Chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to To Everyone Who is Struggling. Stay Strong. <3

Disconnected Chapter 13

Quick Author's Note!

In the first chapter, Alexa's boyfriend was Lucas, but in Chapter 2, his name was Blake. The reason for that is because my ex's name is Lucas. Some girl from my school found this story and told him, I won't tell you the details of what he did, but I changed it to Blake. (:

Now, READ. 


Alexa looked out at the raging sea. The boys were scrambling around, preparing for their beach concert that was in a few hours. 

Leaning against the balcony's railing, Alexa inhaled deeply, breathing in the fresh sea air. Her hair was being whipped around by the wind, but she didn't mind. It looked as if it were going to storm; which made Alexa want to stay outside longer. She wasn't sure what  is was about storms, maybe it was the exhilirating lightning, or the heart pounding thunder, but she simply adored stormes.  

Ruining the moment, her phone vibrated violently in her back pocket, making her jump. She quickly unlocked her phone, entering her password 'HARRY'

New Text Message From- Unknown

Go to listen to the following song. 

Alexa clicked the link, the voice of Olly Murs coming out of her speakers. 

' Cause I Don't Know, If I can Stop Now,'

Alexa closed her eyes, listening to Olly's melodic voice. 

'You Got Me Dreaming Of A Life That Anybody Else Would Die For,'

The song ended, much to Alexa's dismay. 

The boys would be touring with Olly soon, and after hearing that song, Olly Murs was now officially her idol. 

"Love, what are you doing?"

Alexa whipped her head around torward the direction the voice was coming from. 

"Oh Hey, Lou."

"What were you just playing?" Louis questioned, coping Alexa's body language. 

"Olly Murs," She stated. 

"We're going on tour with him this summer," Louis replied, running his hand through his hair. 

"I know, I'm going to stalk him."

Louis laughed. "You do know we can introduce you, y'know."

Alexa shook her head. "I wanna be a spy. Thus meaning I will stalk him."

Louis shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever floats your boat, princess."

Alexa smiled. "You think i'm a princess?" 

Louis gave her a side-hug. 

"That what Harry refers to you as."

Alexa blushed a deep crimson.

"Are you guys..?" 

Alexa nodded. 

Louis jumped up and down, their serious moment fading away due to his inner-child. 

"Just so you know, I've always wanted to be an uncle."

Alexa slapped him on the shoulder as he scurried out of the room, his thunderous laughs echoing  the house. 

Alexa pondered on the thought that popped into her mind. 

Would Harry want to settle down with Alexa? Spend the rest of his life with her? Did he consider her wife material?

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