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Heart Vacancy- Chapter 1

"You guys were amazing!" I yelled over the crowd as I threw my arms around the boys.

"Thank You," Louis said, extending his hand and bowing. I smiled graciously and took his hand as we skipped off torwards the bus that would be taking us back to the hotel.

"Oh, Alex, Charlotte called. She said to call you asap," Zayn said as we hopped into the cab. I nodded and dialed her number.

"I was told to call you asap," I said into the phone as I gazed out the window. I heard tapping on the other end of the phone. Charlotte was famous for tapping her fingernails on solid objects when she's nervous.

"Yeah, uhm, so I was at the park the other day, and I saw this really fake blonde hand-in-hand with this boy..." she mummbled. I was confused. So, she saw a couple at the park? I dont understand why thats  'call me asap' worthy.

"So, the point of that story is," I urged. I honestly don't have the energy for this. Let's face it. Going to interviews, photoshoots, then a concert after in one day is exhausting, and I really want to lay in the lucious sheets of our hotel bed.

"It was Blake," she blurted. I heard her slap her hand across her mouth.

Okay, so from your point of view this may be confusing, but let me explain. Blake is my boyfriend of four years. He was pretty gutted when I left for London a couple years back, but we managed to make our long-distance relationship work. Until now.

"So," I lowered my voice, not wanting the boys to hear us, "you're calling Blake a really fake blonde?" I quietly laughed.

"Its not funny! I saw him with this blonde. Level 7 on the snogging scale! They were making out and had major upper-body fondling!" Charlotte was angry now. But I didn't care. Was I cheated on? How long had he done this? Did he do this while we were dating when I was visiting in America?

"What's wrong, love?" Liam questioned, furrowing his eyebrows at my silence.

I can't tell the boys. They'll be so pissed. I'll just have to keep it on the down-low.

"Obviously your not taking this seriously. Give the phone to Niall. He'll understand," Charlotte explained.

"No!" I yelled into the phone, earning a couple looks from the boys. "I mean, no. I got it. Thanks, Char!" With that, I hung up the phone and gave a really fake smile torwards the boys to let them know they didn't need to worry and that everything was, 'okay'.

When the cab pulled up to the hotel, I jumped out of the cab and ran inside. Not wanting to face the questions of the boys that were close behind me.

"Tomlinson," I said to the front-desk. He handed me a room key. I took it greatfully and ran off torwards the room.

When I arrived at the room, I forcefully shoved my card into the lock until it clicked. When it did, I opened the door and ran inside. I could hear the five pairs of footsteps close behind. As I heard the lock click, signaling the boys were coming in, I ninja dove under the closest bed. As they came in, I listened to their conversation.

"What's up with Lexa?" Harry questioned as he dropped his stuff infront of the bed I was under. I cringed at the sqeak I made when he did so.

"Did you hear that?" Zayn whispered. I could imagine his eyes looking to and fro for the sound he heard.

I covered my mouth with my left hand, not wanting to give out my location.

"Sleeping arramgements?" Liam questioned. Shit.

"Uhm, Niall and Liam. Louis and Zayn, and Alexa will be with me." Harry said. I could literally hear the goofy grin he has on his face in his voice. I heard four groans.

I stifled a giggle.

"Not fair!" Niall groaned. "You slept with her in Britian!"

I didn't notice how dirty that sounded until I let out a small laugh.

"There it is again!" Zayn exclaimed.

I heard shuffling of feet and Harry move his luggage so he could get down on his hands and knees to peer under the bed, which was, unfortunately, the bed I was under.

I pulled up the hood to my jacket and put it over my head, burying my face in the floor to prevent Harry from figuring out my hiding spot. I heard more shuffling and strong hands grasp my legs and pull me out from under the bed.

"RAPE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as the lighting from the room shone on me.

Louis picked me up and sat me on the bed. All five boys looked at me with blank faces, which I gladly returned.

"I'll never understand girls," Niall mumbled as he stuck his head in the mini-fridge.

I gave him a weird look, then returned with my 'blank face showdown' with the four other boys.

They all blinked in unison, which kinda bothered me cause it reminded me of this horror film I watched with Liam the other night. I shuddered at the thought.

"What were you doing...under the bed?" Zayn asked, a confused look taking over his blank one. 

"Waiting for Louis, of course," I stated like it was obvious.

Sadly, the blank expressoins returned to their faces.

"Then why wasn't I invited?" Harry asked, his lower lip trembling.

Liam and I exchange looks. he just shrugged his shoulders. Big help, Liam.

"I was...making the invitations?" I said unsurely.

"Oh. Okay," Harry said and started unpacking his things.

Wow, that easy?


"Forget it Harry, Alexa is sleeping with me," Niall stated, calm and collected while Harry was the total opposite. He was fuming.

"No! She's sleeping with me!" Liam and Louis yelled.

Zayn and I were sitting on the bed opposite of the fight going on, our heads flicking to and fro torwards the boy who was talking.

"Okay, Okay, OKAY!" I yelled, getting their undivided attention. "Three things, number one, I'm not a whore, so i'm not 'sleeping' with either of you lot, two, Liam, Louis, you have girlfriends, and three. I'm sleeping with Zayn."

All of the boys' jaws dropped except Zayn. who had a triumphant smile on his face.

"Wha-What, why? I thought we had something, Alexa!" Harry yelled as he fake sobbed into Louis' shoulder.

"Well, Zayn was the only one that wasn't complaining about where I was gonna sleep, so yeah." I said as I headed into the bathroom with my pajamas.

As I was changing, I heard all the boys yell at Zayn. When I was finished, they all shut up.

As I climbed into the bed with Zayn doing the same, I could hear the boys' angry murmurs.

Oh Well. I sighed and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


I awoke to the sound of a very large thump, followed with a quiet, evil laugh. I felt the bed shift as someone got into it.

I turned over and switched on the lamp. As I looked over, I saw Harry where Zayn was, or is supposed to be, grinning to himself, and Zayn on the floor, curled up in a ball with a pillow under his head.

I gave Harry a that-wasn't-very-nice look and switched off the lamp and went to bed.

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