Chapter 17

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Chapter 16 Disconnected

Go fan @rainolivejuice because she won my new character contest! 


"I love Bruno Mars," Alexa randomly blurted out, breaking the silence between all of them in the living room. 

Harry laughed. "You love American boys, don't you?"

Alexa shook her head. "Not true. I love Olly," Alexa laughed, laying her head on Olly's shoulder. 

Olly smiled. 

"Oi! Mate! I think Olly is taking your girl!" Louis laughed. Harry narrowed his eyes at Olly. 

"You better not."

Alexa leaned up from Olly and layed a quick kiss on Harry's lips. Even though it was a quick kiss, it still sent the butterflies in his stomach into a frenzy. 

"I want coffee,"  Eleanor stated. 

"I second that!" Danielle raised her hand, standing up from Liam's lap. 

Everyone nodded in agreement as Alexa got up. 

"Starbucks?" She questioned. 

Zayn got up and threw Alexa over his shoulder. "Leggo!" 

Everyone laughed at Alexa's weak attempts to have Zayn put her down. Zayn shook his head at her pleas and set her down in the passenger seat of the van. 


As the lot walked into Starbucks, they were hit with the intoxicated smell of coffee. 

"Mmmm," Niall moaned. 

Liam rolled his eyes. 

"I'll order for everyone," Niall offered. 

After everyone had told Niall their coffee requests, he went to the counter. 

Niall stopped dead in his tracks, staring at the display case with various pastries and other goods that Niall absoloutley lived for. Everyone groaned. 

Alexa rolled her eyes and went up to the counter and ordered. 

"One mocha-" Alexa was cut off. 

"Alexa?" the barista asked. 

Alexa looked up from the crumbled peice of paper that had everyone's order on them. 


The barista smiled brightly. "Hey!" 

Alexa gasped. "Oh My God, it's you!" 

Niall looked up. "It's who?" 

The whole lot was confused as Alexa and Annabelle talked away. 

Alexa snapped out of their conversation. "Sorry! This is Annabelle! We became mates in Sweden when I went there to study theatre. Remember?" Alexa asked, turning her head and smiling brightly at Annabelle. 

Annabelle's eyes scanned the people infront of her until her eyes met a certain Irish blonde. 

Annabelle nudged Alexa in the side with her elbow. "Who's he?"

Alexa furrowed her eyebrows until she realized who she was looking at. "That's Niall. I see you've taken a fancy to him?"

Annabelle looked down, her hair shielding her flaming cheeks.  "No."

Niall was staring at Annabelle, her long black hair flowing effortlessly down her shoulders. Her peircing green eyes were as bright as Harry's. To sum it all up, she was beautiful. 

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