to talk to a gentleman like me," he responded, with a drawl to his voice that only self-righteous rich boys can obtain. You had to fight the urge to roll your eyes. Instead of arguing with him, or even responding, you opted to stay silent and ignore him, in hopes that he'll get the hint.

He didn't.

Before you knew it, an arm was leaning on the same pillar as you, hand adjacent to your head. You opened your eyes, quirking an eyebrow up at the humongous ego this guy obviously had.

"Is it heavy? Your ego, I mean... must be, because it's so big and all,"you looked him right in his eyes as you said this, in order to give it it's full effect.

"Oh, honey, you know what else is big..." he leaned in closer to you, and you had to resist the urge to laugh at the ridiculous comment he had just made.

"Dude, seriously? Get the hint! I. AM. NOT. INTERESTED," you spelled it out slowly for him, hoping he'd get it. Instead, he just put his hand on your waist, and leaned in even closer.

"What are you doing? Get off of me!" You were shouting by now, and pushing at his shoulders, but to no avail. The guy was much stronger than you were; it was obvious he worked out a lot. All of sudden, the guy's hand left your waist, and he was sprawled out on the floor.

"Respect women, dude, and I won't have to do it again,"a deep, male voice came from your other side. You turned and saw probably the most attractive man you'd ever seen. His dark brown hair was styled immaculately, and his piercing blue eyes matched the tie, underneath his black suit. The guy who was previously hitting on you, got up from the floor, and ran away.

"Thank you," you breathed, laughing a bit at the guy's idiotic form running for the bathrooms, " I'm (y/n), by the way."

"Yeah, any time. I'm Bucky. You know, I was actually on my way out, but if you'd give me your number, we could get to know each other better," Bucky responded hopefully, and you nodded. You both exchanged numbers, and he left through the front doors.

-Five Months Later-

You were sprawled out on one of the couches in the main living room of the Avenger Tower, lazily flipping channels on the tv.

"Oh my god, you are so lazy," A voice chuckled, which you instantly recognized as Bucky. You grinned, and replied without turning around, "Hey, I take pride in my laziness, Barnes. One day, you might achieve this level of laziness. But I doubt it."

The super soldier shook his head in amusement, moving your legs so he could sit under them, and try to help you choose a channel to settle on. That's when Steve walked in the room.

"Hey guys, what's up?" He asked casually, sitting opposite us.

"Literally nothing. Look around, Cap, you ever see a pair of people as lazy as us?"you asked jokingly, stealing a glance at Steve, who was now chuckling.

"No, I have to say I have not. Ugh, this is so weird," He muttered, grabbing both your and Bucky's attention.

"What's weird?" Bucky inquired, looking at his best friend.

"You two! It looks like you've known each other your whole lives, when in reality you haven't even known each other for half a year," Steve screeched, but he was smiling.

"Oh, yeah, you're right, I guess. It does feel like I've known you my whole life,"You smiled at Bucky, who smirked in return. 

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