1. Pests

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"Mark, those girls are totally checking you out." Jaehyun whispered, nudging his best friend's shoulder.

Mark tensed, scratching his head and giving out an awkward laugh. "What?" He asked, turning around in his desk to see a group of girls clearly swooning over the blonde. "They're probably looking at you, Jae. You're way more handsome than me."

"Stop making crap up!" Jaehyun laughed, slapping his friend's back, causing him to draw a jagged line across his work paper. "You know yourself that those girls like you. You should talk to them."

He gave Jae a weary look, but the dark haired boy just rose an eyebrow and smirked, darting his eyes to and from the group of girls.

"Fine." Mark groaned, throwing his pencil down and pushing himself from his seat.

"That's right! Go get 'em!" Jae threw a fist into the air, cheering his friend on.

Mark scrunched up his nose at Jaehyun then looked at the girls, his heart hammering.

No, it wasn't because he liked them...talking to people just made him anxious.

Mark is one of the most popular kids in school. He doesn't like calling himself popular, but others do. He's not popular for being the best looking guy in school or being captain of the football team. People like him because of his nice, sweet personality. He never gets mad and is always willing to help people. He's very quiet and introverted, but people seem to fall for that.

He slowly walked over to the girls and watched as they all sat up straight and began ruffling their hair. There was three of them, and all three had their eyes glued on Mark.

When he reached the table, he rose a hand. "H-Hey." He greeted quietly, and all the girls shuffled in their seats.

"Hi Mark! Why are you over here?" A brunette asked, fluttering her eyes.

Mark's throat tightened and he looked back at Jaehyun who was making hand motions signalling that Mark needs to talk. But about what?

"Uh.." he tugged at the collar of his white uniform shirt. "I just came over to talk to you guy-"

"HAS ANYONE SEEN A GROUP OF MICE RUNNING AROUND!?" Someone boomed as they slid open the door with such force that it made a loud smack! as it hit the wall, making Mark flinch and the girls yelp.

A student stood at the door, his dark eyes wide and his red hair somewhat messy. He wasn't in Mark's year, for sure. He looked as if he was in the year below him at most.

"Huh?" Was all that anyone could say.

The boy walked into the classroom, looking under desks and looking in shelves. "Our class's mice ran out somehow, and we're trying to search for them!" He quieted down, but was still yelling.

"Mice!?" The girls sounded disgusted.

Mark turned around to face the girls again and his eyes landed on the cubbies behind them, and watched as two small mice ran on top of the wooden surface.

He pointed at them. "You mean like those?" He asked quietly. The girls all turned their heads at the same time and once their eyes saw the rodents, they screamed, jumping from their seats. The loud noises made the mice run faster, jumping down from the cubbies and out into the hallways, and Mark decided to go after them.

"He found them!" The boy looked at Jaehyun, who gave him a crooked smile. "We should go help him!"

The girls shook their heads several times as they huddled together with fear. "They're just mice, geeze. C'mon, kid, I'll go with you." Jaehyun said and stood from his seat. The two boys then ran out of the classroom, heading towards the direction that Mark went.

They saw Mark stormimg down the hallway,  people giving weird looks and some screaming at the sight of the mice.

The two boys ran as fast as they could to catch up to Mark to see that he was only chasing one now.

"Mark, where did the other one go!?" Jaehyun asked, his body getting tired even after a small amount of running.

"One ran downstairs!" Mark said inbetween breaths, jumping down amd grabbing a hold of the mouse's tail, causing them to stop.

Jaehyun nodded and turned around to go to the staircase, jumping down four steps at a time to catch the other mouse.

The red haired boy stopped running and went to Mark's side, carefully grabbing the mouse in his hands. "Oh my, thanks a whole lot, man!" He said cheerfully, slapping Mark's back with his free hand. Mark winced at the pain and how loud this kid was.

Mark sat up, brushing off his clothes, then suddenly his left hand was grabbed and shaken like crazy. "Thank you so so so much for catching this guy! You're like...a hero or something!" The younger boy told him. He stopped shaking his hand but didn't let go of it, making Mark uncomfortable. "I'm Donghyuck, by the way, but everyone calls me Haechan."

Mark forced a smile. "Hey....Donghyuck. I'm Mark..." he mumbled, forcing his hand out of Haechan's grip.

Haechan smiled wide and stood up. "Well, I have to go find your friend and the other mouse, so, bye!" He waved and ran to the stairs, dissapearing from Mark's sight as he went down.

"Mark, are you okay!?" The girls shouted from the end of the hallway. Mark turned on his bottom and ran a hand through his blonde locks. "Yeah, I'm fine." He called back.

Donghyuck...what an annoying kid.


[A/N]: ayyy the start of a new story. i really like the idea i have for this one so i hope you all enjoy it, too !!! the more good feedback i get the more ill write heart emoji

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