Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to To All The Directioners <3

Heart Vacancy Chapter 1


"You're gonna die!" I heard Louis yell. Yes. Thats what I woke up to, Louis chasing Niall around the hotel room because Niall ate the rest of the carrots. Jesus, that boy and his carrots.

"Mmmm," I heard someone groan from beside me. I turned over to see Harry sitting up, totally naked. I looked at him for a second, then flopped back down into the bed, hoping to get a bit more sleep.

"Seriously, Harry?" I heard Zayn yell, "you seriously pushed me off the bed last night and made me sleep on the floor just so you could sleep with Alexa!" I groaned and shoved a pillow over my head, hoping to block out the noise. But to no avail, I still heard the mayhem.

"Yep!" Harry grinned cheekily and got up. I was glad my head was under the pillow or my young, innocent eyes would witness Harry's naked body. Not like a million plus girls would mind.

"No, baby, you hang up," I heard Liam coo into the phone as he walked past the bed I was currently occupying in his boxers and knee-high socks. Real Sexy, Liam. I wonder if Danielle knows what Liam looks like when he's not all dressed up for her.

"Shut Up!" I yelled. Suddenly, all the boys were quiet. I never raised my voice at the boys, so this was knew for them. Just then, Louis started sniffing, and in the blink of an eye, his arms were latched around my waist and he head was buried in my stomach as he 'sobbed'.

"I'm so sorry," He sniffled, looking up at me. "don't get mad." I sighed. These boys were just too cute.

"It's okay, Boo-bear!" I squealed as he jumped up and hugged me. He lifted me off the ground and twirled me.

"Okaaaaay then," Liam said, his eyebrow raised at me and Louis. Louis put me down and I straightened out my shirt.

"Lexi, would you please walk on my back?" Zayn said. I gave him a questioning look.

"Sure?" I said, obviously unsure of why we would want me to.

As he layed down upon the floor, I stood on his back awkwardly. He let out a grunt.

"What? Did I do something?" I asked as I still, stood awkwardly on his back.

"Nah," he said. "I just remember you being lighter." I gasped.

"Zayn Jawaad Malik. Did you just call me fat?!" I said incrediously.

"No!" He yelled as he quickly jumped up off the floor, causing me to go flying back. As I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact with the window, I was mett with a very comfy, and familliar chest.

"T-Thanks, Harry." I stuttered. Whoa, I never stuttered when I was this close to Harry. Jesus Christ, this is not happening.

'Baby, you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip you hair gets me over-whelmed. But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell...You don't know-oh-oh. You don't know you're beautiful!' My phone vibrated. As I looked up into Harry's eyes, I could clearly see the smirk tugging at his lips.

"So, my solo in 'What Makes You Beautiful' is your ringtone? My, my, Alexa. I can clearly say i'm honoured," Harry said, a teasing tone evident in his voice.

My face turned bright red as I ran out of his arms and grabbed my phone, sprinting torwards the bathroom.

As I looked at my phone, my heard nearly dropped.

1 Missed Call from 'Blake-xx'

As I entered in, 'Harry' for my phone password, I listened to the voice-mail.

"Hey Babe, it's me," Blakes irresistable voice rang through the bathroom. "Listen, about what Charlotte told you, she just made that up. You're probably thinking, 'Why would she do that?' Well, because she's in-love with me. I never cheated on you." He said. As I listened very closely to the message, I could hear a girls voice in the backround as he said, 'I never cheated on you.'

"Blake, Baby, who are you talking to?" I heard the female's voice say. My heart stopped.

"Shh, go back to bed, I'll be there in a minute," Blake whispered.

Then, his voice became more clearer. "Sorry, that was, uh, my sister." Liar! You don't have a sister. "So, Alexa, I miss you. Call me back, love."

As I dialed in those digits i've dialed so many times, I could literally feel my heart breaking. It fully shattered as a girl answered.

"Blake is unable to take your call right now, can I take a message?" She said into the phone.

"Who are you?" I said agressively into the phone as I put it on speaker. I was to angry to hold it in my shakey hands.

"I'm Blake's girl-friend, Colbie." She said in a nasaly tone. I gagged. Wow, how could he like a girl with a voice that annoying.

"Well, Colbie," I said, her name dripping with sarcasm, "We have a problem."

"Oh, we do?" She said in a bored voice. If I could punch her through this phone, she would be unconcious right now.

"Yeah. Because, well, I'm Blake's girlfriend," I said as I pressed 'End' Before I hung up, I heard her gasp.

And that's when the tears came. I didn't care if I was crying. It was morning, and I wasn't wearing make-up, so I let the tears come freely.

"Lexa! Open the door!" I heard Harry yell through the door-frame.

"No!" I cried. You could easily hear though my scratchy voice that I, indeed, had been crying.

I heard the shuffling of feet, and a click.

Harry walked into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind him.

"Baby," He cooed as he wrapped his arms around me and put me in his lap. I turned around and sobbed into his shoulder as he leaned up against the wall, his hand running up and down my spine as he whispered calming words into my ear.

"Buh, Buh, Blake cheated on me. I called him, and, and, a girl answered." I sobbed.

"I know. I was listening through the door." Harry said in a calm tone.

I wasn't mad at Harry for listening through the door, I knew one of the boys would. Besides, If I was mad at Harry, I couldn't be mad now. I was to hurt, heart-broken, and all I wanted was to be in the safest place I could think of,

Harry's Arms.

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