The Other Side Of The Interview.

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So, from a fellow wattpad user requested this. Hopefully you guys know how much I hate not writing in 3rd person, so this will be in 3rd person, but mostly aimed at Harry.

This is his view on the interview~


Tension was what filled the air as the boys piled into the limo for their interview.

You could easily tell everyone was nervous. Whether it was them twiddling their thumbs or bouncing their knees up and down. They all had a different way of showing their pre-interview jitters. 

Harry was especially nervous. Tonight was the night that his and Alexa's relationship would either get stronger or crumble. The thought of loosing her made him sick to his stomach. He would feel like a total asshole if this whole idea didn't go as planned. Breaking her heart, seeing her cry, even making her frown just tears him apart. He didn't know how to deal with anything if this doesn't work.

"Are you sure about this, mate?" Louis said, incertainty evident in his tone of voice.

Harry gulped and looked up at Louis. He gave a shaky thumbs up and took a deep breath, before trailing behind the other lads into the building.


'One Direction on in 2!' what seemed like a stage manager yelled as she held two cups of coffee in her hands.

Harry blew out a breath and ruffled his hair, a habit he did when he was nervous; or in this case, scared.

Niall clapped him on the shoulder as he headed over to the food table.

Zayn walked up to him and stood by him, his arms crossed as he looked out amongst the crowd.

"Everything's going to be fine," Zayn reassured as he kept his eyes fixated on the ever-growing crowd. Harry was eternally thanking him for not making eye contact. There was something about Zayn's deep brown eyes that made him want to break down whenever something was wrong. Harry believed that Zayn was aware of that weakness.

"How can you be so sure?" Harry managed to get out without his voice breaking. Zayn just simply shrugged.

"I just can. You can see the love in her eyes when she looks at you. Hell, you guys took eachother's virginity."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Gee, Thanks," he spat.

Zayn raised his hands in surrender. "Just trying to help."

With those few words being said, Zayn walked off to go goof with Liam, something the two often did to get their minds off things.

Louis walked up besides Harry, looking at him in the corner of his eye.

"Do you really love her enough to put her and you through this?" Louis asked. You could tell it was a bad descision on Harry's part. He wished he didn't have to do this as much as Harry did, perhaps more.

"It's the only way."

"Mate, there's plenty of other-" Louis was interrupted by Harry's cold tone.

"It's the only way."

Louis sighed. "It's not. But it's not my descision. It's yours. Do you really want to put her through this? Despite all the shit she's gone through because of you, this is just the cherry on top. Just think about it, yeah?"

Harry avoided eye contact, fearful that he might cry.

"You're on," Some stage-hand notified them. Louis gave Harry a small sad smile before walking out on stage.

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