Chapter 19

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Heya Guise! I entered this in the Watty Awards! :D Dont forget to vote for this story in the @1DSummerAwards under the Harry catergory! ! You can vote for it up to 4 times! I really want to win! <3 xx!p=2 (: 


-Four Years Later-

"Alexa!" Damien yelled. 

Alexa trudged down the stairs, not wanting to know what was about to happen. 

It's been four years since she saw the boys. In person, of course. One Direction was now bigger than ever, and they were on every TV, Bilboard, newspaper, magazine, you name it, they were somehow in it. 

"What is this?" Damien motioned to the sink full of dishes. 

"I had a long day yesterday, I forgot. I'll clean then up right now," Alexa whispered, heading over to the sink. 

Alexa had just pssed Damien when he yanked her arm, practically throwing her infront of him. She weakly stood up. 

Damien scowled and swung his arm, his first coliding with Alexa's jaw. A loud snap erupted through the house. 

"You're worthless," he muttered darkly in her ear as she lay motionless on the floor. 

"Hope you have a nice life," he mocked and walked out the door, slamming it in the process. 

Alexa eternally smiled. He was finally gone. The three years of verbal, and physical abuse was now over. 

She felt relieved. Relieved that she didn't have to get beaten everynight due to her being a human and accidentally forgeting the little things. 

Alexa looked down at her battered and bruised body. She knew he was going to come back and kick her out, so she grabbed her bags and packed. The feeling felt familliar as she folded her clothes into her suitcase. She was running away. Again. Except this time, she had to. 

Not a day went by when Alexa's mind drifted off to what her life would have been like if she did stay with the boys. Would it be worse or better than the life she had now. Would she be neglected by everybody when the boys went on tour? or would she be offered to go with them?

Alexa shook the thoughts out of her head. She didn't need to be focused on that right now. No, she needed to be focused on packing her luggage and getting the hell out of this house. 


"Room 365, floor 18," the lady at the front desk told her, eyeing the bruises on her arms as she reached for her room keys. 

"Thank you," she whispered. 

As Alexa slid the roomkey into the room, she was met with five familliar faces. 

"Uh.." She trailed off. 

"This is our room," Zayn stated, pausing the x-box. 

"Uh, no it's not," Alexa said, waving the roomkey in the air, showing him it was her room. "It's mine."

Harry stood up and stood infront of her. He was now a good five or six inches taller than her. 

"I have a bubble," Alexa laughed dryly. 

Alexa looked up to meet his eyes and she saw realization clear in his. 

"No way.." he whispered, backing up. 

Alexa looked down. 

"Who's at the door..." Niall trailed off, walking out of the bathroom. 

"Whoah," Louis said, standing beside Harry. 

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