Steve: The Chair

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Warnings: NSFW, chair sex, unprotected sex, graphic gif


Steve, this is the most uncomfortable chair in the history of chairs. Why would you even buy it?" you groan, shifting around in it.

He glances up from his tablet, sitting on the couch opposite of you in just a pair of boxers and a white T-shirt. "Well, maybe if you would sit in it properly," he smirks, noting the way you're laying down on it sideways, with your head propped up on one arm rest and you legs thrown over the other. Although, he certainly can't deny the view. You're still dressed in the outfit you fell asleep in, which only consists of two items of clothing: a tank top and underwear. The early morning sunlight shines through the shear curtains, making the silky skin of your legs glow.

"I already tried that," you speak again, pulling Steve out of his thoughts. "Doing this was supposed to make it bearable, but it doesn't." You sigh disappointedly, going back to reading your own tablet as it rests on your stomach.

"I got it at the antique fair. It was on sale," he says, like it justifies him owning it.

You glance over at him incredulously. "You actually bought something from the antique fair? What are you, an old person?"

His smile drops into that unamused look he always gets when you make fun of his age.

"I'm kidding! Gosh, sorry I asked," you mumble turning back to your tablet again. You're able to last about another 10 seconds before it becomes too uncomfortable to focus. Groaning, you sit up and then turn to face the back of the chair while moving up onto your knees. Leaning your chest against the back, you hook your arms over the top of the chair, with the tablet stretched out, and continue your reading.

Steve raises an eyebrow at this new position. With all of your squirming, your tank top had ridden up quite a bit, so now he had a nice view of how well your underwear shaped to your delectable behind. Steve feels a stirring in his boxers, causing him to shift a little in his own seat.

With how hectic both of your schedules had been recently, there hadn't really been much time for extracurricular activities. Normally one of you or the other wouldn't even get home until the other was asleep. By the time morning would come, one of you would also have an early engagement that you'd be rushing to get to on time. Steve can't even remember the last time the two of you had been intimate. Days? Weeks? Surely it can't have been months ago, right?

This morning was the first in a long time that the two of you have spent together. And because it's been so long, the idea of just spending it in bed, tangled up in each other, hadn't crossed either of your minds.

Those thoughts were definitely crossing Steve's mind now. Setting down his tablet, he pushes off the couch and walks around the coffee table to get to you. Placing his hands on the arm rests, he cages you in as he crawls up onto the chair behind you.

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