Ginoza x Inspector!OC [One Shot/Short story]

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If I made spelling mistakes, my apologies ^^ also, this is my first one shot I'm uploading, so I hope you like it :)
First person's details:
Name: Hayashi, Rei
Age: 27
Occupation: Inspector at Division 1
Physical appearance: long, red hair; green eyes; busty figure; 160 cm tall
Personality: clear hue, always smiles, even though she's broken; big mouth, very honest and terrified of relationships of any kind


I was ready to whoop it up!

It's been 3 months already at Division 1. I've been transferred after Ginoza was demoted to an Enforcer. I started to have a better relationship with him, ever since he got demoted. His father's death shook him so badly, there was no way he could recover.

I was working with Division 3 as an Inspector, before my transfer. I was actually a trainee under Kogami a long time ago. We got along really well and he was a great tutor. None of that would have happened, if it wasn't for Tomomi Masaoka. He was like a father to us, unfortunately, a failed detective. He's been an Enforcer at Division 3, before I got there, and worked under Kogami. But Kogami treated him well and respected his old-school thinking. After all, he was able to crack cases without the Sybil System.

I had a hard time believing that this amazing man has a complete asshole of a son, Nobuchika Ginoza.

I had little to no respect to Gino. He always looked down on the Enforcers and showed full devotion to the Sybil System. Nothing, but Sybil! The guy was a complete prick!

After both Masaoka and Kogami were transferred to Division 1, I could only meet them outside of work. We'd still discuss cases, and whenever the 3 of us happened to be on the same field, we'd look out for each other. Like the 3 musketeers. I had a hard time comprehending that Kogami was friends with Gino since high school... How? They were so different.

Once Kogami got demoted to an Enforcer, Gino abandoned his friend. But why would I be surprised? He abandoned his own father, too.

When Masaoka died and Kogami was on the run, I cried. Probably for the first time in years. I never let myself show anything else, but my smile and positive attitude. I had my fair share of sad stories and I didn't want to get sappy about them. I heard Kagari was missing. I lie to myself every day that he's off to Hawaii, sips on a drink and surrounds himself with exotic women. That's how I could cope with my pain. I made up such a great story, I ended up believing it myself.

To keep my hue clear? No. I never had to worry about it. For some reason, it was always clear blue and my Crime Coefficient never passed 25. Ever!

It's like I'm a machine.

But after I heard the news about Masaoka's death, I let my tears flow.

His funeral was the most painful experience. It felt like losing my own father. That was the first time me and Gino had a heartfelt conversation. It helped both of us to cope.

Kogami's disappearance didn't improve my mental well-being either. He wrote me a letter, that he's on a run and that's it. I haven't heard from him ever since. 5 months.

Once Gino was demoted, I stepped into his place. And I started bonding with him. He was like a new man! He was more reserved, more passionate and didn't keep all of his faith in the Sybil System.

I let my car running outside the MWPSB. It's party time!

I had a black dress on, maybe a bit too short, maybe revealing a bit too much cleavage. My make-up was yet to come. I wore my denim jacket and my converse. I was half-ready.

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