Chapter 2

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Heart Vacancy Chapter 2



"Go Away."


"Go Away."


Getting sick of arguing with Louis, I got up and turned on the grinder. I could see the triumphant smile on his face as Niall clapped him on the shoulder.

As I put one oreo in the grinder, I started to laugh, just to make sure the boys, mostly Louis, knew what I was doing.

"Guess who can't have any of their precious oreos!" I sang very loudy. As if on cue, I heard Louis scream in terror.

"NO! NO! NO! NO!" Louis screamed, shoving me out of the way, causing me to slip on the rug that lay upon the floor and totally bash my head in the corner of the table.

Louis stuck his hand in the grinder, not even bothering to turn it off, causing a scream of horrible pain to errupt from is throat. He shoved his hand out of the blender with only a few scratches on his hand while my head was gushing blood. I lifted my hand to feel the hot, wet liquid slide inbetween my fingers.

"Oh," I said. "I'm bleeding." Black dots swarmed my vision.

"Shit! Harry! Liam! Zayn! Niall, call 911!" Louis cursed, lifting my head and resting it in his lap. A wave of exhaustion came over me, my eyes started to get heavy, and I found it harder to breath.

"Wha- Oh. Oh. Bloody Hell," Harry yelled immediately rushing over to my side. I reached up my hand and brushed a stray curl from Harry's forehead.

"Hazza, i'll be fin-" but before I could finish my sentence, the black dots took over my vision and I felt myself being engulfed in a pit of darkness.


"Oh, thank god. She's awake," a familiar voice said. Someone touched my hand. I twitched and opened my eyes.

"Wh-Where am I?" I asked, getting up and rubbing my head, only to find bandages wrapped securely around it.

"Hospital," a boy said, who I reconized as Zayn. He must have been the one who grasped my hand.

"How?" I wondered outloud. I saw three other boys around my bed, looking very tired might I add.

"I'm sorry!" Louis blurted. Then it all came back to me.

The oreos, the grinder, the blood...

"AH!" I screamed. "The, the, blood..." I said and ripped the needles out of my arm. I tried to get out of bed but Niall pushed me down.

"Liam! Press the red button!" Niall instructed Liam in his irresistable irish accent.

"No!" I screamed. "No! Let me go!"

"What's happening?" Harry yelled, standing in the doorway.

Niall motioned for Harry to help hold me down. He looked into my eyes and cupped my face.

"Alexa, Alexa, it's me." He said, desperately looking into my eyes.

"No! I don't know who you are!" I screamed, jerking my head out of his grasp. His hands dropped to his sides. He just stood there, by the side of the bed. I continued to scream and try to get out of Niall's grasp on me.


3rd Person Point Of View-

Zayn was off to get a doctor, Liam was standing there, pushing the red button repeatedly, and Niall was holding back tears as he held his bestfriend down on the bed as she thrashed and screamed. Harry, oh Harry. He looked at the poor girl on the bed, the heart monitor was beeping very fast, much like Harry's heart.

While Niall was holding back tears, Harry was letting them run freely down is red, puffy cheeks. He wasn't sobbing, he was silent. Staring at the girl who forgot about him. As she told him she didn't know who he was, Harry felt his heart drop. As if the impact wasn't enough for the heart to make Harry endure, he could feel it breaking also.

Zayn walked in, his hand gripped tight on the doctors forearm.

"I'm here!" The doctor said and immediately went to Alexa's side. Harry stormed out of the room, angerly wiping tears from his eyes.

If she forgets me, fine. He thought. Then i'll forget her.


"Harry, Mate, Where are you?" Louis asked through the phone, very worried about his Harry.

"I'm fine." Harry assured. "Just at our flat. How's Alexa?"

"Temporary memory loss. She should get her memory back by Wednesday. Saturday, the latest. She only remembers Niall and Zayn though, because I was always with Eleanor, and Liam was always with Danielle," Harry's best friend answered.

"But then why did she forget me?" Harry said into the phone hoping there would be a resonable explanation to his question.

"I don't know, mate. I gotta go, Zayn needs me. See you Haz," Louis said into the phone, almost sounding as enthusiastic as he normally is.

"Okay bye Lou."

Harry snapped his phone shut, and banged his head on the table.

"No. No, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening. Harry thought.

I can't last without her. It hurt seeing her scream and struggle. Now, how is he supposed to see her if she doesn't remember me? Harry thought.

"I-I, I think I love her." Harry mumbled to himself as he snuggled into bed, wearing his heart on his sleeve.


Author's Note: Short? I know. Sorry! Thanks for reading. Do you have any ideas? PM me!


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