Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 Heart Vacancy I decided to update early since I got a bunch of FB likes. (:


"Room Rules!" Liam stepped into the middle of the little circle. 

The lot had just  arrived at the beach house, and as usual, Liam was laying down the law. 

"Danielle and I will be rooming together, because we are responsible."

Everybody rolled their eyes. 

"Dibs on rooming with Alexa!" Harry shot his hand up, smiling triumphantly. 

Liam averted his gaze on Harry. "Yeah, no. Alexa will be rooming with Eleanor," Liam stated. 

Eleanor and Alexa exchanged bright smiles as Louis and Harry groaned in unison. 

"That's not fair!" Louis exclaimed, dropping to his knees. "Eleanor is my girlfriend! Not Alexa's!"

Alexa smirked. "Haven't you heard?" She questioned. "Eleanor and I are bi." Eleanor kissed Alexa's cheek. 

"That's hot," Zayn mumbled. Niall hit in on the shoulder. 

Harry's jaw dropped. 

"Kidding," Alexa said, wrapping her arms around Harry's waist. "Liam, just let Louis and Eleanor room together. I want to be with Harry anyway."

Liam groaned. "Fine!"

The rooming situations were simple. Liam and Danielle, Louis and Eleanor, Harry and Alexa, and Zayn and Niall. 

After all the clothes were all unloaded, Alexa laid back on the bed, obviously exhausted. She stared blankly at the ceiling as Harry drew small circles with his thumb on her thigh. 

Alexa thought of the dream she had in the hospital. She didn't tell anybody. She feared they would have thought she went bonkers. Alexa thought of her mum. She missed her so much, it wasn't even healthy. Alexa thought of her family. Immediately, the boys popped into her mind, and so did her mothers words. 

'They need you more than me.'

How did they need Alexa more than her mom? They had it all. She could easily leave and they would be unfazed. They had the money, fame, the girls. Alexa bet if she left Harry would easily replace her, and looze all feeling for her. 

"What?" Harry asked, leaning up from laying on Alexa's chest. 

Alexa bit her lip.  She didn't think she said that out-loud. 

"Alexa, don't even think that for a second," He said, looking into her eyes. Alexa averted her gaze to his arms that were firmly wrapped around her waist. 

"I love you," he mumbled, looking away from her. 

Alexa slightly smiled. "I love you too, Harry." 

Harry pressed his lips her Alexa's, passion erupting through-out both of them. Harry's grasp on her waist tightened as Alexa lost her hands in his irresistable curls. 

Harry reluctantly pulled his lips off hers and laying his head in her lap. 

"Don't leave me," Harry whispered, barely audible, but Alexa heard him. Alexa ran her hands through his curls. 

"Not anytime soon."


"Niall! That was my marshmallow!" Zayn exclaimed, hitting Niall with his toasting stick.  Niall just grinned, his mouth full of gooey goodness. 

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