Chapter 3

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"Harry," I murmured. We were standing on the shoreline, looking out across the ocean.

"Beautiful," He said into my neck and continued laying butterfly kisses across my jaw line.

This moment was perfect. It was just Harry and I, watching as the sky was painted streaks of orange, pink, and dark yellow by the setting sun. No disturbances, just us.

"I know," I agreed with him.

"No," Harry said, a smile on his face, "You."

I looked at him funny. I'm just, me. Alexa Rogue.

Suddenly, a creepy smile spread across his face. A red, oozing liquid seeping from his lips that I used to want to kiss so desperately. Harry's eyes kept flickering from me, to my neck. I reached up my hand and touched the place Harry has currently been kissing, to feel raw flesh.

I brought my hand up to my face, looking at what had captivated Harry's attention.

Blood. Red, thick, oozing blood. Slipping between my fingers.

I took a few steps away from Harry.

"Don't you love me?" He asked, that smile I used to know playing on his lips. He took me by the waist and shoved me into the what used to be ocean. Now, I wasn't sure what it was.

Screaming, I tried to swim to the surface, but something was holding onto my ankle. I looked down.

Black dots swarmed my vision until I couldn't see anymore.


"NO!" I screamed, thrashing, once again, in my bed. Zayn jumped up from his position in the uncomfortable hospital chairs and crawled into my bed to shush me.

"Alexa, you're fine. I've got you." He cooed. But little did Zayn know, his comforting words weren't working on me.

"H-Harry" I whispered. A dark figure rose from the corner.

Harry's face was pale, his eyes red and puffy. Tear tracks stained his beautiful cheeks, and his lips were quivering.

He didn't look like the Harry in my dream. The Harry in my dream had blue eyes, and darker hair than Harry.

Who was in my dream? I thought.


~3rd Person Pov.~

Harry's heart lurched when he heard Alexa speak his name. Had she remembered him?

"I-I'm here." He said. His voice was still raspy from all the crying he'd done the night before.

The boys looked at Harry with concern in his eyes. Especially Louis. Louis worried about his bestfriend. He didn't want to see Harry in this much pain; ever. He couldn't understand why Harry was so beat-up about the situation, but he had a feeling it has to do with that puppy love crush Harry had had on Alexa in secondary school. Maybe Harry lied to Louis. Maybe Harry is still 'in love' with Alexa as he claimed to be in their younger years.

Zayn got out of the bed, motioning for Harry to take his place. Harry didn't hesitate. As soon as he made physical contact with the bed, his arms embraced Alexa like that's what they were made to do.

Alexa shoved her face in Harry's chest, inhaliing his scent. It was intoxicating, she wanted more of it. As they embraced, Alexa let the tears roll, and so did Harry. Harry was silently crying, stroking her hair and repeatedly kissing the top of her head. As Alexa started to sob Harry shushed her.

"It's okay," Harry soothed, "I'm here."

Alexa didn't know who this stranger was, but she wanted to know. She loved his embrace, and didn't ever want to leave this.

"Don't you worry your pretty little mind; People throw rocks and things that shine, and life makes love look hard. " Harry sang in Alexa's hair.

He knew that she was a sucker for that song and she said that the boy who sang that to her at her worst was defiinitely her soul-mate.

Alexa was auto-matically calmed at the boy's choice of words. She realy liked him.

"The stakes are high, the water's rough, but this love is ours." She sang back. Of couse, she was off-key due to her sobbing, but the boy who was singing to her was marvelous. He was addicting. His scent, his appearance, his deep voice, his singing. It was like he was a prince from a horribly unrealistic Disney movie. And she was loving it.

"Alexa," Harry whispered in her ear. He was ready to confess his feelings, but Alexa interrupted him.

"I may not know who you are, but I want to get to know you. What's your name?" Alexa asked him, reluctantly pulling out from his embrace.

The boys, minus Harry, all gasped. Harry was frozen. He released his embrace from Alexa and got out of the bed.

Alexa was confused. He was holding her like they were lovers, and now he's looking at her like she was a stranger. She wasn't the stranger, he was.

"I knew it." Harry said through clenched teeth. "I fucking knew it."

The boys looked at Harry with pity. Niall was standing in the hallway watching everything unfold.

"You don't remember me, do you?" Harry said to Alexa, standing at the edge of her bed.

"No, should I?" Alexa muttered. She was scared, and slightly angry. She didn't do anything, or atleast she thought she didn't do anthing, and now he's being so cold to her.

Harry fake laughed. "Well then," He said, looking everywhere but in the direction of the girl he loved laying on the hospital bed. "I don't remember you either."

With that, Harry stormed out of the crammed hospital room and into the cold, black night.

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