Chapter 5

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"It's always darkest, before the dawn."


"Alexa, you're going to have to come out of your room. Liam and Zayn went back to their flat, and Louis is trying to calm down Harry," Niall called through the door.

Alexa was curled up in her room in Niall's flat. She cringed at the mention of Harry. She was numb, and didn't reply to Niall's constant pleas for her to come out of her room.

"That's it," Niall yelled. "Where's that skeleton key?" he mummbled to himself.

Alexa was aware of what would unfold next. Niall would unlock her door, see her blood stained sheets and arms, call the boys, and have Liam use the first-aid kit on her.

"Holy mother of Leprechauns..." Nial started, his words being stolen out of his mouth. The poor irish boy didn't know how to react to the sight infront of him. She promised she was done with that kind of stuff.

Niall picked up Alexa bridal-style and sat her up on the couch. She didn't flinch, move, cringe, nothing. She felt paralyzed from the inside out.

"Yeah, Code red. she's done it again," Niall whispered into the phone. He snapped it shut. Niall entered the kitchen and returned to Alexa with a couple of wet paper towels, applying them to Alexa's wrists to cease the bleeding.

He engulfed her in his comforting arms.

"It's okay, babydoll. I'm here. Don't worry. Nothing's gonna hurt you," he cooed into her ear.

They both heard the pounding of footsteps entering their flat. Four bous were staning infront of Alexa and Niall. One boy in particular didn't look too thrilled to be here until he saw Alexa. Harry's face softened, and he sprinted for the first-aid kit. None of the boys saw Harry's sudden change in emotion, as they were all looking at Alexa, but Louis. Louis smiled to himself. He knew it.

Harry returned back and took Alexa from Niall's grasp.

As Harry applied the rubbing alchohol to her wrists, he whispered so quietly so only Alexa could here him.

"Why? How could you do this again? You promised me you'd stop," Harry whispered, holding back tears.

"I don't remember telling you that," she replied in the same low whisper as Harry.

Harry rubbed the band-aids to make sure they were secure and stood up, bringing Alexa with him.

He kissed her cheek. "Come with me," Harry whispered in her ear and left the apartment with Alexa in tow, leaving four boys baffled.


Harry and Alexa were at a small, abandoned cafe. They were looking at eachother across lattes.

"Tell me," Harry said softly. "Tell me why."

She stared at him. "I can't tell you anything unless I now what you're talking about."

"Tell me why I can't live without you."

Once again, she just stared at him.

"Not until you can tell me why it hurt me so much when you blew me off earlier," she retorted, leaning back and crossing her arms.

"It's simple. You're just like every other girl in the world. You're in-love with me," he smirked.

"Well then, Mr. Styles. The reason you can't live without me is because you love me.'

The smirk was instantly whiped off his face and he leaned torward her.

"No, seriously. I died inside when I saw you on the floor the day of the incident, but I think you're right. I think I am in-love with you. You don't have to return the favour, because you probably don't remember me that much," He looked down torwards his twiddling thumbs.

"I remember you. I remember you taking me to the 6th grade dance. I remember you almost drowning me in 8th grade because you thought it was a great idea to sit on me underwater. I remember our first kiss we shared underneath the moonlight Junior year when we went skinny dipping. I remember the bigs things Harry, and I want you to help me remember the rest."

As life was going in slow-motion, Harry and Alexa leaned torwards eachother. Once they were only a hairs distance apart, they both closed their eyes and filled the gap between their lips. They both stood up and Harry wove his arms around her waist, filling up any possible space between them.

Fireworks erupted between them. Their tounges exploring eachother's mouth. Alexa brought her hands up to Harry's neck and ran her fingers through his luscious brown curls. Harry moaned, loving the touch of her skin, and vice versa.

"There's a hotel about two minutes away," Harry said, out of breath.

"Okay, let's go."

As they both ran for the hotel, the nights events would be a blur for the both of them.


Alexa woke up to a moan/chewbacca noise. She looked over to see Harry sitting up, his shirtless body glistening in the sun rays leaking through the slightly parted drapes.

She sat up, too. Covering her naked body with the duvet. Harry leaned over and kissed her neck. She giggled.

"Last night..." Harry started. Alexa just rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to go make coffee," She stated as she got up, wrapping the duvet around her body. Leaving Harry with a thin sheet.

"I'm pitching a tent here and all you give me is a thin peice of fabric?" Harry yelled.

"Gross!" Alexa yelled.

'Baby, you light up my world like nobody else. The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhel-'

"Hello?" Alexa answered into the phone.

"Babygirl, where are you? Did Harry hurt you in any way?" Zayn's worried voice filled her ears.

"Well, it did hurt at first, but then it actually felt kin-" She started until she got cut off by a high pitched scream.

"YOU DID NOT DO WHAT I THINK YOU DID," Louis yelled, more like screamed, into the phone.

"Well, I know what you and Eleanor did last Friday," Alexa stated matter-of-factly into the phone.

"Whatever. We gotta go. I'm just gonna pray you used protection."

Before Alexa could answer, her phone made several long beeps, indicating that Louis had indeed hung up on her.

Suddenly, Alexa felt goosebumps rise on her body.

"Harry! Give me back the blanket!"

"I like this look. You should wear nothing more often," Harry said as he hugged her from behind.

"I have a feeling that's how it's gonna be if I stay with you, now, put on your clothes."

"Fine. Oh, did I help you remember anything?" Harry winked, mentioning last night's converstaion.

"More than I needed to remember."


This chapter was very awkward to write, but it had to be in here. Sorry if I mentally disturbed you!

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