Chapter 9

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Heart Vacancy-Chapter 9

"Harry," Alexa gasped. The Chesire boy just smiled back at the girl he loved, or had a major crush on. 

Ever since Alexa told Harry she loved him too a half hour ago, he still felt a bit uneasy about it. Shouldn't they be dating? They've had sex, he knows all of her secrets, and she knows all of his secrets. They told eachother that they loved them. Was that not enough?

Those were only few of the questions that were running through Harry's mind, but he pushed them all back, he was going to dinner with Alexa, and that's all that mattered.

Alexa laughed as she brought her hand to cover her gaping mouth. "You didn't have to take me here."

Harry laughed and wrapped his arm around her waist. "It's the place where dreams are made, love." 

Alexa smacked his bicep. His very hard bicep. "This isn't Disney, okay Haz? We're at McDonald's."

Harry frowned at her reaction. Well, Harry thought. Last time i'm ever taking or asking dating advice from Mr. Niall Horan. 

Alexa kissed his cheek. "I love it." Harry gave her a confused look. "I love that you're not being cheesy. I love how you took me to a regular place, not a five star fancy resturant."

Harry pulled her closer. "Good, I need to talk to you about something."

Alexa gulped. 

None of the other boys figured out about her fake check-up? Alexa silently prayed. She didn't want to explain anything. What if Nandos isn't okay? What if Harry just lied to her so she wouldn't strain herself. She did just get out of the hospital. Harry's deep, soothing voice pulled Alexa out of her reverie. 

"So, Mother's Day is coming up..." Harry trailed off, searching Alexa's face for any sign on emotion. None was shown. 

"And?" She mused, watching the care-free kids play on the built-in playground, begging their parents to join them. 

Why couldn't she be like that? All care-free and living in the moment. Why couldn't she have parents? Alexa's mother always told her that when bad things happen, God is just planning something better for you. That's what she told Alexa before she died. 

Why couldn't she have parents? It wasn't fair. The only thing right in her life were the boys. I guess that's she needs. For now. 

"Could you help me pick up something for my mum? I really need a girl's advice, and Eleanor and Danielle don't know my mum like you."

Alexa bit her lip, unsure of how to answer. This was Anne they were talking about. Alexa loved Anne. The least Anne deserves is a wonderful Mother's Day. 


Harry and Alexa sat down at a small booth, sitting opposite from eachother, a fishtank to their left. Alexa was gazing into the fishtank, watching the fish swim until she thought of something. 

"Why me?" 

Harry looked up at her through his curls. She resisted the urge to kiss him right then and there. 

"Why you? Because. One Night Stands don't fancy me," he chuckled, obviously joking. 

"Gemma must be the most perfect girl in the world," Alexa sighed. 

Harry shook his head. "Because she's related to me? Nahh. She really doesn't care actually. Besides, there's only one perfect girl in my world."

Alexa rolled her eyes. "You're mum?" 

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