Chapter 6

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Heart Vacancy Chapter 6


"Alexa," Simon nodded stiffly torwards the girl who felt very vulnerable at this very moment.

"Simon," she said in the same cold tone he did.

"He's not very fond of yours and Harry's, erm, actions last night," Zayn mumbled into Alexa's ear.

She rolled her eyes and answered numbly. "No Shit."

Alexa didn't regret her actions that night, no, far from it. She just doesn't want to face the consequences. Simon now officially thought Alexa was a slag, and Harry avoids eve-contact with her. Is it because she was bad? Did Harry regret their actions?

Millions of thoughts were running through her head. She felt as if she were actually doing the running herself. Before she knew it, she collapsed on the floor, breathing out of her mouth.

"Alexa!" Liam grabbed her. All of the boys were trying to wake Alexa up, except Harry.

Harry was looking ahead, not even paying attention to the scene that was unfolding infront of him. He wasn't staring at anything particular. He was numb. Numb to the bone. He didn't know what to feel, or how to feel.

Simon clapped him on the shoulder.

"Good Job, Harry. I'm proud."

* - * - * - * - * - * - *

"Well, she will be fine. We found traces of cloroform in her lungs, but we managed to get that out. She had a serious allergic reaction. I'm glad you brought her in here, boys," the doctor said, attaching an IV from Alexa.

Niall breathed a sigh of relief.

"Whew, I thought she was going to be gone."

Louis whacked him over the head.

"Not funny, Niall."


As the boys watched Alexa, what looked like peacefully sleep, their minds all wondered to one thing.

How did she manage to breathe in cloroform?

* * * * * * *

He was pacing the room.

How could he do that to her?

He felt horrible.

No, he felt worse then horrible. As if it was even possible.

He loved her, no, loves her. How could he do that?

He knew she had a bad case of asthma. So how could he insert cloroform into her inhailer?

He ran his hands through his hair, pulling at it occasionally.

Everybody was probably wondering where he was. Why did he listen to Simon? He doesn't care if Alexa is a bad influence. Simon doesn't know what he's talking about. His mind is probably still blown from the invention of the wheel.

* * * * * * * *

"Huh, Where's...." Alexa mumbled. Her voice was weak, it was almost strained.

"You're in the hospital, babydoll," Zayn cooed into her ear.

"Harry?" She finished. The boys' faces dropped.

"Here," Harry stepped out from the shadows in the furthest corner from Alexa.

"Boys..." Alexa said, nodding her head torwards the door, motioning for them to leave.

As they exited the room, Harry sat on the edge of her, once again, hospital bed and put his head in his hands.

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