Chapter 16

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Disconnected Chapter 16 

Check out my new story- Remembering Sunday. Feedback is highly appreciated! 

I'm looking for a new character to be Zayn or Niall or Olly's girlfriend! Please PM me the following. If you post it on my message board I will not respond. 



How She will Be Included In The Story- (Ex. Is she related to any of them?) 



And that's it! xx


Alexa flopped down onto the couch, groaning rather loudly in the process. 

The lads and Olly have done nothing but work on songs in the studio for the past three days, and Alexa was getting very annoyed. 

Of course, she understands they need to finish the second album for the fans, or directioners. Had they ever heard of taking a break? They only left the studio if they needed to go to the loo. Hell, Niall was the only one that came out for food. 

Eleanor and Danielle were getting restless also. Danielle was constantly complaining about how Liam hasn't shown any compassion torwards her in a week. Eleanor just kept quiet, witht he occasional mumbling of, 'I miss Lou.' Even though they were in the same house as them. They might as well have been on another planet. It wouldn't have made a difference. 

Now? The girls were sitting outside the studio, holding signs they made that said, 'Stop The Recording!' and 'We Miss Our Boys!'. Eleanor's just had a frowny face on it. 

The door-knob to the studio's door turned as the door opened, revealing five of the boys they wanted to see the most. Plus Olly. 

"Baby!" Danielle exclaimed, jumping up and hugging Liam tightly. Eleanor did the same. Alexa just sat in the same place she was before, staring at Harry. He had a slight stubble spread across his jawline, his curls slightly ruffled, his eyes greener than usual...

To sum it all up he looked like more of a sex-god then he did before. 

Alexa bit her lip, hoping that would prevent Alexa from jumping on Harry. She has never wanted to kiss someone so badly. 

"Hey," Harry said, smiling down at Alexa. She bit her lip harder. God, he was perfect. 


Alexa stood up slowly, trying to maintain her balance. Harry quickly embraced Alexa, kissing her deeply and passionately. 

"Love you too, Alexa!" Zayn said. 

Alexa didn't hear Zayn. The sparks emanating from her and Harry's lips were hypnotizing. 

Zayn frowned. 

"We need to get girlfriends..." Niall whispered. 

Zayn nodded in agreement. 

As Alexa reluctantly pulled away from the kiss, Harry smirked at her. "Do you wanna go upstairs, Yeah?"

Alexa couldn't hide the smile that made its way across her face. "Absoloutley."

"No. There will be no grown-up activities in this beach house!" Liam pulled away from Danielle, eyeing Harry and Alexa closely. 

Harry smirked once again and lifted up Alexa bridal-style in one swift movement. 

"YOLO!" Harry yelled as he ran up the stairs and into the bedroom, carrying Alexa as she laughed the whole way. 


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