Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to To all the Directioners. For inspiring me. <3

Heart Vacancy-Chapter 4


"Guess who gets out of the hospital today?" Zayn sang as he walked into Alexa's hospital room.

Alexa bit her lip, pretending to think.

"I give up," Alexa said.

"My babygirl of course!" Zayn yelled.

It's been two weeks. Alexa's memory has returned, partially. She remembers Harry, obviously, but only little bits. Not the childhood.


"Hazza! Alexa is coming home today!" Louis chirped into the phone.

"She's leaving tour and going back to Australia?" Harry asked. "Finally," he murmurmed.

Louis rolled his eyes. Why was Harry so stubborn? His bestfriend, or used to be bestfriend had regained her memory and he's being a total dick about it. Alexa has been asking non-stop about Harry, and Harry has just been saying that he doesn't care. But Louis knew better. He knew Harry's heart lurched and ached for Alexa. Her touch, her voice, her laugh, Harry hadn't heard in twelve days, and Louis knew it was killing him.

"Harry," Louis sternly said, "What the hell is up your butt? The other guys may not notice it, but I do. You miss Alexa. You don't want to forget her. You're mad at yourself for letting her get away so easily."

Harry fake laughed on the other line.

"You see, my carrot loving bestfriend, that's exactly where you're wrong. I couldn't care less about Alexa. She means nothing to me. NOTHING to me. I don't care about her. I don't know what I saw in he-"

Louis had had enough. "Shut up! Harry, you're so stubborn! You can say all you want about Alexa, but they're all lies! I know you! You care for her! You have feelings for her! I'm not going to let you throw away such a big part of your life because of her! She's the inspiration for our songs! We're not fully One Direction without Alexa! So don't you ever tell me you don't care about her."

Harry was silent on the other end of the line. It appeared he was thinking.

"I guess you don't know me as much I thought you did."

Harry hung up.

Louis entered the hospital room. Zayn was helping Alexa button up her shirt since her arms and legs felt like jello, due to laying in bed for practically two weeks straight. Louis was angerly girpping his phone. Niall was surprised it wasn't crushed yet. Even though Louis did not show it, he had a temper, and he didn't like it.

"Come on my Bradford Bad Boi, Niall, Liam, Louis. I wanna get out of this hell hole!" Alexa yelled, walking down the hallway with the four other boys in tow.


"I swear to god I didn't know! We used a condom! I didn't think it would break!" Zayn quoted a soap opera on TV.

"I'm pregnant! You Jerk! Did you even care about me?" Alexa quoted as she took a swig of her ginger ale.

"Okay, lovebirds. Lets go find Harry," Liam said, walking into the room, his nose stuck in his phone.

Zayn rolled his eyes as Alexa jumped off the couch.

"Harry?! We're going to see Harry?" Alexa yelled, jumping over the back of the couch James Bond style.

"Duh," Niall replied, a chicken leg in his right hand.

As they all piled into the car, Alexa didn't know what to think. Louis explained everything thats happened so far, and she was confused. How could she remember all the other boys, when, according to Louis, Harry was the most important one in her life? Alexa pondered on the thought as they pulled up to Louis' and Harry's flat.

"Come Along, Love," Zayn said in a posh manner as he grabbed Alexa's hand and helped her out of the vehicle.

"Why, thank you kind sir," Alexa giggled.


"Harry's just in his room. Alexa, I think you should go see him. I have to discuss sound-check with the boys," Louis said as he guided her to Harry's room, his hand on her lower back.

"He's in an emotional state right now, so watch what you say," Louis winked.

Alexa laughed. "It sounds like he's on his period."

Louis shook his head and walked back into the living room with the other boys.

Alexa took a deep breath and opened the door.

There, she saw something she didn't know how to comprehend.

(Play Video On The Side Now!)

Harry was there, on the floor, hunched over what looked to be like a picture, singing an unfamilliar song.

"Harry..." Alexa whispered, barely audible, but Harry heard the disturbance in his room.

Their eyes met, and you could cut the tension in the room with a knife. Harry quickly shoved the picture he was previously looking at in his back pocket and stood up abruptly.

"Alexa," He nodded torwards her, no emotion evident in his voice or facial features.

He moved past her quickly and exited the room, leaving Alexa alone.

She felt small. She felt lonely. Sure, she didn't remember the memories with Harry, and Harry had knowledge of this, but did he have to act so cold to her? The fragile girl fell to her knees, tears threatening to spill. Why was she crying? She doesn't remember Harry enough for him to make her cry. Yes, he had a piece of her heart, but there was one question fluttering through her mind. A question that was like an impossible code to decipher. A lock she couldn't pick. A vault she couldn't break.

He had a peice of her heart, but did he have enough of it to just run away?


"Harry!" Louis yelled after his best-friend as he stormed out of the house. Before Harry slammed the door, he yelled, "Don't bring her here ever again!"

Alexa, who was standing in the hallway, welcomed the tears that were spilling down her cheeks. The boys looked backa t her as she choked on a sob.

"Babydoll," Liam murmured as he wrapped his arms around her. Soon enough, the other boys minus Harry, had done the same thing to the weeping girl.

They were all embracing Alexa with loving arms, and Alexa kept whispering, over and over again.

"What did I do wrong?"

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