Chapter 14

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Disconnected Chapter 14

I have 69 comments and only 50 votes. :( I want a TON of votes on this one, kay? but you can still comment. :D


"Are you drunk?" Harry asked through the darkness as Alexa walked into their bedroom. His shirtless body not seen by Alexa. 

"No," she groaned. 

"It's four in the morning, Lex. What did you guys do?" 

Alexa plopped down on the floor, leaning her head against the cold wall. 

"Nothing. We did nothing. I couldn't do anything because you kept popping up in my mind. I couldn't do it," Alexa mumbled, her face being covered by her hands. 

"C'mere," Harry motioned with his arms for her to get in the bed with him. 

She shook her head. "No." 

Harry sighed as Alexa fell on the floor on her side, clutching her knees to her body. 

"Alexa," Harry cooed, pulling her into his embrace. 

"How?" She murmured. 

"How what?" He questioned. 

Harry's heart was being torn peice by peice at the scene that was unfolding infront of him. He was expecting her to get drunk, but no. She came home completely sober. He hated himself for yelling at her, he never wanted to cause her pain. His only goal was her happiness. 

"How are you in-love with a mess like me?" She asked, studying his facial expressions which was rather hard as their faces were consumed in the shadows. 

"No words can describe it, Lexa," he leaned his cheek on the top of her head, tightening their embrace. 

"Can you promise me one thing?" She asked, her voice small and slow. She was already being tugged into exhaustion.

"I'd promise you the world," he whispered. 

"Don't leave me," she whispered, barely audible; but Harry heard her, for his undivided attention was on her. 


Harry kissed her lightly on the lips as he carried her bridal style, laying her down on the bed. He laid her on her side as he spooned his body into her. 

"I love you, Alexa Aubrey Rouge."

Alexa's face carved into a smile. 

"My love for you is larger than life, Harry Edward Styles."

"To infinity and beyond," he whispered in her ear. 

"Don't be Liam," she giggled as her eyelids became heavy, and her body was completely engulfed in sleep. 


"No, we can't do that. I love her." 

Alexa groggily opened her eyes, seeing Harry pacing infront of the foot of the bed, his ohone pressed tightly to her ear. 

"Yeah, I love you, too. I don't know how she'll react," he whispered. 

Confusion spread across Alexa as she pretended to sleep, but in reality she was eavesdropping on Harry's phone conversation. 

"See you soon," Harry said. 

More chatter was heard on the other end of the conversation. 


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